Athene stretches out on the lawn to relax...

Athene Perthro

Well-Known Member
Athene stretched out on the lawn, her pointed witches hat over her face to keep off the sun, and Artemis slithering over her chest, it's thin green body reflecting the sun light.

She was singing softly to herself, a nursery rhyme her mother had sung to her when she was little. Only she was singing in parselmouth rather than English.
Lilia went to the lawn were she can write on her journal when she spotted a girl in a slytherin uniform "Nice singing there!" Lilia said smiling
Athene coughed and sat up abruptly. She hadn't thought anyone to be near by. She pulled of her hat, a pale pink tinge on her cheeks, and glared at the girl.
"Are you mocking me?" She said fiercely, gripping her wand tight inside her robe pocket.
Sam was walking around the lawn when he saw to girls talking. He could here one of them say, Nice singing there!. After that the other girl responded by saying, Are you mocking me?. "I actually think she was giving you a complement. I don't think she wanted to moke you in any sort of way." Sam said once he had walked close enough so the two girls could here him.
Athene glared at the boy as he approached.
"And who're you, her boyfriend?" She said roughly, and blushed a little harder. She was NOT going to be mocked by someone from another house. Or worse yet, complimented.
"It's really none of you business who I am." Sam snapped at her."All I was saying was that she wans't mocking you."
"How do you know that, you only just arrived!" Athene snapped back. Damn she hated Huffelpuffs and their 'everyone is good except Athene' theory.
"No I'm sorry, Im not mocking you, I just thought your singing was very nice" Lilia said bowing her head and saw a boy arrived saying "I actually think she was giving you a complement. I don't think she wanted to moke you in any sort of way." and Athene responding "And who're you, her boyfriend?" "Hey! were not! We didn't met except for now, look Im sorry I didnt mean to" Lilia said standing up going away to avoid any fight to start "Oh and Hi there, sorry for what happen" Lilia said talking to the boy.
Athene Perthro said:
"Are you mocking me?" She said fiercely, gripping her wand tight inside her robe pocket.
(NAH, I'll be the one mocking you!!! (OOC, of course)

Which wand would that be??? :p From your other posts around Hogsmeade and Alicia's office, I was kind of under the impression that you (with your haughty little attitude) were having trouble buying one!!! =)) Hope you don't take this the wrong way, it's just the I enjoy reading your posts and as a Prefect always have to resist the urge to butt in and "attempt" to put you in your place. Enjoy the RP you three!)
Bruin Dumbledez said:
Athene Perthro said:
"Are you mocking me?" She said fiercely, gripping her wand tight inside her robe pocket.
(NAH, I'll be the one mocking you!!! (OOC, of course)

Which wand would that be??? :p From your other posts around Hogsmeade and Alicia's office, I was kind of under the impression that you (with your haughty little attitude) were having trouble buying one!!! =)) Hope you don't take this the wrong way, it's just the I enjoy reading your posts and as a Prefect always have to resist the urge to butt in and "attempt" to put you in your place. Enjoy the RP you three!)
No I'm sorry, Im not mocking you, I just thought your singing was very nice. The other girl said. "Maybe that's why!" Sam said after the girl had finished. "Anyway I'm Sam by the way." Sam said to the girl who looked like she was in Gryffindor.

((( =)) that is funny Bruin.)))
"Oh yah! My name is Lilia, Im from Griffyndor" Lilia said "What brought here? Oh, and Im sorry you got involve here" Lilia added trying to move away from where Athene is.
"Oh, by the way gotta go!" Lilia said holding her journal "And Im sorry again Athene" Lilia said "Nice to meet you Sam! See you around" Lilia added as she waved to him and went back to the castle.
Sam Britton said:
Bruin Dumbledez said:
Athene Perthro said:
"Are you mocking me?" She said fiercely, gripping her wand tight inside her robe pocket.
(NAH, I'll be the one mocking you!!! (OOC, of course)

Which wand would that be??? :p From your other posts around Hogsmeade and Alicia's office, I was kind of under the impression that you (with your haughty little attitude) were having trouble buying one!!! =)) Hope you don't take this the wrong way, it's just the I enjoy reading your posts and as a Prefect always have to resist the urge to butt in and "attempt" to put you in your place. Enjoy the RP you three!)
No I'm sorry, Im not mocking you, I just thought your singing was very nice. The other girl said. "Maybe that's why!" Sam said after the girl had finished. "Anyway I'm Sam by the way." Sam said to the girl who looked like she was in Gryffindor.

((( =)) that is funny Bruin.)))
((lol XD I was kind of hoping I could consider those posts as 'before lessons' and treat them as though they happened a long time ago :3 It seems I got Athene in a bit of a fix there))

Athene scowled as Lilia walked away, and glared at the Huffelpuff boy.
"Why're you still here?" she snapped.
Sam had forgotten about Athene being there. "Oh I forgot you where even here." Sam stated coldly.
Athene snorted loudly. "You only spoke to me a few seconds ago. Your memory is appalling. No wonder your a Huffelpuff."
"My memory is not appalling! I simple prefer to forget about rude and intolerable people, such as you!" Sam said with a disgusted face.
Athene laughed loudly.

"Whatever. Now you best get going before I think of a spell to use on you."
Sam couldn't help but laugh at Athene's last comment,"Oh! I dare you to try and cast a spell to use on me!."You have to remember that you ARE not the only person with a wand here!" Sam said taking his wand out of his pocket, he would be ready if Athene tried anything.
Athene raised an eyebrow, but didn't draw her own wand. Yet. She remembered the last time she had used a stunning spell, it had been on a Huffelpuff girl. Or had she been a Ravenclaw?

She was surprised she hadn't gotten detention.

"Playing the Gryfindor are we now? Some Huffelpuff you are." She said mockingly.
Sam was beginning to get annoyed by Athene,"Just because I know how to stand up for myself does not mean I am not a loyal and true Hufflepuff!"." Of course I wouldn't expect some like you to understand what the word loyal means. I wouldn't be surprised if every Hufflepuff had more loyalty than you!".He then noticed how Athene hadn't taken out her wand and he couldn't help but laugh more.

(((and I hope that made sence. :D )))
Athene snorted.
"What do you know? but then, you ARE a Huffelpuff," she said. "You're all a bunch of boring idiots."

She laughed loudly.

"I'm loyal to Slytherin, thank you very much."
((( *rubs hands together maniacally* I can't wait to have Athene in DADA, will she hate my guts for being a Gryffindor HoH or respect me as her superior? :-? The mystery will be solved. )))

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