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Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (16)
Tempest had been surprised she'd mustered up the courage to ask Lucy to the Yule Ball. She'd never gone to a dance with anyone before, as long as you didn't count the partner costume with June that one time, and she was excited to have an actual date. The Slytherin stood by the doorway of the Great Hall waiting for Lucy to arrive, nervously twirling the bottom of her hair.
Lucy had honestly been ecstatic to be asked to the yule ball, and she still was, albeit with a healthy dose of nerves. She wondered if her dress was too much - a clean, sleeveless white that flowed elegantly down her body in a slim silhouette. It was chosen now, and there wasn't much she could do about it. She took her time getting ready and then headed down to the great hall. Her heeled sandals clacked against the stone, each footstep her pulse seeming to increase. She made it to the ground floor, noticing Tempest there, her nerves were nudged out of the way for a moment as a smile grew across Lucy's face. "Hi," she said, "you look wonderful." Lucy felt heat rise to her cheeks - she'd said it without thinking and hoped it was okay with Tempest.
Tempest had gone for a white top and a gold skirt with a swirling pattern, but she hadn't wanted to focus on standing out too much tonight. Her bigger concern was making sure she had fun with Lucy, and seeing as she wasn't a big fashion girl anyway, the outfit seemed alright. She saw Lucy walk towards her and gave her a smile, rubbing her hands to flatten her skirt nervously as she was complimented. "Thanks, you look, well, you look beautiful," she replied, figuring it was okay to call the girl she'd asked on a date that. "We kind of match," she suggested pointing out her white top and knowing they hadn't planned outfits together. "Do you want anything to drink?"
Lucy smiled, liking that they'd managed to match without even talking about it. "We do match!" she said excitedly, then tried to calm herself down a bit. She didn't know if Tempest liked her when she was excitable, maybe it was annoying. Lucy couldn't help but recognise that Tempest was older and hence probably more mature. "Yeah, a drink would be nice," Lucy then replied with a bright smile. "Do you dance, uh, by the way? I know some people don't like it."
Tempest was glad things seemed to be going well so far. She had dreamed up a few scenarios that made her think the whole thing would end up being a disaster from the start, as she had never dated before and had clearly mistaken cues from people in the past. But so far, it was okay. The Slytherin led them over towards the table with the drinks, grabbing one for Lucy and holding it out for her while she grabbed another for herself. "Umm, I mean, I like dancing. I've just... well, I've never danced with someone so if like a slow song comes on or something, I may not be the best dance partner," she fumbled out, taking a quick sip of her punch. She did want to dance with Lucy, but she was also super worried about embarassing herself in front of the school in some way. While she had been changing over the past year or so, she still didn't want to give anyone a reason to make fun of her or assume she wasn't tough.
((sorry this took a while, I'm having a tough week))

Lucy took the drink happily, listening to Tempest as she talked. She took a sip of the drink - it was pleasant, as usual. She nodded, flushing slightly at the idea of slow dancing together but trying to keep a level head. "We can always skip if it gets to be slow. I know how to waltz a bit but...they don't usually let girls lead so I wouldn't really know how to do that." She let out a nervous laugh. "I'm happy just to dance with you in general. Um." Her blushing intensified, but hopefully it wasn't too obvious over the makeup she was wearing.
no worries at all

Tempest was confused when Lucy suggested that they skip instead of dance. She wasn't sure if that was some witchy dance she'd yet to learn, but she didn't want to seem clueless. "Well, I don't know how to skip dance or waltz either," she said, taking a sip of her punch as the music changed to something more upbeat. "Do you want to dance to this?" she asked gesturing to the air as something with a little bit more percussion came on.
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