Asking For A Chance

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus hated the fact he needed to speak to the Transfiguration professor. One Professor Styx. He just hadn't realised he needed to get an E in the sixth year exam to be ablr to do the NEWT and though he had no intention of working hard at the NEWT to do any better, he just wanted to learn Transfiguration, it was a useful class for him to do to try and learn more from. He arrived at the professor's door and took a moment to steel himself, to straighten up and then he knocked, waiting to hear the professor's voice before he stepped inside.
Styx was prepping for the new semester, with him teaching the fifth years and the seventh years. After the seventh years, no one else would have known him as the former DADA professor, and the Slytherin Head of House. Unless rumors remained, and more generation students from where he taught their parents. He heard a knock on the door, which made him pause in his writing. He waved his gloved hand at the door to open it to reveal one of the seventh years. Right, this one made an Acceptable. "What is it?" Styx asked, his cold tone unwavering.
Seamus looked at the man, who greeted him with a cold tone. "It's about the transfiguration NEWT, I know I only got an A, but I'd really like to give the NEWT a chance, I think I can pass it, and I'd like to try," he said, not trying to give an excuse for why he'd only gotten an A for the sixth year exam, and just wanting to say that he wanted a chance to try. If he failed that wouldn't be on the professor that would be on him.
It did not surprise him that Reid would come in, asking to join his NEWT course. Styx thought about it, and he could tell that Reid's mistakes were on him, not Styx's. At least he was honest. "I'll give you a chance. Conjure a green rose, and a bird in front of me, and if you succeed, you may attend the NEWT level course." It was a simple test, to him. And it helped cover the lesson material that he taught the previous year. If Reid could do this, he would not too many issues in the NEWT course.
Seamus hoped his honesty would get him so far, and it seemed to, but he was going to give a demonstration. A flower and a bird. He wasn't bad at conjuring, he just wasn't good at theory, and had no interest in revising. He took out his wand imagining first the green rose and cast, "Orchideous," and managed to conjure a green rose. The bird was trickier, since he had to first thing of a bird to conjure. Then when he had one in his head, a pigeon, he cast, "Avis," and a pigeon appeared immediately flying around the room making some noise. He hoped both were good enough to allow him on to the course.
Styx watched as Reid did as he was told, and then even cast the avis spell, which was a pigeon. Styx immediately took out his wand and vanished both the bird and the rose. "Hmm," Styx put his wand away and folded his arms across his chest. "I'll see you in class, Seamus Reid. I'd go before I change my mind." As if that were possible, since once he decided on something, he often stuck to it without a valid reason.
Seamus watched the professor vanish the bird and rose. He didn't feel like he'd done enough, but he knew he had to have. The professor still had to give the okay and if he didn't, there was no way Seamus would want to beg any more. But the professor was kind enough to agree. "Thanks, professor," he said and then left, taking the professor's advice to leave before he changed his mind.

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