Open Artistic Adventures

Abigail Payne

‘62 grad 🎓 | aussie 🐨 | observant artist 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
19 (02/2044)
Ever since Abby had arrived at Hogwarts, the girl had always been curious about the Forbidden Forest. She didn't know why this forest always took over her curiosity, but she always thought of it every time she walked past it or she was a bit nervous to walk into the forest to explore, even though the girl was into some adventure. However, the Gryffindor decided to make her way towards the forest. She sat on the grass a few meters away from the entrance of the forest, contemplating first if she wanted to go in while she drew the outline of the entrance in her journal nervously.
Despite appearances, Aine actually kind of liked being outside. As long as she wasn't made to do physical activity or anything of the sort. Or preferably if it was overcast, since she burned to a crisp if she was left in the sun too long. The fresh air was nice, anyway.

She knew they weren't supposed to go anywhere near the Forbidden Forest but she couldn't help but wonder why, what was in it that was dangerous? She was happy to respect the rules but she felt like she needed to know a reason in order to follow them. Like 'oh, there's a monster in there and here's proof' would satisfy her, certainly.

She recognized the girl sitting near the entrance to the forest, seemingly drawing, as someone from her year level but a different house - she'd seen her in some of her classes. Having resolved herself to try a little harder, Aine awkwardly cleared her throat. "What are you drawing?" she asked, wincing a little at what an annoying question it no doubt was.
Abigail looked up shyly when she had heard a voice. She recognised the girl from a few of her classes, but she was from a different house and didn't really know the girl all that well. Abby didn't even know her name either. She smiled at the Hufflepuff. "Oh... I'm just drawing the entrance of the Forbidden Forest I guess" Abby says quietly with a small shrug and smile, before looking down at her drawing again and continuing to draw. She then looked back up towards the Forbidden Forest. "Have you been to the Forbidden Forest before?"
She could feel her heart racing, as it often did when she tried to talk to her peers. Adults she was fine with, even if she beat herself up for saying embarrassing things. People her own age, though, she really struggled. Still, she was going to try, at least until the motivation to do so wore off.

Aine shook her head, shrugging. "I haven't. I wonder why it's off limits, though. What're they hiding in there?" She was vaguely aware that she was probably being rude or nosy or both, anxiety flaring up as it so often did.
Abby nodded when the girl spoke. She too wondered why it was off-limits. "I dunno aye? I heard somewhere that there are like creatures in there or something. But I mean they could be harmless right?" Abby asked as she continued to draw on her drawing. The more she continued to draw the forbidden forest, the more curious she became. "What creatures do you think lay there?"
Aine paused, stroking her chin in a way that she thought made her seem wise and sophisticated but really did not. Her eyes darted to the other girl's book, seeing if she could get a glimpse without directly asking. It was probably rude either way. "I didn't know about magic until recently," she admitted, hoping the other girl wasnt prudish about that sort of thing. She hadn't seen a lot of it yet but knew some people could be classist about blood status. "I guess there could be like, giant spiders or something?"
Abby nodded a little. "Me neither. Like maybe a little, but not much if that makes sense" Abby says with a shy smile. The girl was adopted so she had zero ideas about her magical heritage. Her adopted father is magical, but he didn't really give much information about the magical world either. So she practically came in blind. "Giant spiders? Yeah, I think there might be some. I heard there might be centaurs in there or something. I'm curious about it all" Abby says as she looked into the distance. She then looked back at the other girl. "I'm Abigail by the way. But call me Abby"
The colour drained from Aine's face. She was kind of making up the giant spiders thing, but it seemed like they might actually be real? That'd teach her to make light of the magical world. Centaurs seemed really cool and interesting though. She hoped that they were at least not extremely violent. But who knew - the wizarding world did seem just weirdly violent. Probably no more so than the muggle world, but at least she could have avoided violence in the muggle world. "Wow, well I hope they're nice centaurs."

She realized she'd actually forgotten to introduce herself, and the colour returned in red. "Oh, right, sorry," she blurted, reminding herself of common courtesy. "Um, I'm Aine. You're in first year too, right?"
Abby giggled a little. "I hope so too. Do you think that's why we aren't allowed in there? That the creatures in there are like... not so nice?" Abby asked the Hufflepuff. Even if the creatures that laid ahead and further into the forest were somewhat mean, the Gryffindor was still curious as to what lay ahead and what the heck was in the forest. She knew she had to investigate it at some point.

Abigail smiled when the other girl introduces herself. "Hi Aine," Abby says with a small smile and shy wave, as she then got back to her drawing while trying to multi-task. "Yep, I am. Do you like Hogwarts so far?"
Aine pulled a face. "I mean, it seems like everything's out to hurt us here anyway, so maybe things in the forest is like, more dangerous than that." She thought back to her Defence Against the Dark Arts class with a shudder, before quickly shaking her head. She was being unfair. And rambly. "Or maybe they just don't want people to get lost, I guess." That was probably more like it.

She turned her attention back to the forest, shifting about on the spot to get a glimpse of anything in there. She didn't necessarily want to go in, she just wanted her curiosity sated. "It's...fine. A lot to get used to." It wasn't all bad. Probably better than being at home, though at least she understood the work there more easily. "What about you, do you like it here?"

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