Open Aren't We All Alone?

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Branson Archer

bookworm; good-natured; literary agent
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 16 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
5/2041 (20)
Branson had enjoyed going to the yuleball with Blair, she was interesting, but he hadn’t asked her to the valentines dance, though of course if he ran into her, he had a present. Branson hadn’t forgotten about the fact that the 14th February was her birthday and how disappointed she had seemed to be at the time. But he didn’t want to force her to spend time with him. He didn’t want her to feel like she had to and in Bran’s mind asking her would likely make her feel like she had to. So he’d put on a suit and come to the great hall sure to look out for her, but to not focus all of his attention on that. He would have a good night regardless of what he did or who he spoke to.
The Valentine's dance was something to do and for that Indi was grateful. She hadn't bothered to dress up much for the occasion since it wasn't like there was anyone she was trying to impress. But she did find it amusing to see how hard some of her classmates were trying. It made her think of videos brightly colored birds hoping around trying to attract a mate. She snatched a cookie and ate it as she walked around and she smiled when she saw Bran, "You look nice." she said, sounding rather impressed. "Are you meeting up with someone?" she asked and looked around to see if she could find anyone obviously heading their way.
Branson was broken out of his thoughts as he heard a voice next to him. He looked at Indira and gave a little smile. "Thanks," he said fairly nervously. For no reason other than compliments weren't really something he was great with. "Oh no," he was quick to say. He was looking for someone but he wasn't meeting up with anyone and he wasn't really prepared to admit that to Indi. "What about you?" he returned the question to her.
It was not just Valentine's Day for Blair, it was her birthday. Her 15 birthday. It was a special day and even tho she had more than one friend, she was looking for only one friend on this day. They didn't plan to go together but it didn't change a fact that she wanted to meet him. And once Blair noticed him, she didn't even manage to notice that he was already talking to someone. She understood that only when she was already here and she smiled at the other girl before speaking up. "Hey," it was for both of them and then she more quietly whispered at Bran. "That suit looks good on you," then she looked at the girl to see where she could throw in a compliment. She felt like she had to be sweet, especially next to Branson. "Those pants are really cute," well, it was at least true even if Blair totally wasn't the most fashionable person.
Indi noticed that Bran seemed a little nervous and even as he said he wasn't waiting for anyone she wasn't sure if she believed him. She just shrugged when he asked her the same question. "No. Definitely not meeting anyone." she said almost laughing at the idea. She was thinking about asking why he was so dressed up even if he said he wasn't meeting anyone but her question seemed to answer itself when another girl joined them. She greeted both of them but immediately complimented Bran which made Indi shoot him a curious look. "Yeah really cute." she agreed with a playful grin.
Branson wondered if Indira had someone she was interested in or just wasn't interested at all yet. He knew from Jordie and his own experiences that people moved towards those more adult things at different paces, and certainly he liked Blair but he wasn't sure whether it was as more than a friend. He liked being her friend. So when she joined them he tried to not appear overly relieved. He gave a shy smile at the compliment, glancing over at Indi as she replied. he felt like she was noticing something and he wasn't even sure what. "Thanks," he said, "Happy birthday Blair," he then said to blair, it was her birthday and just because he was hanging about Indi didn't mean he wouldn't say something.
Blair felt like she interrupted something. The girl was grinning like she found out something, Bran looked like he just got out of big troubles and was just trying to get over that feeling of stress. However, Blair smiled at Branson when he wished her happy birthday. "You didn't forget it! Thank you," to be honest, Blair didn't even expect that he would remember it. Tho, she felt really happy that he did. "Oh, I'm Blair, by the way, how are you?" Silver asked the other girl, actually hoping to find out her name. "So, what are we doing? I didn't interrupt anything, right?" And that inner feeling made her Ask that just so she wouldn't feel so confused.
Indi watched the exchange between Bran and this Blair curiously. It looked like she was right to think that he had been standing around a little to expectantly to not be waiting for someone. The fact that he had a gift for her made it pretty clear he had been lying, at least a little bit. "Happy birthday." she said with a shrug. She didn't know this girl at all but it felt rude to not at least wish her a happy birthday too. "My name is Indi." she said, introducing herself. "No you're not interrupting anything. In fact we had just finished talking about how neither of us had plans so you're welcome to join us." she said with a smile, hoping to help Bran out a bit since it didn't take a genius to figure out he probably wanted to spend time with the girl he brought a gift for.
Branson shook his head, he was Blair's friend at the very least and he knew he didn't want to forget her birthday. It helped it was easy enough to remember. He hadn't taken the present out of his pocket, he didn't want to do that in front of Indi though he wasn't exactly sure why. But perhaps he was just worried about her reading too much into this, though eventually he did take the present out, "Here, got you a little something," it was quite clearly a book, and he felt a little embarrassed as he gave it to Blair. He was glad Indi answered the question and nodded along. "Yeah, we can just hang out, get some food...," he motioned vague to the food table.
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