Are you Wang material?

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Oh, this sounds amazing. Could Caysi be a photographer? :) She would love to work in a fashion based envoirnment!
I have DJ here. He could be a photograper. It is one of his past times/hobbies and, since he doesn't have a job at the moment, he would be free when ever you need him.
Elizabeth Wang said:
Elizabeth Wang said:
Elizabeth Wang said:
Elizabeth Wang said:
New york show

Female models
Zoe hope weasley
Chloe livingstone
Banafrit Louise
Lindsay love
Izzy shale

Male models
Brayden Hunt
Yakov olaf
Rais hussain

Sally kuang
Nia samartzi

Alaistar hall
Caysi Finnigan
Diego Jakeman

Lea groesbeck

Still needed:
2 male models
1 non student designer
Updated o_O Thank you Rais and Lea you may both join me in the hotel thread in america
Up dated :r Okay wonderful I got both of you down. DJ would you be interested in doing a little modeling as well maybe?
HEre !

I have Samantha Crew as a Designer. She's very in to fashion!
Ummm, he could do some modelling as well if he was asked too. It's not his main passion but he'd have fun doing it.
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