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Andrew Belo

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sandalwood Wand 14" with Moonstone Powder
Andrew Belo was in the middle of a crisis. It had nothing to do with the Thunderers though. No, the team was doing great and Andrew was glad that he had been traded there. From what he'd been hearing from his father, the Brazil National Team was not doing well this year. So, it looked as if he had gotten traded just in time.

His crisis had to do with the two women sitting before him in the lounge. To his left, sat a young blonde woman, who'd turned out to be a quidditch fan. It had been fun talking to her about quidditch, but it was all she seemed to know. And when he'd brought her with him into the muggle lounge/club, she'd grown boring. To his right, a slightly older brunette sat. This girl seemed to know nothing about...anything. But, she was hotter than the blonde. As the night had gone on, the two girls had gotten increasingly catty towards one another, which only made Andrew laugh at first. He couldn't really understand what they were saying as they had lapsed into speaking French when they spoke to each other and he didn't know a word of the language. Their body language told him everything he needed to know, and the gesture that he'd seen the blonde give the brunette when she thought he wasn't looking was a universal one. It was beginning to wear on him. "Excuse me ladies...I'll be back in a moment" he said, abandoning the seat between them for some peace and quiet. Both women reached out for him, trying to keep him seated, but he brushed them off, and walked towards the lounge's entrance to escape for just a moment.
Evette found herself more and more tired these days after her days at work. The normal everyday things were alright but when it came time for the fashion shows she had to try her hardest not to collapse when a dizzy spell came over her. Thankfully the effects of her pregnancy had started to ease as she came into her third month of pregnancy. Even though she had been pregnant before this one was different. She knew that every pregnancy was different so she shrugged it off to having different effects due to that simple fact. Luckily he slender figure still remained, there was the tiniest bumps that no one would see unless they looked closely although Evette had been wearing outfits that while sexy helped to hide her belly. By the recommendations of her modelling agency she had been trying to keep the pregnancy secret from the public eye and the paparazzi because no doubt it was spiral rumors and cause her too much hassle as to who the father was, something she or the modelling agency didn’t want. Of course Evette knew who the husband was after he had come to see her a month ago. It was not Evette’s proudest moment when she had slept with the man, he was much older than her and when she wasn’t drunk he wasn’t as attractive as she had remembered, but he had given her a good night regardless.

As the fashion show ended Evette made sure that her outfit was sitting right and not showing anything she didn’t want seen. In her attempts to keep the paparazzi off of her back she had to keep up appearances and that meant going to the usual nightclub after the fashion show. Taking a deep breath she made her way there. Thankfully it was a muggle nightclub they were going to so she didn’t have to apparate there; instead they arrived in a stretch limo. Once they arrived at the night club all the models went off in their own directions, either being snatched up by some male or going to see someone they had planned to meet up. Evette, while she would normally be up for it all, edged away from everyone and went over to the bar. Of course she wouldn’t be drinking her usual glass of red wine but she needed something to cool her down.
Andrew glanced back as he reached the doorway and saw that the two girls were arguing over something. If it wasn't that they were both relatively hot, he likely wouldn't bother. Rubbing the back of his head, Andrew glanced at the other people sitting at the bar on the opposite side. It was mostly filled with males getting drinks for themselves and people they were either on a date with or people they hoped to bed later. At the far end was a blond and Andrew's head cocked to the side. Surely, that's not... he wondered and then decided to walk over and see.

As he drew closer, he knew that it was Evette. He'd recognize that beauty from anywhere. She'd shown him quite the time last time he'd been in town, and if he wasn't mistaken, he'd left her quite happy. With a cocky grin on his face, Andrew leaned against the bar beside her. "Well, well, well. What have we here? It's been a while..." he said, lifting her hand up and laying a kiss on it as he kept his blue eyed gaze on her.
Evette decided to sit out of the VIP area that the modelling agency had booked for themselves tonight and well away from the dancefloor, not wanting to risk anything that could involve her getting hurt. She may not be happy that she was pregnant again but the motherly instinct was strong within her. Finding a free stool Evette lifted herself, elegantly, up on it and crossed her legs over each other, placing her hands on her lap – all in one swift motion. Of course it didn’t Evette long to get the attention of the bar tender. It seemed that being pregnant worked well for her as her nature glow seemed to only heighten as the months went on. As Evette was about to make her order she heard a familiar voice.

Turning her head she looked around in time to see a man that she hadn’t seen in sometime lift her folded hand and lay a kiss on it. “It had indeed been a while Andrew. How have you been?” she asked softly as she eyed the man, her eyes glistening with the memories of the first and last time they had met. It had been a memorable night indeed, one that she hadn’t forgotten about for at least a few days afterwards. Then again a few days after was the night she had met Arnost and while it was a different sort of night it was as memorable as the last. It had been these two nights that had left her to worry for a while after finding out that she was pregnant as she had no idea who was the father, then again Arnost had cleared that up with his visit with the family tree.
Andrew's smile widened when she said his name. It sounded just as good coming from her lips now as it had that night three months ago. The quidditch star didn't usually remember his one night stands, but Evette was different. She was a supermodel. That made her different from most women by leaps and bounds. "I've been well Evette. The team"s doing good is good." He was young and quidditch was the most important thing in the man's life. What else was there? He had no wife, no girlfriend and certainly no children to burden him. "How about you?"

Glancing at the bartender who was waiting for Evette to place her order, he added "I'll take a beer and give the lady whatever she wants." He took a few muggle bills from his pocket and held them out, "Wine, right?" He was pretty sure that's what she'd been drinking when they'd met. His blue eyes looked her over as he waited for her response. As soon as he'd seen her, Andrew had forgotten about the two women he'd left drinking on the other side of the place. They just didn't compare.
Evette was almost glad that Andrew had come to talk to her before anyone noticed her and felt the need to talk to her. She wasn’t much up for having an company tonight, not even with the rest of the people from her modelling agency as she soon found out who her friends were when she told them that she was pregnant; plus they would all have plenty of their own company tonight. Evette knew that Andrew was different as they had both understood each other the last time they met when it came to what they had just being a one night stand and nothing more so Andrew wouldn’t be looking for anything else from her – she hoped.

She smiled softly as Andrew talked, she was glad that life had been treating him well, if only it had been as good to her. “I’ve been good. “ she lied easily. “Work has keeping me busy but it will be getting quiet soon with the big fashions shows nearly over for the year.” she said, glad that she would be out of the main public eye for the most of her pregnancy, Just a little while longer, she kept reminding herself. When Andrew acknowledged the barman that hadn’t moved since he first saw her she felt a small lurch in her stomach when he remembered her usual drink. “Just some mineral water for me please.” she told the barman in her soft voice accented with her French tongue. She wondered if Andrew would question her change in drink for the night.
Andrew smiled as he listened to Evette. After listening to those two girls arguing for the past hour, Andrew was glad to be talking to someone who wasn't trying to stab someone else in the back when she thought he wasn't looking. He glanced over at the two girls and saw them both staring at him with Evette and then turn back to each other, probably to badmouth him this time. Turning back to Evette, he gave her his full attention. He'd seen her in a few magazines lately, and his quidditch mates had clapped him on the shoulder each time. They'd seen him leave with Evette those three months ago and had come to their own conclusion about what had happened between the two. It had made for some amusing times in the locker room for him.

When he heard what Evette wanted to drink even the bartender paused. It was a nightclub after all. Andrew gave her an odd look wondering why she wasn't drinking. "If that's what she wants" he shrugged and the bartender was off to fill their orders and leave them alone. "Are you going soft on me?" he teased, his arm knocking lightly into Evette's.
Evette noticed that Andrew had looked back to a table. Stealing a quick glance for herself to see what was so interesting over there Evette saw two very pretty girls. Her stomach knotted slightly as she thought to herself that Andrew was losing interest in her and that maybe her pregnancy had made her seem unattractive to men. This upset the young model more than it probably should have. She had always relied on her looks to get her to where she had to be in her life and if she was no longer attractive then what future was there for her and her children? Evette began to see a number of images in her head that involved her growing old and ugly with all of her children around her; although there was no husband. Evette had never had the need or want to settle down because she knew she never needed a man as she was independent woman. Sure she had a daughter and was expecting again but those men meant nothing more to her than a one night stand and she knew that’s all they would ever be to her. Now Andrew on the other hand would make an excellent husband and no doubt a great father too. She thought to herself. He was rich and famous and as they had proofed three months ago, they made one hot couple.

Evette pondered on this for a moment but came out of her train of thought when she heard Andrew’s question. Shaking her head she said, “Who me? Never!” she lied easily, trying to keep her flirty composure. “I just have an early start tomorrow and I want to be my best.” she said with a shake of her hand as if it was no big deal. The bartender came back with their drinks and Evette took a sip of her water, letting the cooling effects go through her body, for her lack of clothes she was quite warm tonight.
For a second, Andrew thought that there might be something wrong with Evette. He was glad when she answered him, explaining why she was only drinking mineral water. As their drinks arrived, Andrew took a quick sip of the beer he'd been given and made a face. He had never liked the muggle drink and was glad that they served other drinks in the magical world. Mumbling his displeasure, he pushed the drink to the side and lifted himself onto a stool beside Evette wondering why he'd bothered to order it. On second thought, he pulled the drink back towards him and took another quick sip, masking the disgust a bit more this time.

"Glad to hear it...I would be devastated to hear that you had" he said, his hand dramatically placed over his heart. "You're always at your best" he flirted back. He thought so anyway and he'd seen Evette at many different times, even first thing in the morning and she'd looked just as perfect to him as any other time. For some reason, the night he'd spent with her stuck in his mind more often than his times with other women, and he had a feeling it had less to do with the fact that she was rich and famous and more to do with the fact that he enjoyed her company and her personality. Taking another look at her, he thought something looked slightly different about Evette, but he wasn't exactly sure what it was. He thought that maybe she had different makeup or something because she looked even prettier than usual. "Did you get a haircut or something?" he asked randomly, his head turning slightly to the side as he tried to figure out the difference.
Evette laughed softly into her delicate hand at Andrew’s over exaggeration at his relief to hear that she wasn’t going soft on him. While Evette loved being pregnant due to her motherly instincts kicking in so soon and knowing what it’s like being a mother with LeAnn, tonight she wished that she wasn’t pregnant so that maybe she could have a few drinks with Andrew and really enjoy herself; then again maybe she didn’t need any drink to help her at all. After all he had come to talk to her out of his own accord and had yet to leave, even after she only had a mineral water. She smiled softly after his compliment, only a number of people could say that for Evette to truly believe them and not just because it was her job to look at her best all the time. “Thank you Andrew. Have to say though; I could say the same about you.” she said with a tiny smirk, it took two to play the flirting game. She looked at Andrew with a soft yet flirtatious smile. There was definitely nothing to mark him down on, looks were a definite ten out of ten and his personality wasn’t too shabby either. She had to admit that she was glad that it was Andrew that had talked to her tonight before anyone else for she felt that she wouldn’t have been able to handle some guy that couldn’t keep his eyes in his head and his tongue in his mouth. Evette looked at Andrew with a curious look on her face. He seemed to be confused about something because he wasn’t looking at her the way he would any other time. She listened to his question and frowned her eyebrows. “Nooo.” he said with a small laugh. “What makes you asked that?” she questioned him, confused as to why he asked such a random question.
As Evette returned the compliment, Andrew blew on his knuckles and then rubbed them against his shirt. It was as if he was polishing himself for the prize that he was. He was only joking of course (though he did consider himself a prize) and chuckled after. Leaning closer to Evette, he lowere his voice as if he were sharing some secret with her. "Just between you and've got no idea how long it takes to look this good" he gestured towards himself. "Glad to see someone appreciates it" he added with a wink before picking up his beer and finishing it off. Andrew knew he was a good-looking guy and he did spend a lot of time working out, grooming and dressing to keep up appearances. Sometimes, it was a pain but usually it was well worth it.

When Evette told him that she hadn't gotten a haircut, Andrew frowned slightly. If it wasn't that, what was it? He shook his head at her question. "I dunno. Something looks different about you, but I can't put my finger on it." He shrugged his shoulders, thinking that it was probably something slight, barely noticeable.
Evette simply rolled her eyes at Andrew’s actions. He was such a typical man who was famous and had girls fawning over him all the time. While Evette normally didn’t care for that kind of guy as she felt that she should be the one who he fawned over instead of himself but she knew that Andrew was different; clearly he was or she wouldn’t be wasting her time with him. As he leaned forward she frowned her eyebrows and leaned forward a bit to hear him. When she heard his words a small laugh escaped her lips. It was the first time she had laughed in so long and it felt good. “You’re welcome. But believe me plenty notice.” she said with a wink as she looked at a few people who were staring…again.

When Andrew said how he couldn’t put his finger on how she looked different she too frowned. The only thing she thought it could be was to do with her being pregnant but she didn’t know if Andrew even observant enough to realise that she was pregnant but she wasn’t going to blurt it out for everyone to hear…not yet. “Well I can’t help you with that but never matter…” she stopped mid sentence as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Not now she thought.” as she let out a small groan of pain as she held her stomach. This was embarrassing.
Andrew scratched the back of his neck, wondering what it was that was different about her. It would annoy him all night. As Evette said that she couldn't help him with it, he shrugged, ready to give it up. It wasn't worth the annoyance it was bound to cause if he continued to think about it. When Evette nearly doubled over in pain as she spoke, the smile that had been on his face quickly became an expression of alarm. She was just as much about appearances as he was so he knew that if she was showing signs of pain, she must really be in pain.

"Evette! Are you alright?" he reached over a hand and put it on her shoulder as he leaned over and peered into her face. He looked down and saw that she was clutching her stomach, and he wondered if she had eaten something bad or if the water hadn't gone done well. He didn't know what to do, but he knew he had to do something. He couldn't very well sit and just watch as she was in pain. "Do you need a hospital?" he asked, trying his best not to panic.
Evette started to take a few deep breaths hoping it would help the pain pass as soon as possible. She had an image to uphold and showing any form of weakness in public would not help her in the slightest. With her eyes shut tightly she didn’t see the people who were looking at her with a curious eye. The last thing she wanted now was to have a crowd of people around her making a fuss and attracting the attention of the public. Feeling a hand on her shoulder Evette looked up to see Andrew reaching over to her. She started to feel the pain ease a bit and shook her head at Andrew’s question. Why the hell did she have to get this pain now? She knew it was nothing serious, after all she had experienced pregnancy before but being pregnant with Quads allowed her to experience more pain than a normal pregnancy. “No, not the hospital!” she said alarmed, there was no way she would be going to a hospital to give her secret away so soon. “Can you take me home?” she asked, allowing herself to show a weakness that only her closest family and friends have ever seen. She trusted Andrew though, she didn’t know why, but she did. “Please?” she added, looking up to his eyes, a pleading in her own.
The worried expression on his face remained, especially when he noticed that Evette's eyes were shut tight. His eyebrows shot up when she quickly waved off the offer of being taken to the hospital. "Ok... no hospital" he said as he took a deep breath and realized that a crowd was gathering, so he turned to them first. He had the feeling that the last thing she would want was a crowd around. He tried to think fast and blurted the first thing that came to mind. "My girlfriend just ate something bad...she'll be fine. She just needs some air." Andrew quickly looked away from the people, most of who were looking more out of curiousity than concern, hoping that nobody recognized either of them. Girlfriend? Where'd that come from? he wondered, but didn't have much time to think on it as Evette asked to be taken home.

Nodding, Andrew stepped closer. There was no way he could turn away from a woman who needed his help, especially since that woman was Evette. "Sure...just lean on me and we'll get you out of here" he said. He waited to see if she could get up on her own because he had the feeling she would prefer walking out on her own feet instead of being carried. He was a beater on a quidditch team, so even though he wasn't built like a bodybuilder he was strong, especially his arms, so if she needed to be carried he could. "Can you apparate?" he asked in a low voice.
Evette was grateful that Andrew didn’t argue with her when she told him that she didn’t need or want to go a hospital, it would ruin her this early. Evette was starting to get really warm and she was finding it hard to breathe as people started to gather around her. Normally she would be able to handle this sort of attention and wave it off as if it were no big thing but tonight was different. She didn’t know what had brought on the unusual amount of pain. She had experienced the odd kick here and there but when there was eight legs kicking at once it did get a little unbearable, but this was different...she just hoped that nothing would be wrong with the babies. Feeling Andrew near her she knew she was safe and she allowed him to lead her away from everyone. She heard his words but didn’t let them sink in as she was only focusing on getting rid of this pain.

Getting outside Evette felt the cool night air hit her face and a soft smile found her ruby red lips, it felt nice. “Mhmm.” she said with a nod of her head. “But I need you to do the work, I can’t focus on it right now and I’d rather not splinch either of you remember where it’s at?” she asked, knowing that he had been there before. Granted it was a few months ago, if he didn’t then she would just have to go to his place but she didn’t really care where she went as long as she got away from the public eye she would soon relax.
As the fresh air hit them both, Andrew listened to Evette speak. A glance down at her let him see that she was smiling and that eased his worries a little bit. He wasn't concerned with the whole having to apparate them both bit, but there was a slight problem. The last and only time he'd gone to her place, she'd apparated them straight into her bedroom and when he left, he had been nursing a hangover and half asleep, so looking at an address hadn't exactly been top on his list of things to do. But, Evette definitely looked like she could use a bed of some sort.

"Hang on..." he mumbled. Making sure he was holding on to her tight, Andrew concentrated deeply and with a crack apparated them to the suite he had in the muggle hotel he was crashing in. "You alright?" he asked, hoping the trip didn't make her stomach worse. The bed in the room was king- sized and he led Evette to it as quickly as she could move. "It's not your house, but we won't be bothered. The muggles have been instructed that I don't like interruptions." He absolutely hated wake-up calls or maids coming by to clean the place at early hours of the morning. It was why he was in the penthouse too. There was nobody above him and there was only one other room on the floor.
Evette felt Andrew’s grip around her tighten slightly. She held on tighter, herself, as she prepared herself for the awful feeling of side apparation. She was accustomed to the feeling with over ten years practice of apparation but being pregnant made it even worse. Closing her eyes tightly she let the feeling of being suck through her belly button consume her. When she finally felt solid ground below her feet she held her stomach tighter as she felt it do a million summersaults in a split second. She let Andrew lead her somewhere she could only hope it was a seat or a bed or somewhere that she could rest before she passed out. She listened to Andrew’s words and nodded to show she understood. Feeling the bed behind her she quickly sat down and lay down to rest her spinning head. She took a few moments to get a few deep breaths. She had never experienced a feeling like this before, whether in her previous pregnancy or during this one so far, it was not something she had experienced before or one she wanted to experience again.

After resting for a few minutes she slowly started to feel a bit better. Her head stopped spinning and her stomach started to settle yet she held one to it. It was her motherly instincts taking over again where she wanted to be able to protect the children she held within her womb. Opening her eyes she let them get accustomed to the room. Pushing herself up slightly she sat up and let her head rest against the wall behind her. “Andrew I can never thank you enough for getting me out of there. I must have taken a panic attack or something, I don’t know.” she said, still unsure as to what happened but a panic attack sounded like the most plausible idea, the sharp pain in her stomach triggering it slightly.
After she settled herself on the bed, Andrew pulled the chair that was in the room over and sat in it, his elbows on his knees as he sat watching over her. Evette looked really ill and he hoped he'd made the right decision by listening to her and not taking her to the hospital. He continued looking at her, studying her as she lay with her eyes closed. She looked gorgeous even when she was sick and as his eyes roamed down her body, he noticed that she was still clutching her stomach.

When she opened her eyes several moments later, Andrew smiled. He waved her off. "No need to thank looked really sick and I couldn't just leave you alone like that." He shifted slightly, unused to being shown such gratitude. Andrew wasn't a bad guy but he didn't really go around doing favors for people. "I've never seen anyone like that unless they'd eaten something bad or they'd broken something...or they were in labor." He smirked as he sat back in the seat and placed his feet on the edge of the bed, his hands folding behind his head.
It was a relief to Evette that she seemed to be returning back to normal. She had always been one to keep her cool, even under extreme circumstances but there was no way she could have stayed in that night club a moment longer with the pain that she was in. Now that she was sitting up on the bed she began to feel herself come back to normal, the pain had subsided and she wasn’t feeling any different than usual. Now that she was relaxed she started to come to her senses and wondered if not taking Andrew up on his offer to take her to the hospital was such a good idea. She knew that with her lifestyle being or even getting pregnant was going to be difficult, she even had some difficulties with LeAnn, but with Quads it was going to be a completely different story. Well what she had done now she had done, when she got home she would contact her personal Healer who was the only one outside her family and work to know that she was pregnant and she wanted to keep it that way for a while.

Looking over at Andrew, Evette smiled softly at him – she was grateful for him tonight and she wouldn’t really trust a lot of people to take her home and even though she didn’t reach home she still felt safe. His words were kind and it was more than Evette felt she deserved from a man that was practically a stranger bar their one night stand. When she heard Andrew’s comparisons to what her pain was like she laughed nervously at his last one. While she wasn’t exactly in labour it still referenced to being pregnant and it was too close for comfort. “Haha, well it was none of them but I’m feeling much better now so maybe I should go home.” she said as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Immediately she got a dizzy head and fell back down on the bed. “Then again maybe not.” she mumbled as she closed her eyes, waiting for the room to stop spinning. What was up with her tonight?
Andrew still wore a smirk on his face from his last comment, but he couldn't help but be a little dissappointed when he heard Evette say she was ready to head home. He was about to play Mr. Nurse and tell her he didn't recommend that when she lay back down again. Andrew jumped up quickly and stepped closer, wondering what he should do. For now he settled on standing in front of her in case she started to keel over. At least he'd be able to catch her if he was in front of her. "I don't think you're going anywhere tonight except St. Mungo's" he said firmly. He would not have her passing out or worse as she tried to get home. Not only would he feel incredibly guilty but he would also feel like an idiot for listening to her when he shouldn't have.

"Remind me again why we aren't at the hospital, Evette?" he asked, emphasizing the word hospital, as his eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms across his chest. If she didn't give him a good reason, he was going to pull a caveman on her and throw her across his shoulder and apparate them there. She could hate him later and he'd be more than alright with it. He'd been hated by women before for far less noble reasons.
“Urrrgh.” Evette groaned softly as the room felt like it was still spinning around her. Once again clenching her stomach she felt it start to knot on her again, knowing no other option she lay her head back down on the bed hoping that it would just go away. She could tell that Andrew was up of his seat, standing over her. She felt bad to be putting him through this for it wasn’t her intention to have him, or anyone for that matter, in this situation tonight. She should have just went home after the show and left the nightclub for some other time, surely she couldn’t be that missed for just one lousy night. When Andrew mentioned St Mungos she shook her head furiously, there was no way in hell that she would be going to the hospital tonight, if she could get home then she would get her personal Healer to come to her.

When Andrew questioned her why they weren’t even at St Mungo’s yet Evette let out a small groan again. She really didn’t want to have to go through with this. Pushing herself up again she moved up slightly so she was sitting up with the pillows behind her back for support, still clutching her stomach she let out a small sigh. Looking down at her stomach she silently cursed her unborn children for giving her so much bother. “I don’t want to go to the hospital, Andrew.” she said, copying his emphasising for the word hospital, her voice somewhat calm now that the pains were subsiding again. “It won’t be good for my career if this got out.” she said, biting her lips as she tried not to thing of what people would say, it was bad enough last time.
There was something very wrong with Evette, but Andrew had no idea what it was. He was no healer, far from one actually, but it was obvious that her dizziness had something to do with whatever was ailing her stomach. He sighed heavily when she began to shake her head again. Running a hand through his short hair, he paced the floor of the hotel room, walking the length of the bed and back. Pausing as she groaned again, he waited for her answer. He grimaced as she pushed herself up because he thought she should probably remain laying down, but remained silent. He really wanted to hear her reason.

Confusion stretched across his face when he heard her. "When what gets-" he began and then stopped himself. Surely, being sick wouldn't cause her to fear what other people would think, so he had the feeling that whatever this was was something that could mess up her career. But what could do that? As he eyes fell to the hands covering her stomach, Andrew wondered whether what she was trying to hide wasn't something in her stomach. Suddenly, his throat grew incredibly dry and he felt as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown on him. The only thing that was saving him from going into full-on panic mode was that she wasn't showing. That had to mean it was something recent, he hoped. "You're not...pregnant, are you?" he asked with a grimace, the word pregnant coming out almost like a curse word would. For someone in the entertainment world, like modeling and sports, pregnancy nearly always meant trouble in the person's career.
Evette’s blue orbs followed Andrew as he paced beside her. She found his worrying over her kind of sweet seeing as they were practically strangers but she still didn’t feel right burdening him with her problems. Once she felt better and wasn’t getting dizzy every time she went to stand up she would go home and get her personal Healer to check her out for she was getting a little worried as she had never really experienced this sort of pain before but she knew her body well enough to know that it was nothing major. She bit her bottom lip as Andrew started to question what she meant by something getting out and potentially ruining her career, not by much but putting it on a hiatus for a while, then again as she was always told there was no such thing as bad press.

When Andrew stopped pacing Evette’s eyes locked on his that were looking at her stomach. She instantly covered her stomach ever more, knowing it wouldn’t do any use as it wasn’t like it could stop Andrew from seeing anything. Evette had a feeling that he had caught on and when he asked the question that she had been able to avoid for the past three months she felt tears well up in her eyes. “I am.” she sobbed as she put her head in her hands. “But Andrew you have to promise that you won’t tell anyone!” She said, a force on her voice to show that she was asking him a serious question. Although she could already tell that Andrew wouldn’t tell anyone, she knew that he understood how something like this wouldn’t be good for her career. “I’m not ready for this to get out just yet and only my agent knows besides my family. Three months is still too early for it to get out.” she explained to him. Not until it became noticeable that she was showing would she let the public know.
Andrew wondered why he even cared so much. He and Evette were basically strangers. Aside from the intimate night they had shared and the fact that both led fairly public lives, they didn't really know anything about each other. He knew that it wasn't simply because she was a pretty girl though. She certainly was that, but he'd known many pretty girls and none of them had kept his attention for long. When Andrew saw the tears build and then begin to fall, he took in a deep breath. His guess had been right on the money, but it didn't make him feel any better about things. As he sat down in the chaise he'd been on before, he knew that he would definitely keep her secret. It wasn't his to reveal and seeing how upset she was, he knew he couldn't be the one to cause her any more upset. "Don't worry" he nodded once to show her that he understood and was surprised when she kept speaking.

He wasn't looking at her anymore, wanting to give her as much privacy as he could with her tears. It made sense for her to keep it a secret until she was showing. But, something bothered him about what she had said. He thought about it for a moment and then did a mental check back. One month ago, the team had been home, two months ago in Russia and three months ago, yup, that was when he had met Evette. The color drained out of his face and he felt himself go lightheaded as he ran a hand through his hair. No way, no frickin way. He looked up at her slowly, his hands gripping the sides of the chair as his stormy blue eyes found hers. "Does the father know?" he asked quietly, trying to keep himself from running out of the room as he silently prayed she would say something, anything about the man who had knocked her up because then it would mean that it wasn't him. He wasn't the father, he couldn't be.

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