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[Note: Apparition Lessons and testing are opened to all 6th Year students. However only those students who are 17 or will turn 17 by the end of Y6 are eligible to get their license. Students who successfully pass the class will have attained their Apparition License. *students whose birthdays fall after the test will receive their license then*]
*posted for Irene Finch
Lesson 1
Irene sat at the front of the room, waiting for the students to enter the Great Hall to begin their lessons. As they strode in, she smiled at each of them. It was only a few years ago that she, herself, had been in their position: taking lessons in order to get an Apparition License.
Once everyone was there, Irene stood and took a deep breath. Hello everybody. My name is Irene Finch and I work with the Department of Transportation in the Portkey and Apparition Regulation Committee. Over the next few weeks, Ill be your Apparition Instructor, teaching you the basics to help you all learn to Apparate Irene smiled at all of them as she began to pace the front of the room.
Irenes face grew serious as she spoke, Normally, it is impossible to Apparate or Disapparate within the grounds of Hogwarts New Zealand, but we have given special permission to do so only in this room. I would strongly urge you to not try to Apparate or Disapparate outside of this room or at any other time other than your lessons. Until you have your license, you always need to be supervised when you attempt to Apparate. We dont want to see anyone get splinched. Irene wondered how many of them knew what splinching was, but quickly figured that the ones who flinched as she said this probably had some idea.
She smiled, hoping that they werent thoroughly nervous and continued, Today will pretty much just be an introduction to what you will need to do in order to Apparate. We call them the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation. She stopped to let the words sink in, The first step to Apparating is to pick your destination and focus on it. Next, fill yourself with determination to arrive at your destination. Picture your entire body moving into that space. Finally, you want to turn on the spot, feel yourself going into nothing and deliberately move toward the spot. As Irene explained these steps to the students, she continued to pace the front.
With practice, youll be able to do this quickly like so and with that, Irene turned in place and Apparated to the back of the room. That will be all for today. Next week, well actually begin to practice she finished, hoping that they had enjoyed the demonstration. RP the lesson.
*posted for Irene Finch
Lesson 1
Irene sat at the front of the room, waiting for the students to enter the Great Hall to begin their lessons. As they strode in, she smiled at each of them. It was only a few years ago that she, herself, had been in their position: taking lessons in order to get an Apparition License.
Once everyone was there, Irene stood and took a deep breath. Hello everybody. My name is Irene Finch and I work with the Department of Transportation in the Portkey and Apparition Regulation Committee. Over the next few weeks, Ill be your Apparition Instructor, teaching you the basics to help you all learn to Apparate Irene smiled at all of them as she began to pace the front of the room.
Irenes face grew serious as she spoke, Normally, it is impossible to Apparate or Disapparate within the grounds of Hogwarts New Zealand, but we have given special permission to do so only in this room. I would strongly urge you to not try to Apparate or Disapparate outside of this room or at any other time other than your lessons. Until you have your license, you always need to be supervised when you attempt to Apparate. We dont want to see anyone get splinched. Irene wondered how many of them knew what splinching was, but quickly figured that the ones who flinched as she said this probably had some idea.
She smiled, hoping that they werent thoroughly nervous and continued, Today will pretty much just be an introduction to what you will need to do in order to Apparate. We call them the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation. She stopped to let the words sink in, The first step to Apparating is to pick your destination and focus on it. Next, fill yourself with determination to arrive at your destination. Picture your entire body moving into that space. Finally, you want to turn on the spot, feel yourself going into nothing and deliberately move toward the spot. As Irene explained these steps to the students, she continued to pace the front.
With practice, youll be able to do this quickly like so and with that, Irene turned in place and Apparated to the back of the room. That will be all for today. Next week, well actually begin to practice she finished, hoping that they had enjoyed the demonstration. RP the lesson.