Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked the Headmistress to not move the tables out of the way for the students' exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed apparitioners, then they would need to possess the ability to work around their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in Ministry positions as apparating was a requirement for most positions.

Heading to the doors of the Great Hall, Irene stepped out to greet the students who were waiting just outside. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair remains where you once stood." Irene pursed her lips, her expression showing the gravity of this exam. She wanted that fact to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already magicked to take notes, Irene glanced at the list and then called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.
Exam Rules said:
Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that there are tables and chairs around as well.

You will get a A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, PM me.
Jean was seated on the floor in front of the Great Hall, waiting along with the other sixth years for the exam to begin. As the lady from the Ministry came out to greet them, Jean looked up. She wasn't a very nice woman, but he didn't really care. He just needed someone to help him learn to apparate, and he believed that she had. During that last practice that they'd had, he'd managed it twice. Today, the woman was doing nothing to reassure them, and Jean looked at the others to see if they were as nervous looking as he felt. He let out a deep breath as she headed in, dropping his head to his knees as he waited to hear his name. He'd be the first of his siblings to be called in to apparate, but that was still a while away. The Gryffindor listened to name after name being called, but only looked up when Victoire was called. He gave her a quick smile, meant to wish her luck, and then dropped his head down again.

"Snow, Jean Ivon"

Jean slowly got to his feet and glanced over at his siblings. With a deep breath, he entered the Great Hall, surprised to see all of the tables still in place. Listening to the woman's instructions, Jean looked over at his destination - the Staff Table. He could hear the quill scratching along the parchment at the woman's side, but his gaze remained on the Staff table. With another deep breath, Jean focused on his destination. He narrowed his blue eyes, trying to will himself over and feel that familiar tug. He really wanted to get over there. His whole summer, all of his plans, were riding on him having his apparating license. He needed it more than he needed anything else. With the ability to apparate, he could steal visits to Victoire whenever he wanted, and she'd mentioned an aunt with an empty house. Jean wanted to see it, wanted for them to have alone time. Feeling the familiar tug, Jean let himself go, letting the feeling take over. When he opened his eyes again, Jean was on the table. A grin grew on the young man's face, pleasure at having successfully completed his task. With a nod, Irene Finch dismissed him. Jean leaped off of the table and landed on the ground, jogging towards the doors. He fist-pumped as he went, thrilled at this accomplishment. Now, he just had to find Victoire so they could celebrate together.
Victoire felt most nervous for this exam, and only because it meant so much to her, for different reasons than the rest, since she had turned seventeen which for her muggle family hadn't been a big deal, but was a big deal magically, it meant that she could at last to do magic out of school and no longer had to think about the muggle ways of doing things, and specifically so that she and her boyfriend would be able to spend time together during the holidays, without anyone finding out about it which suited Victoire perfectly fine. It just meant that there was a lot riding on this upcoming exam that she was now in the hall for, with the rest of her class, the few taking the exam with an ever growing sense of nerves towards it just hoping that she would pass it. The teen knew that she would be one of the first to do it, that she with her surname would end up being one of the first, and as she sat with the rest of her class, it made her think of their sorting, how far away that seemed now, the teen could hardly believe how far they'd come.

Fontaine, Victoire

Victoire nodded and stood up, catching a glance of Jean and seeing the small smile on his face brought only a small amount of reassurance to her, and she just had to focus her mind on the task at hand. She stared forward with a steady gaze, she could do this, this she could do. The girl spent a moment ground herself, remembering what they had been taught and then putting it into action, imagining all that she would able to do with this talent, all that they'd be able to do, the world would suddenly be at their feet, at her feet, and Victoire couldn't wait, the thought of not having to take a ridiculously long flight through Dubai was something that stirred her on. Victoire focused on where she needed to be and then felt the familiar tug, and she metaphorically fell into the tug and then she realised after the feeling had stopped that she had managed it, she had actually done it, there seemed to be everything still in place, she hadn't left anything behind and she realised that she had probably passed, and with that she glanced at the teacher and then left at the dismissal, she was so excited by it, she couldn't believe it, Victoire had never been excited to pass an exam in her life.
Max had never quite felt this nervous for an exam before. He had the three Ds running through his mind, and the success (and issues) of last lesson plaguing him to try and get him to work as best as possible for this exam. It was basically one hundred percent practical, and he knew that he was capable of doing it, it was just a matter of not screwing up right this moment and ruining his work.

He was waiting patiently until his name was called, and it was his time to get to work. He didn't have the time to be sentimental to his fellow peers, and so the Ravenclaw was all business as he made his approach. He focused intently on where he needed to go, and what he needed to do to get there. His nevres were steeled as he felt that uncomfortable tugging wash-like feeling rushing through him once more, but he didn't let it deter him. He had managed it last lesson - he could manage it now. With a burst of relief, Massimiliano had made the travel. He was feeling a little sick in the stomach, though he wasn't sure if it was from having been so nervous or the travel itself - but he was done. A smile of relief broke out on his face and he sighed, calmed. He hadn't gone feet up on this, and he was rather glad.
This exam was more nerve wracking than trying to cast a spell in front of Styx. Saul was actually nervous, which was an unfamiliar and unpleasant emotion for the young Irish man, and he huddled together in the throng of sixth years with their varying degrees of apprehension. The door to the Great Hall shut with a bang, and the exam commenced.

Just one name before his own, Saul heard 'Fontaine, Victoire,' and he looked up with interest as his Gryffindor crush stepped up to hear her target. He felt bizarrely like cheering for her, which would look ridiculous since he'd never so much as shaken her hand. He felt a lot less like cheering when he caught her looking at Jean Snow, her fellow Gryffindor and Prefect. There'd been rumours in that hate rag about those two, and Saul had steadfastly ignored them in hopes that he was in with a chance, but this was the first time he'd caught anything remotely 'incriminating', and his heart plummeted to the ground at the angelic smile on Victoire's face. She aced the apparation, too. Saul felt like sh!t.

"Forrester, Saul."

He was going to fail if he couldn't concentrate, so the Hufflepuff sixth year slouched up the front and was told to aim for a chair at the Ravenclaw table, some fifteen feet away. Saul was filled with melancholy, but it came with a strange clarity that let everything else melt away as he focused on the point in the room. Seconds later, after the horrible, sucking compression through space and time, the Irishman wobbled but held steady as he landed exactly where he wanted to be. He looked at his feet and smiled. Sometimes you needed a bit of a kick in the pants to do what you needed to do.
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