Apparation Lesson No. 1

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
By now, Irene had been doing this long enough that she was not nervous about entering the castle. She didn't feel too much like an outsider, even if the school had a new Headmistress. The ministry official was just grateful that she too allowed Irene to come in to teach the students. As the sixth year's filed into the Great Hall, the woman had her back to them. She'd arrived a bit late so she was busy with her wand moving all of the tables off to the sides so that the students could have a space to sit. She then busied herself summoning chairs to surround the chair that was already set up for her. Finally, turning around, Irene stared at the students, her blue eyes giving them all a once over. Some students looked noticeably nervous while others seemed to not know what to expect. They would soon enough. Apparating took concentration and dedication. It was not something that one could read about and then be able to do.

Irene gestured to the seats in front of her and took a seat at the front. "Hello everyone. My name is Irene Finch and I'm here on behalf of the Department of Magical Transportation to prepare you for your apparition exam." Irene took a few steps and continued. "Headmistress Davershire has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons."

Irene continued to lecture. She knew that her next few words wouldn't be exciting in any way, but they were necessary as they laid down the foundation for apparation. "In order to apparate successfully, you must focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She pronounced each word slowly and loudly so that even the students standing in the back could hear her. As she did, the woman stood up and began to stroll towards the students. "First, you must choose your destination. Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years and continued speaking, "you must move with deliberation like so." It hardly took her any effort to send herself around the room. Some thought that her slight frame was a result of having apparated so many times.

Strolling back to the front, Irene checked the time and realized that more time had passed than she’d realized. "I think that will be all for today. Don't forget the 3 Ds and I will see you all next time. Be prepared to get right to work next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything but yourselves to the next lesson. The lesson you carry, the easier it will be." She smiled briefly, but then her face turned serious again as she remembered something she had nearly forgotten to tell the students. Holding up a hand, Irene asked them for their attention once more. In a warning tone, she told them "And, just as a reminder... the moment you step out of this room, the enchantment will be put back in place until next week. It would be very, very unwise to consider apparating anywhere on the school grounds until then." With that, she dismissed the students and began to gather up her things so that she could get back to the office.
RP the lesson. Nothing fancy is necessary, but remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.

Also, whenever you get a moment, don't forget to enroll your student in the gradebook so that he/she can receive their grade. You will earn your house some points by completing these lessons :)
Sixth Year. Not only did it bring her one year closer to the end of school, but it also meant that the Apparition lessons had finally started. It was safe to say that she was very excited. Considering that she had never been to an apparition class, nor had she ever apparated anywhere. Tess and Lisa didn't apparate to places because one, Tess was pregnant, though who the father is was anyones guess and two, Lisa was a squib, so obviously, she didn't know how to apparate. So usually she walked everywhere. Not that she and Tamalia ever complained. When she had been with her mother, she usally walked everywhere anyway. Smiling Nadia walked into the entrance hall and looked around. Seeing the woman standing there, radiating authority, Nadia figured that she was their instructor. She smiled and walked over to the woman, to stand close to her to make sure she would hear all the instructions. She was really excited about today. She hoped all would go well. Listening to the woman, who introduced herself as Irene Finch, Nadia nodded along to her words and ofcourse was not surprised when she mentioned that they would not be apparating today. It would definately have been a quick day if they did. She couldn't even imagine what she would do if she splinched herself. Smiling she turned on her heel to approach the door, but stopped when Irene continued. Her words of warning sent chills down her spine as she thought about how many students would be dumb enough to even think about doing it. Though somehow, she thought some would.
<COLOR color="#000">Apparation. Ostensia was more than excited to start learning how to Apparate. Everyone she knew that was older than herself knew how to do this skill. It was just one of those things every witch and wizard should learn how to do. It would make traveling so much either too. Ostensia hated riding on broomsticks. Particularly because she wasn't so awesome at flying. No matter how much Damian tried to teach her, she had a hard time staying up in the air without flying into something, falling, or getting too tired to be up in the air. 'I sound pathetic.' Ostensia thought to herself as she entered the Great Hall. Her eyes widened a little when she saw how different it looked without everyone being in the Great Hall. It looked a lot lonelier in her opinion. Ostensia just hoped that her sister would be along soon because she sometimes got worried when she wasn't around. Ostensia looked up to her sister. A lot. Isabella was the rock in her sister's life. Ostensia would feel so lost without her sister around to be with her. Isabella was always better at school things. Osa had a feeling her sister would become Head Girl or something. That was just how incredible she thought her sister was. Ostensia smiled softly at the woman in the room. She had never seen her before but she looked lovely. Hopefully she was a nice teacher. Apparation seemed like a very stressful thing to teach.

When all the other Sixth years were gathered around, the lesson began. Apparently the enchantment that was placed on the school was lifted so they could practice. Ostensia quickly put into her head that she needed to remember the three D's. They would probably be something important for her to remember later on. The three D's were Destination, Determination, Deliberation. Ostensia didn't think it was too hard. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation. Got it.' Ostensia hoped she could remember it. Ostensia nearly clapped when the woman demonstrated. Now that was so cool. Now she just needed to remember those D's and whatnot. The lesson ended quicker than Osa wanted it to. But she was still pretty happy she was already learning how to do it. Hopefully, she would do well in future lessons. This was something she wanted to do so badly. Ostensia followed the others out of the great hall after the lesson was finished. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits.​
Madlyn arrived at the great hall with the rest of her house mates, she was feeling light heated and fuzzy. The thought of her apprating caused her to feel nervous and a bit on the edge of upchucking this morning breakfast. She pulled her hair out of her face and into a high pony tail. She had decided over the winter break (in the US) that she would keep it long for a while, till she got sick of it or something. She eased her way around the great hall and stood listening when the lecture was giving. Like some introductory classes, they were given the basics. The woman, or the instructor was a small woman and she seemed very casual about teaching the class. Madlyn wonder if she ever given lesson to a part-giant? She highly doubt the woman had, and that's what trigger her nerves maybe even more.

Destination. Determination. Deliberation.

Miraculously they didn't have to try disappearing today, she wouldn't think she be able to anyways. All that crunching in her stomach and almost feeling like her bladder was going to burst would do no good for her now. She thank Merlin Irene Finch wouldn't allow that sort of magic to happen the first day. And where would they go to anyways except around the great hall? She would look rather ridiculous appearing out of middle of the great hall with wet pants on. Madlyn would have to ask for some valuable tips from Briar, maybe she could spare a few or something. That's what she counted on when she left the great hall.
Dymetris flourish his wand on his way over to the great hall. He was quite content with attempting this form of magic already, his parents used on him before so he already was aware of what may or may not happen. He enter the hall, his smile widen when he saw his uncle girlfriend. Dymetris heard of the woman, met her once or twice, this would be the first time he sees her without his uncle. He was actually glad, she seem to despise him as well or else the two times he saw her, he wonder why she looked so mean. Maybe that was just the way she is? The puff shrug, nonetheless, he gave up all his attention for this lessons.

It's as shame when she showed them how apprating worked, but then they weren't allowed to do it today. Dymetris rubbed his neck, so awkward. The Russian teen wanted to try so he could leave and come back from Russia. Oh freak, he could try it when he was fully license. Then he wouldn't have to travel with his parents, he already used the port key alone because of his age range. It would be fun to try it when the time came for the teen puff. He left the great hall when lessons were over. It had been somewhat of an exciting day.
Apparation. Apparation. Apparation. The study of moving from one place to another, over distances both great and small in seemingly the blink of an eye. Oh how long Koboshi had waited to step into this class and finally learn the art of apparation. She actually couldn't believe how excited she was for this. It wasn't like this was something she was new too. Her father could bounce all around the place, as could Noboru. So it was still weird for her to be excited. Though she supposed it had something to do with the feeling she knew she would have of being free, unattached to the ground. Jumping around. She smiled and waved as she noticed Nadia on the way to the hall and walked the rest of the way with her. She had only recently started to admitt that Tamalia and Nadia were her closest friends. Though it had been a long process, filled with alot of yelling and hiding aswell as Noboru pleading with her to let go of her past prejudices. Though she had to admitt that she was probably more readily able to accept Nadia than Tamalia. COnsidering the obvious resentment between Slytherin house and Gryffindor that didn't seem to exist in the Slytherclaw alliance. She shrugged as they entered the Great hall and immediately paid attention to the woman commanding authority from the whole group.

Destination, Deliberation, Determination. Well that's not so bad. Though it was a real downer when Irene Finch showed them how to apparate and then told them that they were not allowed to try their own hand at it. Koshi had really rather been hoping that they would get atleast a small taste of it during this first class. Considering they only had about three classes before they had the exam. She bit her lip and sighed as she looked over at Nadia who almost appeared to be relieved that there was going to be no practicing. She frowned and made a mental note to clobber her best friend over the head for not wanting to experiment with such a skill. She knew Tama would have been right in there. Though Koshi also noted that it apeared that Tama was heading for a big punishment. After everything that had been going on lately she would be surprised if the eldest Hogwarts Kaster were to continue into her seventh year. Infact Koshi was sure she would do something to get herself expelled. She smiled at Nadia as she came to her to walk out the room and as they left they talked about Tamalia and the fact that they were worried about her sanity.
Isabella Romanes was looking forward to learning how to Apparate. She was already seventeen, having turned by the start of her sixth year, making her one of the oldest. Her twin was older than her of course, but there was a lot of difference between the Romanes twins. Isabella arrived with the other sixth years at the entrance of the great hall. Her magenta eyes landed on Ostensia before she moved through the other sixth years so she could stand next to her sister. She placed her hand upon her sister's shoulder, not knowing how much the Slytherin needed the Hufflepuff in her life. Isabella knew by now, her parents, their parents, were probably dead. That was what came out in the runes, and she still felt sick over her reading. Doors opened, and soon they were piling into the Great Hall, where this ministry worker would be waiting for them. Isabella knew not what to expect from this. Success, failure, sometimes both, she did not know. But she just gave her twin a look of encouragement, in case they would have to do something today.

The woman introduced herself as Irene Finch, and Isabella wondered what they would call her. Professor Finch? Or just Miss Finch. Perhaps. Isabella rolled her magenta eyes when she listened to the Headmistress' name. Isabella thought that the woman was too soft. The lesson soon began, and then they would have to remember three words that would be the key to apparating. 'Destination. Determination. Deliberation', thought the Slytherin Prefect. Irene apparated herself all over the Great Hall, in demonstration. It would be hard to forget what was learned here today. Everyone wanted to learn to apparate, and that included Isabella. It was not like they could practice anyway. Just as she suspected, the enchantment would be placed. That was definitely not surprising. Isabella let out a sigh, and she smiled over at her twin before she walked away. Isabella had a lot of other things to do also.
Faxen Lowart made her way down to the Great Hall for her first ever apparation lesson. The Gryffindor knew that apparation wasn't easy, and if done poorly, could be extremely dangerous. Faxen wanted to do well and master the skill so that she could get her license when the time came. Her seventeenth birthday was just around the corner after all. Apparation was much quicker than flying and simiplier than charming a portkey. Learning apparation was the next important wizarding skill that Faxen wished to acquire. The pretty brunette saw that many of her fellow sixth years were already in the Great Hall when she arrived despite the fact that she was not late. Faxen's mouth crinkled in a smile as she saw a very familiar Hufflepuff boy. Faxen went to stand next to him, greeting him with a quick hug. This was a lesson, and that was where her focus needed to be instead of on her handsome boyfriend.

Faxen paid close attention as the representative from the Ministry of Magic began to talk about apparation. She even gave them a demostration though most of the students had seen apparation in action before. The ministry witch said that they would be allowed to practice in the Great Hall, but not today. The actually practicing of apparation would come next lesson. Until then, they all had three D words that they needed to commit to memory. "Destination. Determination. Deliberation." Faxen whispered under her breath as she committed those words to memory. She would not forgot them. The ministry witch dismissed the class then. Faxen smiled brightly before leaving the Great Hall.

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