Closed Another year, another fight

Cassius Styx

5th year • arrogant • prideful • determined
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
Cassius Styx listened to the first years become sorted, and he noticed Terror’s twin brother became a new Slytherin, and then his uncle became a Ravenclaw. Cass started to wonder if this would be bad for him since he did not want to be compared to Loki at all. And then there was another name that attracted his attention. Melinoe Chase. Chase. That was Snowdrop’s surname and he was still a little miffed about her. He asked his dad to see who she was, and why she was so adamant on protecting mudbloods. As it turned out, her father was an estranged pure-blood, and her mom also came from pure-bloods. So, Snowdrop was pure-blood, making them look terrible. Cass let out a sigh as he looked down at the other students on the grounds from the tallest tower. Most of the people here were beneath him, but he was only a second year. He could not convince others how he thought just yet. He would have to bide his time.
Snow was getting in her steps, she thought, as she walked up the towers to send a letter. The only problem was she had walked into the wrong tower - rather than into the owlry she was in the north tower. And there stood Cassius Styx. She rolled her eyes. She was a bigger person than that though, she wasn't going to say a word to him and stoop to his level. Besides, she could send her owl off from here! She moved to a window as far from him as possible before speaking sweetly to her owl for a moment, sending it off with a letter to her parents. Now she just needed to get out of here before Cassius had some smart thing to say to her.
It was like clockwork. As soon as he thought about her, she would show up. Lately, she had been clouding his mind so when was there not a time when she was living in his head, rent free? Cass was annoyed by it since instead of fighting against him, she could have been a good ally and friend. No, she had to go charity chasing or something. He even heard her voice, though could not make up for what she was saying to the bird. "Seriously, you have nothing to say? Here I thought lions were brave and fierce, not little p***y cats that are afraid of confrontation." Cass knew that he was egging her on, but why not. He needed to see why she was doing what she was doing, and through anger, he could get his answer.
Snow was faced away from him thankfully, otherwise he would see the annoyance on her face when he spoke, insulting her. She bit her cheek for a moment before smiling as an idea hatched in her mind. Someone like this would hate what she was about to do. "Huh, weird, thought i heard something. Must be the towers creaking." She said before gazing out the window with a bit of a snide expression on her face. She would blow him off for as long as it took to get him to go away.
Now, the Slytherin was just confused. She was ignoring everything he said, and how she compared it to the towers creaking. Oh, this was so annoying. Cass did not even know why he was getting annoyed by her not paying attention to him because the others, he did not care. It might have been because of her blood status, but who knew, honestly. He then muttered in Bulgarian, "Try ignoring this." He took out his wand and aimed, before he cast a verbal Locomotor Mortis spell at her to lock her legs together. He could have used the trip jinx, but for some reason, he changed up his tactics.
Snow continued to ignore Cassius until she heard him saw a spell. She was mid turn around when it hit her and she wobbled before falling over with her legs locked together. "You troll!" She exclaimed angrily glaring at him. He definitely got what he wanted, her attention. "Rictusempra!" She cast angrily right as his big head. She usually didn't retaliate but at the moment she couldn't help herself. Cassius Styx was just such a pain!
Cass would be lying if he said that he was not surprised when she actually cast a spell in return. He barely dodged it in time, but it definitely hit his hair. He reached to touch his hair to make sure it wasn't burned, even though the spell itself was not in the elemental group. Any faster and he would have been laughing on the floor, likely unable to even take the spell off. "Hey, don't use spells like that. Dignity is a thing, you know. Finite." Cass cast the spell to unlock her legs. "I don't like being ignored, but you'd think you would like attention, because of your dad. That explains why you go to Gregory's rescue every chance you get."
Snow glared at him even as he took the spell off her. She stood to her feet, brushing herself off. He talked about how he didn't like being ignored and she rolled her eyes. She didn't care if he didn't like it. She was in fact about to go back to ignoring him when he opened his mouth about her father. Blood boiled in the young Gryffindor and she did something neither her parents or her would be proud of. She stormed right up to the barbarian and swung on him, as hard as her tiny arms could manage. She looked him straight in the face as she did so, intent on causing him some harm. No one talked about her father in any sense and got away with it.
Cass watched as she stood up to her feet, and honestly did not think that he said anything too bad. Apparently, he was wrong. Dead wrong. He had rough housed with his family members before, but no one had deliberately punched him in the face. And she just kept swinging too! Wow, she was sensitive about her dad, was she? He didn't even know much, just that her dad was estranged from the other Chase family. He managed to block the other blows with both of his arms, and tried to put himself in the mind of Terror. Fast, and smart. He immediately kicked toward her ankle, hard, to bring her down. "Touch me again and I'll break your legs," Cass threatened, even if he doubted that he had enough strength to do that.
Snow had never hit anyone. She was more of a lover than a fighter so she thought, But her dad was off bounds. She had assumed the worst of what he said about her father and it made her see red. However she was brought out of that when he blocked a hit and was already moving back when he kicked at her, luckily making the kick not as hard as it could have been. She still hissed in pain, and glared at him. "You talk about my dad or his condition again and I will hex you until you really look like a troll." She threatened back clearly unafraid. She assumed he must know if he was comparing her father to a muggleborn.
Cass was relieved when the kick managed to get her to stop. While he was taught not to hit unless he was provoked, something about a girl made him hesitate. But, she did come at him first so he had to do something to keep himself from getting hurt. This was totally self-defense over someone who overreacted. And he would know from experience, but no one should ever tell him that. "His condition? All I know was that his was estranged from his family. I don't know why. That's where the connection between him and Gregory came from. That Hufflepuff doesn't have a family either." Cass wondered what it was that made her react in such a manner. He had a feeling that if he dug any further, she might try to swing again.
Snow made a face of absolute disgust when he compared her father to someone without a family. She glared hard at him. "Does that make you feel like a big person? To make fun of someone who has no family? That's circumstance. You could easily be in his shoes." She said using her best argumentative stance about his ideas. "You're gross not just because you look like a troll but because you think like one." She said before turning on heel. "And leave me alone." She said, since he had initiated this.
Cass could never imagine himself in that sort of circumstance. After all, his family was huge. If something were to happen to his parents, he would be raised by someone else. It was fairly common in his family when death arrived. But she added that he was gross because he thought like a troll and to leave her alone. He cocked his head to the side, since she might as well leave. Didn't she come barging in here first and ignore him? Cass muttered, "I think I'm smarter than a troll. My grades prove that." Cass would have to figure her out later since he didn't stop her from leaving. She was a tough one to understand, and he had a feeling that if he could just crack her mentality, he could understand where she was coming from. Maybe he could have Terror...? No, Terror wouldn't do him any favors. He was on his own.

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