Another Professor Rose

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
After delivering her rose to Professor Stark, Amber decided to tackle the other professor on her list next. She didn't actually know this one because she had never had a class from her, but she had asked around and knew who to approach next. This was another yellow one, which was less exciting than pink but still good. "Professor Pratt?" Amber asked as she approached the the woman. "Delivery for you."
Although it seemed somewhat silly for kids to be sending each other roses, Kennedy thought it was sweet and all in good fun and had even partaken in the event herself. She sat at the staff table eating instead of taking her food to the professor's common room, partially to see the bustle of the day's event, and was surprised to see a student approach her. The Divination teacher smiled and said, "Hi there," and then took the rose from her. "Thank you," she said, placing the rose down gently and unfolding the note.
Every rose was exciting in its own way, but Amber felt a little disappointing that she didn't know this professor at all. It made it very hard to guess who might send her anything, and it was likely that Amber didn't even know them. Still, she hoped the professor would enjoy this rose very much.
Happy Valentine's Day. Please come to visit me for tea and cookies at anytime.

Girl, I might not be a seer but I can see you and I together.*


*Secret message revealed with a charm
Kennedy smiled once she saw who the note was from. She had grown rather close to the Astronomy professor and it didn't have to do with their proximity in both subjects and office location. She had hinted to him that he might be receiving a rose from her and hinted that he should probably use his wand to open the message because she remembered how embarrassed he had been opening Jon's flower the year before because it contained profanity and the student deliverer had read it. So Kennedy made sure to have a bit more grace and confidentiality when sending her rose message to him.

This gave her the idea to pick up her own wand and waved it across the note she was now reading, wordlessly casting the spell that would reveal a hidden message if there was one. Kennedy laughed as her suspicions were correct and was glad that she had gone for something equally cheeky in her own rose message to him. She would definitely have to go visit the man later so they could laugh at their shared thought processes together. She put a hand up to stifle her laugh and conceal the grin she was now wearing, momentarily forgetting about the student standing in front of her. She snapped the note shut as she looked up at her and said, "I'm sorry, thank you so much for the rose."
It was clear that the professor enjoyed her rose and the note that accompanied it. Amber felt immensely curious about who sent it but she knew better than to pry. She probably didn't know the person anyway. She nodded as the professor thanked her and smiled. "I'm glad you like it. I'll go deliver more now." She said, gesturing to the rest of the roses she had on her. "Have a good day!"

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