Another new person

Maria Selwyn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
I'm Senwyn and I'm new to this site. I'm from the UK and I've been interested in joining a good HP site for a while now (encouraged by my recent viewing of AVPM and AVPS on youtube). This site seems very active and organised so I'm looking forward to roleplaying.
I hope I will get along well with everyone.
Hullo, Sir/Madam!
Would you believe it, I can't tell the difference. I'm terrible with names. You'll just have to correct me on this Mr/Mrs Senwyn.
I'm Kelsey Ruth. This ain't my main account, that would be Artemis, but I lurk more on Greg anyway. No doubt you'll find lotsa friends on HNZ (including me ^u^) since there are already quite a few people from the UK, not to mention New Zealand, America, Canada, Samoa, Ireland etc. I'm from Australia, myself.

If there's anything you need help with or you're wondering how and where to get cracking, (since the Sorting of new characters into houses doesn't happen for a bit yet), do say because we're always happy to help :3
Hey Senwyn :hug:

Welcome to HNZ! :D Smart move ;) My name is Patricia but everyone calls me Pat (among other things *points to OOC name* and there's a lot more where that came from xD ) From Northern Ireland myself so we're neighbours :woot: xD I'm one of members of Site Staff on here, we have three other Global Moderators and two Admin (Nicolas King and Cecily Zhefarovich). Feel free to contact any of us if you ever have any queries, we're always happy to help out new guys ^_^

Fortunately September 19th is a just around the corner but still feel roleplay in our Unsorted Roleplaying Area and get to know fellow members who will be joining Maria in her first year. You are also free to RP anyway, just not the school grounds ;) To keep you occuiped you can also create and adult character to be in the Ministry/Death Eater or anything really. Also, seeing as you're new having a look at out Site Documentation would be a good start ;)

Looking forward to seeing you around the board :)

- Pat
Hey there, Senwyn! :)
I only saw AVPM and AVPS recently... and I lurved them. I appreciated the first much, much, more than the sequel, though. When I first heard about AVPM, I thought it sounded unbelievably stupid and refused to watch it. xD I regret that now. :r

At any rate! Welcome to HNZ, new UK person! :)
We are pretty active here (even if a lot of us are heading back to school and daytime hours here will become a little quieter, there's still plenty, plenty, plenty to do and lots planned), and I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself if you jump in to the community and roleplay to your heart's content. ^_^

I'm going to trust other people have given you the general schpeel about rules, site documentation, etc. So if you have any further questions/concerns - feel free to shoot me a PM! ^_^

Oh, I'm Nick, by the bye. :D
Hi Senwyn!

Everyone has already, it seems, explained everything to you! If you're still at all confused, feel free to bombard the admin with your questions :r

If you need a guide or any help round HNZ, feel free to ask me ^^
Claire x
I'm new as well. I can first off say this site is TOTALLY organized. Rules are simple and the docs are good to read.
Welcome! Hope I'll get to know you and some of the others!
Thank you all very much and it's nice to meet everyone!
Gregory: I am female. My name is fairly androgynous though, I must admit. :D
I've had no trouble finding my way around the site as of yet, though I appreciate the offers for help. I've started roleplaying already while I wait to get Maria sorted.
How does the sorting hat work anyway? Is it a personality test or do we just roleplay for a bit and you decide based on your impressions?
Maria will probably end up slytherin if it's based on roleplay; She's a halfblood who considers blood type to be quite important - to the point that she herself pretends to be pureblood. A bit of a snob really.

And AVPM is awesome. I'm glad to find a fan of it. I didn't really enjoy AVPS as much - I didn't like Umbridge particularly, even though I loved the actor as Voldemort.
You'll see what sorting is when it comes about. :r
(FIVE DAYS! :o )
:cry: There won't be trolls, will there? Please tell me there won't be trolls!

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