Open Another Lonely Dance

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Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (16)
Savannah knew she didn't exactly endear herself to people to be asked on a date, and 99% of the time, she didn't mind, but this was the one percent when she did. When it would've been nice for someone to have asked her. She wasn't interested in anyone, her own feelings about relationships certainly a little tricky, and she was sure beyond a dance she would have no interest, but that didn't really matter. She had put on a nice dress, done her hair nice, done her make up. She stepped into the hall, and began moving towards the drinks, the place she tended to start on nights like these.
Ezra was feeling a little pathetic. Six years in a row without a date was quite a feat, and he watched a little glumly as his classmates moved on the dance floor with their partners. He had told himself he would get out there a bit more, but all he had accomplished this year was getting into a fight with Gregory and snitching on him to Professor Carter. He wasn't sure if it had helped. He saw Gregory and he didn't look any less miserable than before. Ezra didn't want to talk to him, he was still mad at him. He moved in a different direction, spotting some drinks. As he reached for one, he spotted one of his classmates there as well. He had always been pretty intimidated by Savannah, but he had to admit she was very beautiful tonight. He hesitated, then decided it wouldn't hurt to talk to her. Probably. "Hi Savannah, you look really nice." He said, feeling a little nervous. He wasn't sure if she wanted company. She tended to look like she didn't, but just maybe she wanted to talk to someone tonight. If not, Ezra could probably find an excuse to leave quickly.
Savannah hadn't been the most friendly to others in her year, her default was to be pretty distant and stand-offish, but it seemed the older she got the less from them she could escape. She glanced at the boy, Ezra, whom she was sure she had never really had a conversation with until now. "Thanks," she replied, with an almost duhh that's obvious tone. There was a beat of silence. "You look sharp," she said by the way of a compliment. She didn't know whether she needed to now pretend to care if this boy had a date or not.
Ezra grabbed himself a drink, glancing at the Ravenclaw as she answered him. She did thank him, which seemed nice, but she said it in a sarcastic tone, which was less nice. He wasn't sure if she wanted him here, but there was no one else nearby he knew so he figured he could stay here a bit longer. He smiled when she said he looked sharp. "Thank you." He said, hoping that was a compliment. "The hall also looks... nice, right?" He added, searching for a topic of conversation.
Savannah glanced at the boy as he thanked her. The girl wasn't sure why he was still talking to her, but he then complimented the hall and she tilted her head a little, trying to figure out if he had an angle for this, if he was just looking for someone to talk to or if he really had wanted to talk to her. "Sure," she replied, it always looked nice, it went without saying. "Do you want to dance, or something?" she asked a little bluntly.
Ezra's mind was still scrambling for the next thing to say, when it came to a screeching halt as Savannah asked him to dance. Or maybe it was more like she accused him of wanting to dance, he wasn't entirely sure what was up. "Er." He said, eyes widening. "I- I guess? I mean yes, if you want?" He said, stumbling over his own words uncertainly.
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