Another firstie and a teacher please

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Melanie Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
So, Melanie here has a little plot going on and she's trying to make a large decision. To do that I would like her to get into a large fight. So, what I need is an annoying first year for her to smash in and a teacher to blame it on her.

The only main thing I want from the first year is that they bring up her abandonment. During the Brightstone weekend she had a discussion with her closest friend (A death eater called Ryan Porter) about her being kicked out of the house. What I want is for someone to have heard it and spread it around a bit. Now, the victim can either tease her about it or try to sympathise with her, either one will make her angry enough to attack.

The teacher should see Melanie attack the first year but not realise she was provoked so blame her fully for it. At the end of the Roleplay Melanie will be running off.

Please reply :)

I'll give you pringles (If there are any left by then)

I can offer Penelope Fournier. She would try to sympathize with Melanie but wouldn't try to hurt anybody, mostly because she never learned how to, but also because she's not that kind of person. How does it sound?
Thank you both! I will PM you both on those accounts with the details and linkage :)

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