Another Day of Sun

Lavinia Benivieni

kiwi-italian • healing • getting through it
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14" Unyielding Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
12/2033 (16)
It was totally normal for Lavinia to be outside, especially when it was sunny. She didn't mind the rain, but she much preferred good weather, because it gave more options to do more activities outside. It should not come as a surprise to anyone who knew the second year that she was here, exploring. When the weather didn't permit her to do physical activity Lavinia was forced to be trapped inside someplace, with books in front of her. Since science wasn't a subject they did in the wizarding world, Lavinia had brought a few from home to read in her free time. It might not have been entirely normal for a thirteen year old to want to know more about complicated formulae and whatnot but the general knowledge she gained just from knowing the names of stars and the basic maths behind it was enough for her to be hooked.

Science was the only thing she didn't mind spending hours on. A lot of classes offered here were interesting but not to the point of Lavinia wanting to be inside all day, or most of the day, writing notes and memorising things. She was relieved exam week was not yet here. Lavinia's eye caught a batch of very interesting-looking plants and she plopped down on her knees to have a better look. She didn't know what they were, she hadn't studied them in Herbology, and she wanted to find out. She poked a plant, without thinking if it could be dangerous or not. Considering she felt okay, she doubted it was anything toxic. Another day of sun, another day of fun, she thought and grinned at the cheesiness of the phrase.
Eamon followed Lavinia around as she wandered around the garden. He had walked into her on his way to the Forbidden Forest to do some exploring there, though quickly decided to go with Lavinia instead so he could avoid the creepy forest for a little longer. ''If you are still cross with me for not sending you a flower this year, you should have just said so.'' Eamon joked, looking around to see that they were now surrounded by lots of garden plants and flowers. He hadn't asked his Hufflepuff friend what they were doing here but since he knew that this was one of her favourite spots in the grounds, figured that the reason why they were here would soon be clear to him. Eamon watched as Lavinia poked a plant and frowned, kneeling down next to her. ''Are you sure you want to be poking these plants?'' he asked a little uncertain. Hogwarts could be a dangerous place so there was no doubt in his mind that some of the plants and flowers in the garden may very well be poisonous. When nothing bad seemed to have happened with his friend, Eamon too, started to poke the plant. ''What do you think then, Ms Science, is this just another innocent plant?'' He asked her jokingly.

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