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Full Name: Angela Lilith Abbadon
- Birth Date: October Eighteenth
- Current Age: Eleven
- Basic Appearance: Angela is pureblood breeding in its finest. At least, she would be, if her mother wasn't a muggle. With her light blonde hair, startling blue eyes, clear, creamy complexion, and medium-tall stature, she is very beautiful, even at her young age. Angela is leggy and thin. There is just one thing that she feels insecure about: her breasts are still very small. Not unusual, for her age, but she still finds it embarrassing. Angela prefers to wear muggle clothing.
- Parents: Angela's mother is a muggle, and her father, a pureblood. Her father, Edward Blackwell Abbadon, came from a very strict, very bloodline-obsessed English household. The family was so desperate to preserve the pureness of their bloodline that anyone who had attempted to deviate from the family's "beliefs" was disowned. Any half blood children that resulted from the match didn't exist to them unless they agreed to disown their parents and pretend that they were purebloods like the rest of the family. They would get paid very handsomely for doing so. It was a ridiculous policy, and it lead many to wonder just how "pure" the bloodlines were.
Angela's mother, Aurélie Rosseau, couldn't have had a more different childhood. Aurélie had a wonderful, happy family. They were a little loud, at times, and obnoxious, but they loved each other and supported each other's decisions. That didn't mean, however, that Aurélie's parents let her crawl through the mud like a common waif, however. She was taught to be a kind and gracious woman, the epitome of a lady. These lessons were taught on to Angela as she grew.
- Siblings, if any: Angela is an only child for now. However, her mother recently announced that she was pregnant. Angela is hoping for a baby brother.
- Pets, if any: Angela has a pet owl. She got it as a way to keep in contact with her parents.
- Area of Residence: A beautiful house outside of Marseille, France, with a lovely garden and a large orchard of fruit and olive trees. Her family sold most of the produce, but kept more than enough for themselves. Her mother's parents lived in a separate house on the property.
- Blood status: Half Blood
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor, though she's not sure why. She doesn't think of herself as being particularly brave or bold.
- Best school subjects (And why): N/A Yet.
- Worst school subjects (And why): N/A Yet.
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? A tiger.
- What would their Boggart be? Her paternal grandfather. He scares the living daylights out of her!
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A tiger, like her patronus. Siberian. Icy, like her appearance. Powerful and fierce, but nurturing and loving.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself marrying a man who loved her unconditionally. Her greatest wish is to someday marry for love, as her parents did.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Playing in her family's orchards with her cousins as a child. They often came to visit during the summer. Between us and Mémé and Pépé, there was always a place for my mother's brothers and their children to stay, so they would stay with us for months at a time. It was fun. Angela looked forward to returning to them during the winter and summer holidays.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
I apologize for not writing last night, I was too busy packing! I'm so excited to finally be going to school! When the letter came, Papa was so proud of me, I thought he would burst! I am also afraid I will be made fun of for my accent, but at least my English is good. Perhaps Papa's idea of keeping a journal in English was a good one, I feel much more prepared for school than I otherwise might have. He also quizzes me on my English when I am least expecting it, and I usually respond correctly.
I hope I make friends there. I have never had good friends outside of my family before. It is time for me to, as my father puts it "break out of my shell". This will be a good experience for me, I know it. I fear leaving my family, but it must be done at some point, so I suppose it would be best if it were to occur now as opposed to much later in life.
Oh! Mère is calling for me to help with dinner, so I must go. I will write later!
~ Ange