🌹 Rose Giving And... Done!

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora's final rose was the only one left in her basket, and it was for some Ravenclaw boy she didn't really know. She decided to try her luck at the Ravenclaw table around dinner time, approaching the table and starting to ask around. "Hello? Anyone named Weston here?"
@Weston Stirling
Weston had decided that Valentine's Day was his favorite holiday. The day had been an exciting one, punctuated with smiles and laughter as rose deliveries took place across the castle. Weston himself had gotten a few roses from his friends, which he was very happy about. And yet, the festivities still weren't over. There was still the dance later that evening, and he was looking forward to hanging out with his friends while stuffing himself with sugary desserts.

He had considered skipping dinner to save room for more dessert, but he couldn't pass up a chance to chat with his housemates and soak up the festive atmosphere in the Great Hall. Plus, as a growing teenage boy, he was perpetually hungry. Weston was busy filling his plate when he heard someone call his name. He quickly set down his cutlery and waved at the girl. "Hi! I'm Weston."
Isadora grinned, skipping over to the guy who waved at her. "Hey, Weston, you're in luck." She told him seriously, before pulling the rose out of her basket. "A pink one for you!" She said brightly.

Weston had assumed that rose deliveries were done for the day, so he was surprised to see that the girl had a basket with her. He returned the smile though it quickly shifted into one of confusion when she pulled out a pink rose. "Uhhh what?" He took the note and glanced at it. Even though it was very short, he had to read it a couple times. Val? Who was Val? Valencia? Valeria? The X's and O's seemed to suggest Valeria since he couldn't quite see Valencia writing something like this. But why would Valeria send him a pink rose? Weren't they friends? Weston glanced around the Ravenclaw table, trying to see if he could spot either of the girls. When he didn't see them, he turned back to the rose deliverer. "Are you sure this is for me? Weston Stirling?" Maybe there was another Weston at the school?

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