🌹 Rose Giving An unusual one indeed

Ruto Vernier-Raison

'Roo' | seventh year | queen of flowers 💐
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
When Ruto saw the next name on her list, she smiled a little. She knew this name. She was a prominent member of the wild patch club. It was nice for Roo to read a name where she also knew the face. She decided to make her way outside for this delivery, as she assumed outside would probably be her best bet. There were quite a few people on the great lawn, soaking in the summer sun before autumn came around. Roo thought this was a terrific idea, however she had to keep focused. When she finally found who she was looking for, she beamed, and almost skipped over to her. "Hi Primrose." she said, her basket of roses dangling on her arm. "Have you had a nice Valentine's Day so far?"
When Prim heard the voice of the WPC leader, she turned and beamed at her, standing from where she had been digging into the dirt. She had been looking for some nice worms that she could take back to the plant she had in her room. She needed to speak to Professor Carter about her fanged Geranium at home, but she hadn't had the chance to do that yet. And she wasn't sure how he'd feel about her having dangerous plants in her bedroom. Perhaps she shouldn't tell him. "It's been pretty uneventful, which is fine, I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day," especially since her parents died around this time. Though she was never sure which day because no one was really sure. "Are you doing deliveries?"
Roo nodded at Prim's words. "Me neither." she said with a shrug. The rose deliveries were always a distraction from the fact she had no one to celebrate the day with. At the girl's question, she held up her basket of roses. "I indeed am!" She reached into her basket and pulled out a bright yellow rose with a note attached to its stem. She held it out to her. "This one is yours."

Yellow Rose said:
What do you know about caring for flutterby

Oh, a rose for Prim? She really hadn't expected to get a second one. She took the rose and looked at the note. Hm. M.N? Who was that? Did she know anyone with those initials? She frowned as she tried to work out it, wondering who would send her a question in a note. Then it clicked - Mikael. She wasn't sure why he would send her a question in a note, but she knew quite a lot. She smiled at Ruto. "Thank you for this, it's a pleasant surprise."
Roo smiled softly as Prim thanked her for the rose. "I'm glad it was a nice surprise." she said, happy to have successfully delivered yet another rose. "You should consider delivering roses yourself one time. It can be very satisfying." She thought Prim would be perfect for the job - she loved plants, which meant the roses would be delivered safely, and she was very good at talking to people, so would do well with the actual delivery.
"I did consider it," she said, with a soft sigh, but she'd been worried she wouldn't know where to look, or that she might forget. Or more likely, that she might have to deliver to whoever was bullying Eury and since she didn't know who was, it could have been anyone, and then if she found out she would have been upset. "I might do it next year, I've seen a lot of people around and you all seemed to be enjoying it, so maybe I should." She wanted to get more involved with things this year anyway, help out more, get more social. She didn't have a lot of people to talk to at the moment, mostly sticking with her roommates or the people in the Wildpatch.​
Roo couldn't help but beam as Prim said she may consider delivering next year. "Great, you can replace me then." she said with a wink. She knew that one day Prim would be very popular and successful as she made her way through her Hogwarts years, and if Prim also became Queen of Flowers one day, it really wouldn't surprise her. "I have to go and finish off my deliveries, but thank you for being so kind." she said gently, glad to have made somewhat of a friend of her. "I'll catch you around!" With that, the teen headed in the opposite direction to continue her deliveries.

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