Closed An Important Message

Augustus Westwick

Flourish & Blotts Asst. | Staring Eyes | Shy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
9/2038 (23)
It was the first day of the semester and Augustus knew he had to find Addison as soon as he could. It was important. They had been together for a while now, going to dances together and spending a lot of time together. But there was something Augustus hadn't told her, something he had been feeling for months now. He just never knew how to say it, the moment never quite felt perfect enough. But... over break, it had kept him up, worrying Addison might get tired of waiting for him. Or worse, that she might think he didn't like her as much as she liked him. He spotted Addison walking across the great lawn as they returned to the castle from the train and ran to catch up with her. He grabbed her hand as he caught up. "Addison." He said, a little breathlessly.
Addy was humming softly to herself, walking back to the castle. She'd been up reading the most fascinating encyclopedia she'd gotten from her father for Christmas, a book all about various hauntings and cursed objects. It was a bit chilling, and kept her up sometimes, but she loved it. She almost jumped when someone took her hand, but relaxed when she saw it was only Augustus. She smiled warmly, lacing their fingers and turning more towards him. "Augy, hi," She greeted, stepping closer and pressing up on tiptoe to try and steal a kiss. "How are you? I missed you," She told him honestly, glad to see him again.
Augustus let Addison kiss him, glad she seemed happy to see him. But he was too busy trying to think of how to word what he had to say to really think about answering her question. Instead, he stared at her for a moment. "I love you." He finally said, forgetting everything he had rehearsed in his head.
Addy's brow furrowed as he didn't immediately answer. "Is everything alright?" She asked, but she had barely had time to say it before he'd spoken. Addison froze for a moment, her eyes widening. "What?" She breathed. Her heart thundered in her chest, and her cheeks burned. "Oh, Augustus," She felt her eyes tear up, and she stepped forward quickly, burying her face in his chest and hugging him tightly. "I love you too," she whispered, smiling so hard she thought her face might crack.
Augustus laughed lightly as Addison hugged him, letting out a surprised huff of breath. "I know." He said when she said she loved him too. "You already said that a long time ago. I'm sorry for not saying it, I was- I tried but I couldn't find a good time..." He said, hesitating. "I should have just said it right then." He added quietly. "I'm sorry."
Addy shook her head, pulling back and reaching up to brush her hand against his jaw. "No, Augy, you have nothing to be sorry for." She smiled warmly up at him. "Take your own time, I'd wait forever for you," She promised him softly. "There's no rush to this, to us. Just do what feels right." She reassured him, before giggling softly. "It is really nice to hear you say it, though."
Augustus hesitated a bit as he looked at Addison, he was sure he had reasons to be sorry, as he was pretty sure most girls would have minded not getting a response to saying I love you for months. But Addison seemed genuine, from what Augustus could tell. "Are you sure?" He asked hesitantly. "I... love you." He repeated, as she said she liked to hear it.
Addy giggled, shaking her head. "Of course I am," She replied, tucking his hair back behind his ear only for it to fall right back out. She giggled again, laying her head on his shoulder as he repeated himself. "I love you too," she murmured, wrapping her arms around his waist and relaxing against him. "I've loved you since second year, Augustus. You're worth waiting for." She told him, pressing a gentle kiss to his neck.
Augustus could feel his hair not doing what Addison wanted and almost hoped she would try tucking it behind his ear again, it felt rather nice. Instead, she laid her head on his shoulder, which was also nice. There were some advantages to being absurdly tall. He smiled a bit and put an arm around her. He shivered as she kissed his neck, a little distracted for a moment. "I uhh... don't remember when I started." He admits. "I'm not the best at identifying feelings." He added quietly.
Addy looped her arms lightly around Augustus' waist, giggling softly. "It's okay, Augy," She reassured him, content nestled in against him. "You're here now, that's all that matters." She sighed happily, lingering a moment before pulling back. She reached up in another futile attempt to brush his hair back. "Do you wanna go curl up in the student lounge?" She asked. She'd gotten a new book she thought he might like and she was eager to share it.
Augustus was very aware of how lucky he was. He doubted many girls would have accepted his awkward, stilted answers to important things like how long he had been in love. He smiled at Addison, leaning in and kissing her forehead gently. "I do know it's been a long time. I can't really remember not feeling this way." He admitted shyly. He nodded at her suggestion. "Sounds nice."
Addy giggled, taking his arm and wrapping around it, lacing their hands together and just claiming it for herself. "I love you, Augy," She cooed, nuzzling her cheek against his arm. "I actually just got a new book, I could read it to you?" She asked him, smiling up at her boyfriend. "I think you'll really like it."

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