🌹 Rose Giving An Easy Find

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
red for @Professor Misha Haden

On the one hand Senna felt a bit odd about delivering a rose to a professor, on the other it was perhaps the one person on her list she didn't particularly worry about. A professor was hopefully far easier to find than another student. Especially since they wouldn't be running around the castle to deliver roses themselves. Reaching professor Haden's office with her last rose of the day she gently knocked on the door, hoping he was in.
Misha was pretty awful at remembering the rose giving. Even when he knew it was upcoming and knew that he should remember to send roses. He just almost never did. But he was in his office, preparing for the classes he had that week and trying to think about how he might make it up to the people who he had inadvertently done wrong. He heard the knock at the door and gave a little laugh to himself. "Come in," he called out.
Senna poked her head around the door first when she heard the professor call out before completely stepping into his office. She didn't think she had ever been in there before and glanced around for a moment before realizing why she was there in the first place. "Uh, hi." She smiled before walking over to his desk and holding out the red rose. "This one has your name on it."

You are the love of my life.
~ Isabella
Misha smiled at the student. Ms. Overby was a good student, good at charms. He enjoyed having her in his class. It was a little unfortunate that she was delivering him a red rose, presumably one that was from isabella. "Thank you, Ms Overby," he said with a polite but still friendly tone. He didn't open the note, would wait until she had left before he did so.
Senna tried her very best not to be too curious about who had send the professor a red rose. It was none of her business after all and sticking her nose in an adults' affairs wasn't really on her to do list either. "Yeah, sure. Uh, happy valentine's." She told him politely before slowly backing out of the room again.

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