Closed An Awkward Boggart Lesson

June Davenport

The best prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
[Adminapproval= ID#87341/#115234]

June had been thinking about the boggart lesson, it had been staying in her mind lately and now it was time to face it. It wasn't that she was scared, she felt confident about her own qualities. But it was more the unknown of what she would see, she had no idea. But since she had an idea of what it could have been she didn't knew how good she could play an role like she usually did, and pretend things didn't bother her. June had been doubting what would been wise, since she was very closed off about personal stuff. And this would be so personal to show to others, so June had asked Professor Waldgrave for an private lesson. But every choice had consequences. Now June wouldn't get to attent the other class, and she wouldn't see the fear of her classmates, which was information as well. Also they would notice she wasn't there. But June wasn't bothered by that, since she could talk her way out of that. She liked getting the attention from the professors. June would be pleased to leave people in the unknown, she would always choose herself first. And she could hear Tempest out about the rest. Horror would be someone June was curious at. She herself thought it was an very smart move to keep people in the dark now. But having to deal with her cousin with this was another thing, which made the choice difficult at first. Noel had his opinion about her father for sure, like the rest of the family. And it was kind of awkward being with him alone, having to talk. But June would try to pretend as much as possible. Although she knew realisticly that your fear was nothing you could hide when you had it in front of you.

The blonde walked into the office of her cousin and she saw the cabinet from class already standing. June felt an strange feeling in her stomach which she didn't felt a lot. She only had felt it when Misha and her got an messenge that her father needed to go to trial again. Touching her wand in her pocket and tried to remind herself what she had to do. June watched Noel, she had greeted him but so far she hadn't said another word. And than waited for him to take the lead.
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Noel had prepared his office for the private lessons with the boggart. And his own cousin was the one coming in today for that. It was an interesting situation since they were related and he hadn't seen June anymore when the family broke contacts. But they were informed of all the steps from the last years about the Davenport family. He kind of felt for the girl and siblings for what they had to deal with. And knew his parents had offered an place to stay and care for the girls if neccesary. But that wasn't the choice they had made. He didn't understood all of it and how things had turned out, but he knew that his uncle was now in Azkaban for the terrible things he did and that his aunt had passed away. He could understand June her choice because of it, since it could be intense. And she seemed smart enough to see that too. Noel had prepared himself on the fact it could be an intense process to face the boggart. Everyone had an different fear, perhaps something which had happend before or where they were scared of that would happen. But Noel had no idea how the girl felt about him at this moment, but he could tell if there was an choice she would have wished for someone else to be here. But Noel would just treat her like any other student and help her wherever he could. And how much he could get angry or upsad about the actions June her parents had made and treated them, she still lost two parents. And they didn't need to forget that.

He greeted June as she entered and he made sure they had enough room for facing the boggart. June had seen his boggart in class, and now he would see hers. But today he was not her cousin, but her professor he wanted to be professional. But it was for both of them an awkward situation in a way. '' So June. As you can see I have the cabinet over there.'' Noel than broke the silence and started. '' Whenever you are ready. I will open it and the boggart will come out. Remember the incantation is Riddikulus.'' Noel explained. He tried to watch how she stood there and make sure she felt comfertable. '' And keep in mind to think of something that you find truly amusing and use that.'' He than added. When she was ready he opened the cabinet with an flick of his wand and hold his wand in case he needed to. He was prepared for anything. June seemed like an pretty good student so far but this was something else.
June watched Professor Waldgrave and was glad when he didn't made small talk and just went to the point of this meeting. She could see the cabinet when she walked in already and knew what she needed to do today. It was not neccesary to repeat what she had to do. If someone was prepared it was June. But she put on a small smile and replied. '' Got it.'' And than took her wand out of her pocket and into her hand. There had been several stuff going through her head which could appear in front of her. There were more stuff which scared her. But she was not naive to believe a large spider would appear. That would be a fear and something which she would show in class, but there was something she was more scared of, she knew that deep down. June made sure she took a deep breath and focused her mind on something funny. She nodded her head and pointed her wand at the cabinet. '' I'm ready.'' The blonde said and saw the cabinet opening.

Firstly she noticed the classroom was getting an bit darker, but June tried to focus on front of her and not behind. While holding her wand in front and try to repeat the incantation in her mind and think of Astraea's braids, hufflepuffs who made her laugh, people tripping and more like that to keep something funny in mind. But than an man walked out of the cabinet and stopped in front of her. He had an beard, and had an prisoners outfit on and as the person made eyecontact she realised it was her father. It was just how he looked at the trial. '' Dad! ?'' June screamed and forgot completly where she was and that Professor Waldgrave was there. She felt some tears rolling down her cheek. Seeing her fathers face and standing in front of him was all she could wish for. The person who looked like her father reached out for her and June stepped forward to get to him, but than two other persons who seemed guards from Azkaban took his arms and pulled him away from her. '' June!! June!!'' She heard her father screaming as he disappeared from her. In the background she heard her mothers screams and cries. '' No!! Dad!! Please.. don't take him!! Stop! Stop!'' She than screamed after and tried to follow the figure of her dad and guards.

But than her father dissapeared from her like fog. And June watched around. And there was the moment of the panic and June felt her heart racing. Seeing nothing anymore where just her father stood but bars of an prison but empty '' Dad? Mom? No!!!'' June than watched around in panic. '' Where are you?! Don't leave me alone... '' June than fell down on her knees. Crying as she felt scared and in panic. June! June! Help us! she heard her parents voices continue.

But than felt her wand under her hand and that made her frown, why did she had that? She also heard someone sneezing suddenly. And like she woke up from an dream she realised this has happend before and she was in class, not in trial. She took her wand and stood up. Feeling shaky and still tears on her cheek. Focus on something funny she told herself. But it was so very difficult, because she had to fight her parents voices and nothing was funny at all now. But her parents were gone, from her so this was not now but an ilusion. June hold up her wand ''
Ridikkulus!'' pointing in front of her. But and she heard her name echoing still from her parents voices '' Ridikkulus!'' June than said again this time more powerfull and focussing on something funny. And the bars turned into candy, and a hufflepuff student took a bite out of it but it was an bit too hard still. June smirked for an moment and sighted heavy. This was intense. She heard Professor Waldgrave's voice and him closing the cabinet. But June really had to sat down for an moment, otherwise she would faint.
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