Closed Among The Leaves

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
Sunny days in September weren't especially common, but Kauri was determined to take advantage of the unusual warmth, and track down a friend he hadn't seen properly in a while. Kauri liked Norton a lot but hadn't spent much one on one time with the other boy, and that was something he hoped to fix, especially as it seemed like April and Norton's relationship was going to last. Kauri thought the world of his best friend, and hoped he could get closer to someone else who was so important to her. So he had set aside time, even though his schedule was full to bursting, in the hopes of tracking down the Hufflepuff and spending some quality time.

The Wild Patch seemed the sensible place to start his search, and Kauri was pleased to spot a familiar head of curled hair amongst the plants, grinning as he stepped into the garden. "Hey Norton!" He said cheerfully, looking around. Part of Kauri had always regretted never joining the Wild Patch; he enjoyed Herbology a lot, and probably would have gotten a lot out of the club. Every time the thought had crept into Kauri's mind though, he had taken one look at his schedule and changed his mind. "How's the garden?" He asked, looking around. "Getting ready for spring to really kick off?"
Norton was taking advantage of the good weather to be in the gardens. He knew that the staff at the school tended to the garden during the break, but he’d come to learn over the last few years of the club that it was important to do a few things upon getting back, ensuring the growth of the plants as time went on, ensuring that it would be ready for the roses at the beginning of the second term. He had had a good break, the time that he and April had spent together with his family, meeting his father, re-meeting his sister and of course visiting his mother, all of it had just been so good. His heart was just bursting with love and joy. But, of course they were busier at school, with his wild patch and prefect duties and her quidditch duties, with their NEWTs, they couldn’t spend every moment together, either as a couple or just as best friends hanging out. He had gone outside to the gardens the moment he’d noticed the good weather. He had thought she might come visit him in the gardens, so when he heard his name called by someone who was not April he looked up a little confused. Norton’s expression immediately softened into a happy smile when he say Kauri. He was proud of his friend, the head boy. How amazing. Norton wiped his somewhat dirty hands on his garden work trousers before smiling easily ”Hey Kauri!” he greeted in return before nodding, ”We should be, just got to ensure it!” Norton looked fondly to the garden, ”How are you? Busy being a real important head boy?”
Kauri returned Norton's smile, pleased that the other boy was happy to see him. "Not too busy to lend a hand!" He said cheerfully, stepping into the garden. "Do you need any help? I've got some free time, I'd be happy to help with anything that needs doing." Kauri smiled, looking around before looking back at his friend. He had been hoping for a catchup, and if he could help Norton out at the same time, that would just be ideal. "How have you been, anyway? Did you have a good holiday?"
Norton smiled brightly at Kauri when he offered to help, ”I’ll take any help you offer,” Norton told him happily. He walked a little away from where he was stood and pointed towards one of the patches, ”There’s a lot of debris on the dirt, from the wind and we just need to tidy it up,” The hufflepuff said, ”I’m freshening up some of the dirt and watering the bits which appear to need a bit of watering,” Norton motioned to the different bits and pieces that needed these things done for them. The hufflepuff smiled at the question. ”I’ve been good, sad about this being the last year, can’t really believe it,” Norton told him with a little sad smile, ”But the holiday was good. April and I went to visit my family, it was nice. Worked during some of it, tried to decide about my future, it was all good. How about you? How was your break?” Norton asked as he walked over to where he’d last been and got to work once more, he would be able to keep up an easy conversation with Kauri as he worked and it would definitely make the work go just that little bit faster. Though really, anything to do with the wild patch he didn’t mind doing.
Kauri grinned when Norton accepted his help, following the boy to see what needed doing. "On it!" He said happily, and started helping to clear the debris around the garden. As soon as he crouched down, Kauri felt better. There was something so soothing about working with his hands, and he always forgot how good this felt. Definitely something he had needed. Kauri listened as he cleaned, nodding in agreement when Norton mentioned this being their last year. He was happy to hear Norton and April had spent some of the holidays together, but his heart sank. Kauri didn't often see friends during the holidays, and couldn't help being a bit jealous. "Oh, that sounds great! I had a pretty quiet holiday." He shrugged. "I mostly just worked, but it was pretty nice to see my parents." He picked up a large twig, trying to think of a change of subject. "It must have been fun introducing April to your family... you guys are getting pretty serious, huh?"
Norton smiled at the other boy, he wasn’t always particulalry good at noticing things, but he couldn’t help but feel like just something was a bit off, maybe he just didn’t seem as chirpy as normal, or perhaps he spent too much time around April and himself to know what a normal level of chirpiness and excitement was. ”Yeah, I’m always happy to go home and see my sister, even if she complains a whole bunch,” Norton smiled. The hufflepuff nodded in agreement, it had been mostly fun. It had been surprisingly easy to get her to meet his family. ”Well, April had met my sister before, meeting my dad was easy, he’s pretty relaxed nowadays.” Norton gave a little smile, ”I guess we are, I don’t think we’ve ever said it to be getting serious you know, but I love her and she’s my world,” he knew it would be difficult to think about the future and what that might bring him, bring them, but for now he was pretty happy. ”I mean, you’ve met April, she’s just incredible, so beautiful and energetic, sometimes she’ll look at me and I just want to give her all the stars in the sky,” Norton gushed before chuckling lightly. He knew, or last he’d heard Kauri had been dating his former partner in the wild patch, ”Are you and Rose still together?”

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