Open Ambitious Futures

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Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
Open after Jess replies as Ren/Lily

Samantha really couldn't believe that she had graduated. It really happened. Soon enough she won't be coming back to Hogwarts for classes. She wasn't going to admit it but she was going to miss her time at Hogwarts. She had made many friends and memories here. When the ceremony was over, everyone had dispersed to their friends and family. Sam had decided to find any of her friends or classmates nearby or her family. But it was too crowded around her to find any sort of familiar face she'd like to talk to.
-godmod approved-

Ren was in a bit of shock about it all, honestly, but there was one thing he did know. As soon as the ceremony was over, he was looking for Sam. He spotted her quickly enough, running up to her and catching her up in a bear hug. He spun her around and held her close, kissing her happily. "We did it, Sammy. We really did it," He whispered, pulling back and brushing her hair from her eyes.
Rose had left the graduation fairly quickly. After trying to make plans with Jasper, Lily left herself to find her brother. He was, as to be expected, with his girlfriend. She smiled as she approached. "Now, now, Ren, do I get a hug too?" She teased, looking between him and Sam. "Hi, Sam," She greeted.
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