Amanda Lee

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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member


meet amanda lee hilsinger, the mother of izaak and leah
finch. i've been thinking about making her character for a
while now but i’d rather not play her out all by myself XD
so, here’s the lowdown. amanda’s the forty-seven year old
mother of izaak and leah finch. however, she hasn’t seen
either of them for over seven years since they left home for
a better life elsewhere. her then husband, marcus, was very
manipulative and intimidating to the point where she was
soon led into submission; letting him do anything at his will
and sometimes even following along with him. but when he
pushed his children to the point of leaving home, amanda
was shattered and was quick to draw from both their
marriage and her status as a death eater.

as izaak and leah are marrying their respective partners in
the near-ish future, i’d love it if they could both reunite
with their mother before then. i’m imagining that whilst
she would be torn over her daughter, she’d be far more
emotional in regaining izaak’s trust as he was only thirteen,
still her baby, when he left her. of course they’ll be reluctant
at first, defensive too but they’ll warm up to her in time.

just a few conditions of sorts: playby is clare danes. posts
should aim to reach at least two decent paragraphs (200
words and up). i can provide graphics if you’d like and i’ll
pm you a more in depth background once i find you ;)
And on top of having an awesomesauce character, you'd get to pet a really, really big puppy! She doesn't play fetch though. :lol:
OMG I am so glad I saw this! I adore the Finches, and would love to play Amanda if that suits? ^_^

brittany; yay! i'd love you to play her actually and seeing as
you've already roleplayed with izaak, that's even better! :D
as mentioned, i'll whip up some graphics for you to save you
the hassle of requesting them (unless of course you'd rather
someone else make them, which is totally fine XD) i'm a little
busy at the moment but i'll write up some more in depth info
and pm you as soon as i can. and thankyou! you're amazing.
alexis; lawl. i mean who wouldn't want a dog for a daughter?
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