Closed Am I Allowed to Cry?

Vanity Mettlestone

🪞Girly | Middle Child | Thief | Judgmental 👛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
9/2047 (15)
Vanity stood in the entrance hall, watching happy couples leave and still hearing sounds of the dance in the background. She had left the great hall once Holden had left her. The date had been a disaster. She told herself it didn't matter, she had looked cute on his arm and he had looked handsome and cool, everyone would think she had a great time. But... she hadn't. Holden had barely talked to her, had seemed not to even want to look at her. He hadn't dressed up, hadn't wanted to dance. He hadn't done anything a date should do. And while Vanity knew it was perhaps a little childish... she felt disappointed. She sighed softly, shaking her head as she rubbed at her eyes. Tears were childish, there was no reason she should be this upset. She started heading to the dungeons, glad her common room wasn't too far away. She was ready to curl up in bed, maybe then she could cry a little.
The fact that Cornelius had even bothered to stick his head in at the Yule Ball was nothing short of a miracle, and frankly the idiots of this school should consider themselves lucky he had bothered. It was boring, of course - the kind of pointless, moronic nonsense that only an idiot would even bother to put even the slightest iota of stock in. Everyone looking awkward in uncomfortable flouncy clothing and pretending they knew how to dance, acting like they would miss each other over the holidays when Cornelius knew all anyone at this stupid school ever really wanted was to be rid of each other. That was how he felt, at any rate.

So it was purely a kindness to his fellow student that Cornelius had bothered to show his face, and leaving was a blissful rush of freedom, away from the crowded heat of far too many anxious sweaty teenagers awkwardly bopping to whatever drivel passed for popular music. The passages were cool, and mostly quiet, though the sounds of "music" and chatter chased him even into his escape. As he headed for the dungeons, Cornelius realised someone was following behind him. Hopefully he wasn't being chased by one of the morons he unfortunately called a schoolmate. Turning around to see just how firmly he would need to berate his pursuer, Cornelius was surprised to see Vanity a ways behind him in the corridor. He had grudgingly assumed she was off sucking face with Holden, blinded by a pretty face to how awful he was. But she was here, and she looked upset, and it gave him pause. "Vanity?" He asked hesitantly, realising he had no idea how to handle an upset girl. "Are... you alright?"
Vanity hadn't noticed Cornelius walking in front of her until he turned around and looked at her. She winced, feeling caught. Especially when he immediately asked if she was okay. She hunched her shoulders slightly, feeling vulnerable and honestly a little stupid in her pink dress. She scowled at him, but she knew it was weak. "I'm fine." She snapped. But to her horror, she felt her lip tremble. Something about his concern was getting to her. Maybe because it was more regard for her than Holden had shown all night.
Oh man. Cornelius could tell from afar that Vanity was upset, but as he got closer she was clearly a fair bit more upset than he had bargained for. Deer in headlights, part of Cornelius wanted to find an excuse to get out of here as quickly as possible. He had never even tried to comfort another person before, because he was fairly sure he would be terrible at it. But one thought saved Cornelius from his panic, scowling as it curled in his stomach. "Was Holden a d*ck to you?" Cornelius didn't know much about the Gryffindor other than that he seemed even more degenerate than most of their year, and his disapproval was proving well-placed, if this was his fault.
Vanity inwardly groaned when Cornelius immediately clocked what was wrong. Way to be predictable. She shook her head, but it was reluctant. "No. He wasn't a d*ck." She sighed. "Not intentionally at least." She added bitterly. "Just not- not the best date. Seemed eager to be rid of me, if I'm honest." She said, not sure why she was being so open with this boy she barely knew. She forced a smile. "At least we looked good together. Don't tell anyone I told you this."
Cornelius didn't quite believe Vanity that Holden hadn't been a d*ck, but he gave a small snort of laughter. "Who am I going to tell?" He asked pointedly, before pressing on. "He's an idiot, though. What kind of moron takes the prettiest girl in school to a dance, then ignores her the whole time?" He rolled his eyes, scowling "Holden's a loser, sorry to say it."
Vanity smiled slightly, not sure what was more validating. Cornelius saying she was the prettiest girl or him saying Holden was a loser. She didn't think he was, that was sort of the problem. It would have been esaier to dismiss his disinterest if he was a loser. But it was still nice to hear someone say it. She fell into step with him, tilting her head slightly. "I'm the prettiest girl in school, huh?" She asked him with a smile. "Or do you say that to all the girls you find crying in the corridors?"
Cornelius hadn't really been paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth, and it took Vanity pointing it out to slam his brain to an abrupt stop. He... had actually said that, huh. "Objectively!" Cornelius squawked, as if that would somehow make it better. "Everyone knows, objectively, you're the pretty girl. That's what everyone thinks. It's common knowledge, I bet I could do a poll." He babbled, completely unable to stop now that he had started.
Vanity watched the shock register on Cornelius' face and couldn't help smiling. So it hadn't been something he had said just to appease her. It seemed to have slipped out. As he went on and talked about how objectively she was the prettiest girl, Vanity felt her amusement grow. Until finally, she started to laugh unexpectedly. "A poll?" She asked with a giggle.
Cornelius could feel the hole he was digging himself approaching the lowest level of the dungeon, and yet his stupid stupid, idiot mouth wouldn't stop talking. "Yes! You know, like they do in the newspaper! A reporter could walk around the school with a little pad and pen, saying to everyone; "Who do you think is the prettiest girl in school?" And one hundred percent of the answers would be "Vanity Mettlestone", I guarantee it. Unless they asked idiots, like Holden." He added firmly.
As Vanity listened to Cornelius, she couldn't help it, she kept laughing. She wasn't laughing at him, he was just being so... silly, and it was cheering her up. She shook her head. "No they wouldn't- but thank you." She said, turning to him. "It's nice of you to say that to cheer me up." She said, feeling better about herself now. Maybe Cornelius was right, maybe Holden was an idiot.
Cornelius didn't think he had ever made a girl laugh before in his life, unless she had been laughing at him, and he wanted desperately for this to continue. He wasn't sure how he had managed it with his little panic outburst, but he had done. This was the most successful conversation he had had with a girl in his life. With anyone, maybe. "I- you're welcome." He said bluntly, mind immediately going blank of anything better to say. Well, it had been a good run. "You deserve better."
Vanity's shoulders relaxed more the more they walked. She glanced at Cornelius sideways. "Thanks." She said softly. "It's nice of you to walk me back." She knew it was likely a coincidence, as they both had to head back to the same place. "Did you have a date?" She asked him, wondering if perhaps there was some girl somewhere upset Cornelius wasn't walking her back. A part of Vanity liked that idea.
Cornelius had made her laugh, and now he was nice?! A bewildered part of his brain wondered if he was hallucinating. Maybe someone had slipped a potion in his pumpkin juice to mess with him, and right now he was lying on the floor of the Great Hall gibbering like an idiot. It was certainly more likely than Vanity Mettlestone saying he was nice. And then she asked if he had had a date, and Cornelius couldn't quite choke back the bark of disbelieving laughter that burst out. "A date?!" He scoffed, blinking at her in disbelief. "Yes, the ladies were really queueing up to be taken to the ball by this." He gestured down his body, hawaiian shirt and all. "Hogwarts' Most Eligible Bachelor; an orange mop dressed like Weird Al."
Vanity was taken aback by Cornelius' response and looked at him for a beat. She had noticed he dressed a little odd and his hair was a mess, but she had figured that was on purpose. He was cute in his own way underneath all that, but she wasn't going to tell him that. She tilted her head slightly. "Well, you could get a haircut, wear clothes that aren't too big." She told him with a small shrug. "Confidence also helps, even if you're faking it."

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