Open Alone, but Not Lonely

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Alana Cosgrove

Baby of the family | Beater | People Pleaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
12/2049 (12)
Open after Daphne posts with @Cyrus Thorne

When thinking about what dress to wear for the valentines dance Alana decided she liked the dress from the yule ball too much not to wear it again, and it wasn’t like her parents were in a position to buy her another one so soon. She looked great in it, and that’s all she really cared about. She stepped into the great hall and marvelled at the decorations, it was very pink and red which was to be expected but it did feel overwhelmingly so. The whole place felt charming, which wasn’t the usual vibe of the great hall.

Alana headed over to the refreshments table and poured herself a drink as she watched some of the couples take tentative first steps out onto the dancefloor. She wasn’t bothered by her lack of a date, quite the opposite as it gave her the freedom to talk to who she wanted and have fun without having to make sure someone else was having a good time. It was just how she liked it.
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Cyrus headed into the Great Hall for the Valentine's Dance with low expectations. These events were sort of fun, but Cyrus never really accomplished anything. The past few dances he had just spent on the sidelines staring at Kairi, but thankfully he was over that crush. That meant today he might actually do something or have some fun, at the very least he might talk to his friends or something.

But he forgot all about the thought of finding his friends when he headed over to the refreshments table and spotted Alana Cosgrove standing there. He had noticed the Slytherin at Quidditch matches and in classes, and realized now that perhaps he liked her. He stopped and stared, then froze. What should he do? Should he approach her? Talk to her? Run away? Hide? He should approach her, right? He started to do so, taking a few steps closer, but then realized he was in no way brave enough to do that. He glanced up and made eye contact. Crap. She had seen him. No chance of running away. Cyrus did the only other thing he could think of to get out of a conversation. He knelt down and started to tie his shoelace. Or at least, pretended to, since his hadn't come undone. He fidgeted with the laces for a bit, then cautiously glanced up, hoping Alana had either walked away or hadn't noticed him after all.
Alana was used to a little attention, without wanting to toot her own horn she knew that it would be fair to call herself pretty and being as such came with perks. Attention wasn’t always one of them. She knew of Cyrus, he was a familiar face in some of her classes and she knew he played on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, otherwise he was a complete stranger. So, it was a little strange when he seemed to be making his way towards her, stopping, backing away then stopping. Was he having some kind of seizure? “Are you okay?” Alana asked him, figuring it was less awkward to address…whatever he was doing rather than try to ignore it.
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