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Harriett Hoover

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Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Harriett Hoover
A Southern Belle at heart with a very thick Southern drawl. The eleven year old girl grew up in Montgomery, Alabama with her two older siblings who are both working in the law enforcement. She's the youngest of them all and is fragile in nature. At her young age, she develop a love for baking and has entered State fair pie making. Harriett is lovable, optimistic and straight forward of what she thinks of you. She's also very kind. The only thing she's a bit weird, is that, she's a muggle born with no knowledge about the wizarding world whatsoever. With both parents working for the federal government as FBI agents and has no ties with magic, she believes that she wont last a day at Hogwarts.

I think Harriett would be needing a best friend who can comfort her, tell her about great things that the wizarding world has to offer. Friends and enemies (rivals would be good too) also a future love interest, not a final, or we could work out an alternate role play whichever best suit.

Hunter Baird
How can I put Hunter (pardon as I have never roleplayed a guy before) he is the opposite of his sister. He's more into the good side of everything. Hunter is kind-hearted, yep, he's a softy even to animals. He's shy specially if he has to make a speech, that's his biggest fear. And waddayouknow, Hunter loves sports of any kind, of course Quidditch will be his main priority throughout his school life.

He needs pretty much everyone and, if possible, only a handful of enemies as he isn't really into that. Love interest can't happen right now but like I said we can do alternate role play.


Firmiana Asterion

I have only roleplayed Firmiana once and would like to make her story line long. She's now a second year, yay! The girl survived first year despite knowing nothing about the wizarding world. Firmiana is an orphan until she was taken out from the orphanage by her uncle who she doesn't know quite well. She's reserved most of the time but will stand up to anyone who does harm to people. Firmiana is easy to befriend with if she likes that person.

A best friend would be perfect for her as she never had one, not even at the orphanage. We can negotiate on enemies and love interest. I prefer just one enemy for her, I really can't make Firmiana a real Slytherin, it's not in her blood to be hostile to others.

Welp! That's them for now, I'm still tinkering about Teagan Maxwell but she'll be added here soon. Though, if you know her and would like to role play with Teagan just PM me :)
Harriet and Noemie, both in Ravenclaw, both girls, could have late night chats in the dorm room, Noemie would definitely want to tell her all about the magical world and help her get to know it. So like let me know because I would be very interested in them being like really good friends.
Firmiana x Leonardo: Leo's in second year as well, and he's a Gryffindor! Haven't really roleplayed with him often so I'm definitely up for RPing him with Firmiana. Leo's pretty sociable and friendly and protective too sometimes, he probably could start an easy conversation with her, and is likely to accept her no matter where she comes from/what her family background's like. To add to that Leo started his first year last IC year with barely knowing anything about the wizarding world as well so there's that. Let me know what you think. I'd be happy for them to become best friends if you want.
Em-Em: :woot: A girls night? That would be perfect (She'll have to bake her some pie for a Thank you)

Clara: Yasss! Best friend would be a good one for her first rp of the IC school year. Is Leo trying out for Quidditch? because Firmiana is trying out and if both gets in they'll be rivals too. This is only an IF but I'm up for them being Best friends.
Yes! We can start something in the Ravenclaw dorm room. Would you like to start it or shall I?
Haven't really thought of it, to be honest xD I'm not sure whether I'll have the time to make him play for his house Quidditch team if he gets in and although he loves flying, might not be good at it. But, I'm willing for him to try out and see how it goes. He still wouldn't be fazed by the rivalry, he's a pretty cheerful kid so he'd most definitely support Firmiana anyway when Gryffindor's not playing - simply because her house is :p (and he has a younger sister who in a few years will have the potential of being in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw anyway). It is a big 'if' though, you're right.

Open or closed RP? I can start something for them if you want, I don't mind.
I have Aaron Walden here who has just been sorted into Gryffindor. I can offer him for either of your characters, or all of them xD

I can see Aaron and Harriett potentially being friends, Aaron is playful and mischievous. He is always up for a good time and loves to cause trouble, he can be quite distant to begin with but will open up in time, depends if he feels he is close to the other person. He's very observant and keeps his guard up so he can seem quite cold.

Hunter and Aaron seem quite similar, Aaron loves animals and because he's grown up on a farm looking after animals is one of his passions. He is also quite sporty athough he has never played Quidditch before so that is going to be a new experience.

As for Firmiana, I have Bryony Woods who is a Hufflepuff Second Year. She is adopted and has no idea about magic or the wizarding world and therefore, sees magic confusing and the wizarding world quite backward. She sees some things to do with magic as pointless and can have quite a pessimistic attitude when it comes to magic.
Em: would you pretty, please? Thank you

Clara: thats a big IF anyways, that's fine. I would prefer a close topic for right now and could you start it, please. I'm on my phone right now ^_^

Lauren: xD the more the merrier. Can Aaron possibly drag Harriett into some trouble? She's pretty much a rule follower and probably her insight on rule will change. Does that makes sense?

For Hunter, he can show Aaron what Quidditch is like? Or just talk about animals and the like xD

Firmiana and Bryony are so perfect, she still has no clue about the wizarding world up until now and how she became a witch. Maybe they can do some talking as well.

Let me know what you think ^_^
Sure I'll start it ASAP and post the link here once I'm done :)

So I might have Peyton here for either of your first years. She's a very happy and energetic girl who loves surrounding herself with all different kinds of people. She's a Muggle Born as well and even though she has tried to get the wizarding world a bit more by immediately looking for some books whilst shopping for school supplies she still knows very little about it and believes it is a lot to take in, however she's always up for a challenge! She's a very social girl and will try her best to make people feel comfortable, even if that means she has to tone it down a bit.

Let me know if you think she fits either of them! :)
Harriett Hoover said:
Lauren: xD the more the merrier. Can Aaron possibly drag Harriett into some trouble? She's pretty much a rule follower and probably her insight on rule will change. Does that makes sense?

For Hunter, he can show Aaron what Quidditch is like? Or just talk about animals and the like xD

Firmiana and Bryony are so perfect, she still has no clue about the wizarding world up until now and how she became a witch. Maybe they can do some talking as well.

Let me know what you think ^_^
Hey! So we have a lot to be getting on with ;)

Aaron could definitely drag Harriett into some trouble he can show her that rules are meant to be broken :shifty: Once I get a topic up and running i'll PM you a link, may be a while though, once term formally starts perhaps?

With regards to Hunter that sounds really good, they can bond over their mutual interests and can perhaps develop into good friends?

Finally, with Firminia that sounds perfect! Bryony would love someone who completely understands her position, maybe once classes start again they can talk about how pointless a certain subject is or something xD
Clara/Em-em: I'll post as soon as possible

Marijke: Peyton will be best for Harriett. They're both Muggle Borns and have no clue of the Wizarding world. Are them being Best friend alright?

Lauren: I'm up for anything even it means waiting xD lemme know or howler me if you want some help posting topics.
Sounds like a lot of fun! Let me know what you wanna do ^_^
I'm so sorry for replying late ... I'll start a thread somewhere and I'll post the link here :)
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