ALL my characters (I mean All)

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Rebekah Smith

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Unyielding Cherry Wand with Boomslang venom Core
So I've been back almost a month now and back into the swing of things, so I've decided to get all of my babies out into the world again, plus some that never saw the light of day before I left.

Bold= Attention Needed
Italic= Not Fussed

Okay so here goes, In Alphabetical Order.

Abrax Dragonslayer
Abrax Dragonslayer, the 20 year old firstborn son of Olga and Alexandros Dragonslayer, grew up alongside many of his siblings and cousins on the family estate in Southern Greece. This was the beginning of an internal struggle where Abrax strove for something more in his life than the estate and famed family name. From a young age Abrax was home-schooled and was always raised and taught by his family, which while it did strengthen the family bond, it also gave Abrax his yearning for other people.
At nineteen Abrax finally grew the courage to leave the compound, and while he wasn't forced to stay he always felt his family would resent him. He decided to go travelling within his first year of freedom and travelled to many magical sites learning of the old ways of magic, especially those of a darker nature. Learning he had a certain affinity for these types of incantations and spells he started to dedicate his energies towards that affliction.

For Abrax I'm just searching for Family Plots (so if you have any Dragonslayer's hmu) and maybe a couple of friends.

Alina Arduleanu
Alina Arduleanu, currently under the care of Kyle Monroe, Second Year Gryffindor who loves adventures. So what I'm looking for with her is really specific and I don't mind how many people want to join, the more the merrier, but I want her and some others to go searching for that "Dark Presence" on the board. Alina is a stand for no nonsense type of gal, and is already searching the forest for more than just creepy crawlies so if anyone's interested, Hit me up. Also friends in general around Hogwarts would be nice.
Alistair Wilson
Alistair Wilson, 19 year old ex Durmstrang Student, now works in a wand shop in Albania. He's had a shady life, his mom killed by extremists and his dad died not long after. He's had two best friends in his life, and only friends, both moved away so he's pretty lonely, so I'm looking for friends, and maybe short-term love intrests. He's bi, so either gender is fine.
Elektra Dragonslayer
Elektra is a sixteen year old girl who like most of her family, was raised in Greece with her family, Unlike her brother Abrax, Elektra moved away to become a student at Mahoutokoro for the first part of her educated life, but moved back to New Zealand in her fifth year with hopes to attend Hogwarts New Zealand. For Elektra i'm looking to give her a big group of girlfriends, so any friends who could have met her either in Greece, Mahoutokoro or New Zealand, I'm open to suggestions. I'd also like Dragonslayer family plots, so if you have a Dragonslayer hmu.
Gabi Yamada
Fifteen year old, Gabi Yamada was raised by adoptive muggle parents in LA. Having never received any indication she might be magical, and having received no such notification from ANY wizarding school, she carried on her life oblivious to magic. That it until weird things started happening. on her prom night, Gabi revealed her magical abilities for the first time to her prom date who obviously freaked out and pretty soon the whole school had turned against her. She was promptly rescued by a couple of ministry workers, who slowly revealed the wizarding world to her, and from there she went to Ilvermorny. For her I'm looking for just friendships, maybe penpal plots. for the remainder of the year that she's not at Ilvermorny she lives with carer, Kyle Monroe in new Zealand, and she may be starting there next year.
Kyle Monroe
Kyle Monroe, father to two, pseudo-father to many. Kyle runs a magical care home in New Zealand, a sort of boarding house for young witches and wizards who need a place to stay during the school year, or even for the whole school career. His only two legitimate sons (Skylar Grey, 13 and TJ Monroe, 5) also live with him and the other residents, which include; Marzen and Missouri Svajone, Alina Ardeleanu, Gabi Yamada, Vee Demonte and Marcus Meraux. He's a lovely guy, funniest father around and would die if it meant his kids were safe, even those not related to him any way. Looking for maybe a love plot, and certainly more kids for him to look after! He's bi as well.
Marcus Meraux
Marcus is my soon to be sorted little muffin. He's boisterous, charming and downright adventurous. Haven't got much for him yet, but he's got an over confidence which mixes with his whole "Hate to be wrong" deal which should be fun to flesh out with a couple of plots. Looking for friends, maybe a final far down the line. Will be starting Hogwarts next school year.
Marzen Svajone
Not much to say about Marzen, except he's my Hufflepuff second year whose slowly realizing his sexuality. He's got a final, but in between then I'd like to have Marzen experiment with other boys, just to see how it goes. Also any friend plots would be fun but not to fussed about Marzen, seeing as he's got a lot going on for him.
Missouri Svajone
Missouri "Missy" Svajone, complete opposite to her elder brother Marzen, Missy rarely speaks to people, and you'd only here her in a long conversation with Marzen, usually in their native Lithuanian tongue. She's quite reserved and quiet, ever since her father died she's been sullen but moving to New Zealand has sot of opened her up again. For her I want anything and Everything!
Quinn Roseberg
Currently at Beauxbatons (hopefully transferring soon) Quinn is my romantic 16 year old. I'd like him to make friends for now, could lead into more while his crush is wreaking their life by marrying the wrong guytemporarily, but like I said, he's hopefully transferring soon. Quinn is an avid fan of surfing, long walks on beaches and any excuse to show off his pets, which include an owls, bunnies, cats and dogos.
Rebekah Smith
Rebekah Smith, my favourite bully, Pure Blood and Prejudice she's a little horror looking for victims she can inflict her own damaged reflection on. Having a shi*ty home life and being a looked over middle sister all the while you're trying to stay afloat in family drama's and avoiding arranged marriages, there's no wonder she's rude. Looking for an accomplice who'd join her on her rampage, and victims. lots and lots of victims. (Also a love interest in the future.)(Second year Slytherin)
Skylar Grey
Skylar Grey is my stereotypical Ravenclaw. at second year, he's not as busy as the older students, but it would seem like it if you ever saw him round the grounds, which is rare seeing as he's either studying, being uber late to dinner or waiting until late to practice skating in the corridors. He's not a rule breaker, but he toes the line to see how much he can get away with, and that's usually seeing how late he can stay out or how late he can be to turn up to lessons. For sky, I'm looking for friendships around the school, maybe a couple of love interests (before he meets his final)

Vee Demonte
<FONT font="Georgia"><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100"> <SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="50">Vee Demonte, the quiet little girl in the corner of the library, the girl who gets all her work in on time, the straight O student. this is her. She's my little dork who I had MAJOR plans for but redacted due to the fact it involved her being practically inactive for seven years of her life. I may still go ahead with the plan but for now I'm looking for friends and obviously enemies.

So sorry for throwing ALL my current babies at you, just letting you all know the variety I have and hoping you guys will find some you can connect with. -Aaron
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Hi Aaron,

I have a few people I can offer, and I don't think we've ever RPed aside from the Jean/Marzen rose RP. :)

For Abraxas: I can offer Tobiah Djordjevic. He's already met one Dragonslayer and wasn't exactly fond of him. It'll be interesting to see if he gets along better with another Dragonslayer. He's into the idea of dark magic and gets into a good amount of fights because he can't control his attitude. He attended Durmstrang before being nearly expelled.

For Alistair: I can offer Tobiah, see above. :p
I can also offer Maximilian Faber who is also a Durmstrang grad. He was really quiet in school, so he didn't have many friends. Maybe one or two. Maybe they could have history together if you don't want him to be a new friend/love interest? His parents are Scitorari- one is in Azkaban serving a life sentence. It's not something he talks about, but it was in the paper so it is something anyone could know.

For Kyle: I'd like to offer Jeremy Thorne, former Head Boy, former quidditch captain, and forever Ravenclaw. :p He is a Healer and works in the emergency room of St. Mungo's. I could definitely see him being friends with someone like Kyle. He isn't close to his own family but can see himself married with a large brood of his own one day. He's a bit of a workaholic, so it'd have to be somewhat work-related- maybe Jeremy does a house call for a really sick kid or Kyle brings a kid in? Or he volunteers at the boarding house in some other manner?

Abraxas Dragonslayer/Tobiah Djordjevic

That sound's interesting, you'll have to tell me how that went with the other Dragonslayer, and see if they'd get along or not. Attitude is a good thing so maybe if they did clash a duel could ensure. :r

Alistair Wilson/Tobiah Djordjevic

Well Alistair and Tobiah have met before (in a post before I left) so we could start another thread as they've already met? They sort of got along last time so continue on from there?

Alistair Wilson/Maximilian Faber
If they were already friends/love interests at Durmy's that's defiantly a route I'd like to explore, reconciliation with an old flame. I like how their past's clash, Alistair's parents dying due to extremists, and his being scit. Defiantly could have a slight clash of interests if he follows in his families footsteps or not.

Kyle Monroe/Jeremy Thorne
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I LOVE THIS IDEA! Kyle was a Hufflepuff, and with several kids they're bound to have trouble. Maybe we could do both, Kyle comes in with his son TJ, and then they hit it off, and then he makes house calls? I really like this idea and would defo like to continue it.

Thanks Cyndi!!!

Hi Aaron! I don't have a whole lot to offer you because I only have one character that is already sorted, but I can offer my first year Amber to be friends with any of your second years, she's a friendly girl that would get along with most people I think, and she could also be a victim for Rebekah as well :shifty:

For Marcus I have an unsorted student I can offer to be his friend. My character Rose Holland sounds very similar to him (confident, boisterous) so they would probably be good friends.

Let me know if there's anything you'd like to do. ^_^
I gots a Dragonslayer! Xena Dragonslayer, I think she's the youngestin', and will be sorted next IC year. So, we can do family plots plz yass.
I also think that her and Marcus could have some sort of relationship, whether a good or bad I do not know yet hehe, we can put them together and see how they butt heads.

You can also have a look at my account list to see if there is anyone else you'd like to RP with your babes!
I forgot that Tobi and Alistair have already RPed. Sorry! :doh:

I’m glad you like the Kyle/Jeremy idea. If you could PM me and let me know which of these you want me to start, I’ll have them up at the end of the week. We might need to figure out Alistair/Max a bit more too? Let me know.
Hi Aaron!! :party:

Okay so I can offer you Raylee Lagowski for Alina - she'd totally be up for some dark presence hunting. She's a bit hot-headed and bossy but she's capable of working together and she's a bit timid, even if she won't show it :p

And for Marcus, this would depend on transfer results etc. but I have Alexei Mihaylov who, if he does transfer in this coming year, should totally meet Marcus for teh luls :r (they're both Ansel Elgort). He'd be a sixth year upon transferring but he's a prefect at Koldovstoretz currently and so he would totally like to be a mentor figure, if Marcus would like one :p otherwise no worries.
Aaron I literally don't have enough characters for this. But I'll give it a try.

So first off, for Alina. We've discussed about her and Diane Winters a little, I think she would totally be up for chasing dark presences so count her in for that, so maybe we can start there with them and go from there.

For Missouri, well I love her. I was gutted when she wasn't sorted into Lucas's year, for...reasons. So I want to chat with you about her, maybe on Skye. I have a couple of potential love plots for her.

Vee is adorable, and I kinda hope you don't go through your plan for her. Either way I'd like her to be friends with my second year Hufflepuff Liam Adams. Maybe they could date a bit, if you were looking for something like that. If not then I'd like them to be close friends, so either her major plot would affect him or they would remain close friends.

For Marcus, I have my firstie Spencer Owens. He is still a work in process but he is a big reader and is low key adventurous, I'm looking for people to help get him out more, with Marcus being as adventurous as he is, he could help bring that side out in Spencer.
Both of my Walden Gryffindors would definitely be friends with Alina and would help her to search for that dark presence and any other exploration adventures. We should probably chat more on which one (or if both) would accompany her on that adventure and whether they could grow and become really good friends.

I think we spoke about Marcus and Rufus before? But yeah I would love to plot them more. I can see them becoming quite good friends and maybe occasionally clashing which would make their relationship very interesting. Rufus is also confident and charming which could mean that they might clash sometimes especially if Marcus hates to be wrong haha! Rufus can be adventurous with the right influences and as I want him to have many friends and because he will be concerned with his social status at the school he would definitely do things that take him out of his comfort zone if it meant keeping friends.

I also think we've spoken about Archie and Skylar being friends before since they are both quite studious and quiet. The only difference between them is that Archie is a stickler for the rules and rarely gets into trouble which could be interesting if he and Skylar got into a sticky situation because I have no idea what Archie would do xD

I think that's all for now, I have a couple more ideas but I think this could be enough to be getting on with :p
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