Closed All Around Me, Unfamiliar Faces

Hiro Aoki

muggle studies 3-4 + boy racer + drift king
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
6/2028 (32)
Hiro was usually a pretty sociable and talkative guy. He had no problems with going up to strangers and talking and talking. However, he did feel slightly out of place right then. The Quidditch Leagues around the world had decided to host a training camp for all their Professional players, a chance to train and practice with players from around the world, and a chance to bond and make some new friends. On the surface, it sounded like a great idea and Hiro was all for it, but now he was here, he couldn't help but feel a little awkward around all these strange faces.

His fingers anxiously flattened down the 'My Name is Hiro' sticker he had stuck to the front of his shirt, dark gaze shifting over the other name badges he could see in sight as people milled about the room. It was the first day and it was supposed to be a chance to introduce yourself to others and make some friends before the drills started tomorrow morning. And a lot of other players were happily smiling and laughing in groups already, leaving Hiro standing awkwardly to the side by himself. Not really the best way to make some friends. But he did notice that there was someone else nearby who also seemed to be by herself, so not wanting to get left out, he cleared his throat and tried a smile and in a greeting in the best English he could manage. "My name is Hiro, it is nice to meet you."

@Odette Madison
Odette had been working hard at her career, which had left her social life a bit barren. Being a professional Quidditch player was what she had wanted to be since she was twelve, and sometimes she still couldn't believe she had actually made it that far, that it was her life. Being part of a New Zealand team while also living in New Zealand caused her to be recognized more and more frequently too, which never ceased to be strange.

This Quidditch camp was something that she had been uncertain about. But she knew it was good to make a few more connections. Most of her teammates were actually people she used to play with back at Hogwarts, it would be good to meet a few other players. But once she was there, Odette regretted it a bit. Once upon a time, she had been the popular girl at school. It had seemed so easy to talk to people. Somewhere along the way, she seemed to have lost that ability, and now she was standing awkwardly by the side. Someone talked to her, and she looked up in surprise. It was a man around her age, who seemed to be as alone here as she was. Odette forced a quick smile. "I'm Odette." She said. "Moutohora Macaws beater." She added, figuring that was good to add.
Hiro just continued to smile at the other woman, that smiling getting a little wider as she gave him her name instead of just telling him to go away or something. But then it did occur to him that she had mentioned what team she was on and he hadn't done anything of the sort. "Oh!" He exclaimed once that had actually hit him properly, straightening up just a little. "I'm keeper for Toyohashi Tengu." He thought it best he explain what team he was from as well as she had been so nice as to offer her own team. Not that it was much of a secret seeing as they were all Quidditch players here, and all. But still.

Then he paused, humming as he rubbed his chin. "Macaws... New Zealand team, yes?" At least, he was pretty sure that was where they hailed from. It might be Australia, but he was pretty sure he was right. When it came to the foreign leagues he was never 100% certain, but Hiro liked to think he knew enough. "Is that where you are from?"
Odette nodded as the man said the team he was from, thinking about the teams for a moment before remembering the correct one. "Japan." She said, "right?" Hiro had a similar question for her, and Odette nodded. "One of the New Zealand teams." She said, smiling slightly. "The better one, obviously." She added half-jokingly. "I grew up in New Zealand, yes. Though I was born in America." She said, aware that her accent was a strange mix of the two now. Though she didn't think someone from Japan would know that. "Are you from Japan?" She asked him in return.
Hiro beamed, nodding his head, "Hai!" Though he didn't really think it was very hard to work out where the team came from, he was still impressed that she knew it all the same. He was also quite pleased with himself for remembering where the Macaws came from as well. Then he listened as she explained she was born in America but grew up in New Zealand. "So you went to Hogwarts?" He would assume so if she had grown up in New Zealand like she said, though he supposed that Ilvermorny could have been an option as well if her family had wanted her to study back in America. But then she asked a similar question and once again Hiro nodded his head, "Born and raised, yes." If it were not completely obvious from his accent and the struggle he had with the English language most of the time.

*Hai is just Japanese for yes
Odette nodded as well, glad to have a nice conversation at this event, even if she felt slightly awkward talking to someone she had so little in common with. She nodded when he asked her if she went to Hogwarts, remembering the early days when she had been angry about not going to Ilvermorny instead. "I did." She said. "I was in Slytherin." She added, though she wasn't entirely sure how much that would mean to him. "Did you go to Mahoutokoro then?" She asked after a moment.

apologies for taking so long
He was right once again about where she had gone to school and Hiro just grinned some more, feeling quite pleased with himself for all this great guessing that he was doing. And then she guessed where he went to school and once again he nodded his head, "I did, yes." It had been scary at first, going to school away from his family and learning magic, but those seven years ended up being some of the best of his life. Even if he never could completely give up Muggle things and his love of cars. "What is Hogwarts like? I know not much."
Odette was glad she had guessed correctly, it would have been pretty embarrassing to get it wrong or to say the name of the school wrong. She nodded when he said he didn't know much about Hogwarts. That made sense, it wasn't like she knew much about other wizarding schools herself. She knew a bit about Ilvermorny because of her brother, but that was all. "I don't know how different it is to Mahoutokoro." She told him honestly. "There are four different houses at Hogwarts and we're sorted into one at the start of first year. You stay in that house until graduation at the end of seventh, though houses do have classes together." She told him with a shrug. "I was in Slytherin, but that probably doesn't tell you much."

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