ALL ABOUT ME !!!!!!!!!

Joan D'ark

New Member
Full Name: Joan D'ark
- Birth Date:Febuary 4th 2009
- Current Age: 10
- Basic Appearance: stunngiy beautiful
- Parents: King and Queen of a small pasific island
- Siblings, if any:5 brothers and 22 sisters all older than me no magic powers other than my twin sister Holly
- Pets, if any:3 snakes 300 cats 70 dogs a gerbil and 5000 goldfish
- Area of Residence:huge palase on a small pasific island
- Blood status:mudblood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):unsorted
- Best school subjects (And why):unsorted
- Worst school subjects (And why):unsorded

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? an ant
- What would their Boggart be? a peanut
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) an ant
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? an ant
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? my old pet ant

- Write an example roleplay by your character: i was in the libery and i saw a peanut screamed and ran out of the lierey saw an ant and calmed down

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it: dear dirary we had transfiguration today and we had to turn an ant into a peanut so I screamed and ran out of the room because I HATE PEANUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SCREAM)

While I will not tell you that you cannot use these ideas for the outline of your character I will remind you that some element of realism is still desirable even in a fictional universe such as that used in this role playing website and in the Harry Potter novels.

Now, to begin, "Stunningly beautiful" Can you describe this? Is she fair skinned? darker skinned? Something in between? What colour is her hair? Her eyes? Does she have any flaws? Everybody has some flaws, perhaps a finger is slightly longer than it should be, something small like a mole on her upper arm?

"King and Queen of a small Pacific Island" How small? New Zealand is small by many standards, how close to New Zealand might this island be? How many inhabitants are on the island? Is it primitive? Is it a society accepting of magical folk?

"5 brothers and 22 sisters all older than me no magic powers other than my twin sister Holly." Your character's twin is also older then her, then? Why such a large number? The palace must be really large to fit that many children in it comfortably with servants etc. (Which I would assume do exist)

"3 snakes 300 cats 70 dogs a gerbil and 5000 goldfish" Why such an array of pets? Three Hundred cats? Is that just every cat on the island? Are they all house cats? 70 dogs, who manages all these animals, certainly not your character I should hope? 5000 Goldfish? Are they kept in a moat, a lake, the ocean? A special tank in the palace, perhaps?

What house do you feel suits your character best?
Which house does your character want to be in?
Why is your character so obsessed with ants; you indicate they had a pet ant, why only one? Why is it gone?
Why is your character afraid of peanuts?
Also, your example role play is in the first, not third, person. First person is "I walked into the room and sat down." Third person, on the other hand, is "Nicolas walked into the room and sat down." This is the style used on this website (Third Person).
Perhaps you could expand on the role play?

Please do not think I'm being overly critical, I just found this biography very funny and if you intend to keep it I want you to have it very well thought out. :)
Kudos though -- you made me laugh and I'm still smiling. :) ;)

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