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Dominic Hirsch

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak, 14 ¾", Raven Feather.

Hiya! Would it be possible to add justified alignment to the BB Code?
I have no idea how likely that could be, but I do like justified text personally, and it would be helpful for those who like to format their posts or biographies.
Hopefully this hasn't been asked before, I did a search and found no results. ^_^

Thanks, Helena.

No BBCode exists for this that is native to ZetaBoards.
I could code one, similar to the current OOC BBcode and one more BBcode that might be used on HNZ shortly. But it might take a while, and would not be entirely bug-free, I'm sure.
If several people are interested in this, though, I can give it a go.
I think this would be really beneficial also! ^_^ But like Emmah said, don't bust your butt trying to code it! ;) :wub:
I have a
faux-BBCode coded. However, I will not be implementing it as of yet, as I'm not sure if this is really worth the extra coding or if it's just a handful of users who want it to make a couple of posts fancier.
I actually suspect that implementing this code will cause more users to frequently use the remove styling button more than it will help anybody.
However, given that I've already coded it and have it saved to the files on my hard drive, I'm not closed entirely to the idea.
I'll note that if it is added, no "Justify" BBCode button will be added to the board. The BBCode will exist, but no button will be visible. (Much like it is with the background colour, border, subscript, and superscript BBCodes.)
I'd be using the remove styling a lot if it was used a lot in RPs, but as for bios and relationships, I think it would be interesting for the code. But perhaps we could have a vote in a few days to ultimately decide in the end?
The justify BBCode has been added to the board:
Please note that I have not coded it to work in signatures.
Example Posts:
Lorem Ipsum said:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sem justo, pulvinar a aliquet rhoncus, commodo quis diam. Fusce eu mi eget orci lobortis faucibus quis vel erat. Aliquam quis mattis orci. In at orci dui, at accumsan risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer scelerisque orci quis felis placerat sit amet commodo nulla rutrum. Sed pretium luctus commodo. Ut mattis, quam ac aliquam viverra, arcu est mattis lorem, sit amet fringilla quam lorem a nulla. Ut tincidunt aliquam sapien. Vivamus magna quam, aliquam quis auctor non, pretium vel augue. Integer a magna vitae dolor consectetur lacinia id sit amet risus. Integer enim lacus, egestas et condimentum ac, sodales ut elit. Suspendisse blandit ultrices libero, sit amet tincidunt odio vestibulum ullamcorper. Aliquam in felis mi. Nulla auctor, mi placerat condimentum condimentum, dui ligula placerat enim, sed aliquet eros leo non ipsum. Curabitur vitae justo libero.

Nunc blandit rutrum enim, sed eleifend ligula blandit eget. Pellentesque ut tincidunt dolor. Nullam quis diam velit, nec tempus purus. Quisque risus augue, pretium nec porttitor ac, fermentum eu dui. Quisque at odio ut elit luctus commodo vitae a neque. Pellentesque non diam lectus. Nunc non justo a sapien hendrerit blandit. Maecenas feugiat mauris quis risus commodo sodales. Morbi lacinia purus in sapien laoreet tincidunt. Vivamus nec lacus vitae libero fermentum mollis sed sed libero.
Lorem Ipsum said:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sem justo, pulvinar a aliquet rhoncus, commodo quis diam. Fusce eu mi eget orci lobortis faucibus quis vel erat. Aliquam quis mattis orci. In at orci dui, at accumsan risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer scelerisque orci quis felis placerat sit amet commodo nulla rutrum. Sed pretium luctus commodo. Ut mattis, quam ac aliquam viverra, arcu est mattis lorem, sit amet fringilla quam lorem a nulla. Ut tincidunt aliquam sapien. Vivamus magna quam, aliquam quis auctor non, pretium vel augue. Integer a magna vitae dolor consectetur lacinia id sit amet risus. Integer enim lacus, egestas et condimentum ac, sodales ut elit. Suspendisse blandit ultrices libero, sit amet tincidunt odio vestibulum ullamcorper. Aliquam in felis mi. Nulla auctor, mi placerat condimentum condimentum, dui ligula placerat enim, sed aliquet eros leo non ipsum. Curabitur vitae justo libero.

Nunc blandit rutrum enim, sed eleifend ligula blandit eget. Pellentesque ut tincidunt dolor. Nullam quis diam velit, nec tempus purus. Quisque risus augue, pretium nec porttitor ac, fermentum eu dui. Quisque at odio ut elit luctus commodo vitae a neque. Pellentesque non diam lectus. Nunc non justo a sapien hendrerit blandit. Maecenas feugiat mauris quis risus commodo sodales. Morbi lacinia purus in sapien laoreet tincidunt. Vivamus nec lacus vitae libero fermentum mollis sed sed libero.​

As you can see, in the second one the lines at the end are equal and not jagged as in the first.
*pokes the people who asked for this*
Kaitlyn suggested that you may also want to be able to restrict the width of the text in the alignment fields. Is that the case?
Helena is away right now, but I think this is amazing Nick! Seriously, it will be so much help for us coding freaks xD (biographies and threads) I also think the idea to restrict the width would be worth trying out, it sure would make it even more useful than it already is, and more versatile too. ^_^
Sorry Nick, I've been away for a few days. But thank you very much, I'm sure a lot of us will appreciate this.

And in regards to the width restriction.. if I understand you correctly, would that work like the img tags? ie:
Because if that's what you meant, then yes, I think that'd be awesome! Basically, what Emmah just said, because I'm not very good at explaining anything technology-related. xD
would be another option if I added that in, and how I was thinking of implementing it.
However, problematically, if I were to do that you would not be able to centre align the whole block, or right align it. The entire justified block would be left aligned due to the way things work with CSS already.
I neither want to code in an ability to change the alignment of justified blocks, nor do I want to do an only partial job. And if this is included, the amount of coding required for it would nearly triple and while I doubt the amount of users who will actually use the justification BBCode, I doubt even more the quantity who need to restrict its width and align the block. While I'm willing to assist in other's quests for aesthetic perfection, I don't think it should require too much in the way of JavaScript to implement.
The staff and I had a general meeting today about a whole bunch of things, and this suggestion was brought up.
We collectively decided to leave the justify BBCode as is. We will neither remove it, nor expand upon it to include options for limiting width or aligning a limited block of it within the post area.​
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