Alex needs some pals!!!

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Alex Parker

Alex is smart, even though she doesnt let it on. She likes having fun especially if it includes breaking the rules. She knows about magic from fiction muggle books she's read, but thats about it.

Alex needs a...
1. Bestfriend
2. Best Guy-friend
3. And a group of friends she can rp with regularly. Probably a group of least 2 boys to make things interesting ;)
Sure, do you want to be apart of the group or do just want to be a friend? Alex's bestfriend would have to be in the group, so it depends on what you wanted to be.
Persephone could be a friend?
She doesn't care about rules, is is good at getting herself out of trouble. She's not exactly outgoing unless she's around friends. She doesn't like groups, so she'd just be a random friend.

Or her sister Clytaemnestra?
Clytaemnestra is more outgoing, but she is wary of breaking rules. That could change though. She wants to fit in, so would love being in a group. She would try to change herself a little, not drastically, but just because she wants to have friends. Clytaemnestra is loyal to her friends, and like her sister, is very good at getting out of trouble. She could be Alex's best friend, or maybe just part of the group?
I can be a best friend, Nicole is a very smart that she will correct you if something is wrong with the information you got, Optimistic, Cunning and Kind. She comes from a muggle community but her father is a pureblood, Nicole's family is a second family as her father has a first family. Nicole has a sister at Hogwarts and despise her for being her sister.
To Chrysanthemum-
A random friend would be great!
You could start a post any time just let me know.

A best friend would be good.
We should start a thread so they could get to know each other.
And you would be in the group, if thats ok?

You could be part of the group.
Once we get our 2 guys in, if they join of course, then we could start a thread.

I can see Charlotte and Alex, being random, and not very close friends.
It could develop into something a little closer. But, for now I don't see them being that close.

Charlotte is the daughter of a Lord. Who is currently in New Zealand as the forgin exchange student.
Charlotte is a very polite and well mannered girl. She is not very adventurous and general will not venture out of her comfort zone. Charlotte is quiet and quite shy. Charlotte doesn't have many friends but she has two close friends but since she moved to New Zealand, she has lost them.
Charlotte is very formal, and understands verylittle about the modern world. She is very closed off to every one. She lives in her own world.

What do you think?
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