Ahh, So We Meet Again.

Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara was quite happy with herself so far this year. She'd renewed contact with Willow, Stefan and Jake, and made a new friend-Dante-who she was getting along with very well, even if he was a complete flirt. She was going to the Yule Ball with Jake, which made her extremely happy. She liked Jake a lot, and she felt this was a step forward.. She'd already chosen her dress, it was floor-length, and she felt good when she was wearing. She liked to feel that way.

At the moment, she was sitting in the courtyard, a book open in her lap. She was almost finished, just a few pages to go, the climax had been reached, everything was just finishing up now. It was Inheritance by Christopher Paolini. She'd been talking to Dante about the series, and she'd finally managed to track down the fourth book. She was very happy with it. She slowly turned the last page, and shut the covers together gently. Then she lay her head against the stone of the wall she was sitting against. Imagining herself in that world. She always did that when she finished a book. Somehow that other world had always seemed so much more esciting than her own. She had always wished for the magic, that had changed now, she had magic, and she felt as though she was living in one of her favourite books half the time.
Daniel had been a little reclusive lately. He hadn't spoken to many people, he had only left the common room for class and for Quidditch practice. So the friends he had made the following year had dwindled away. Daniel decided that today would be different to the all the ones before it. He had decided that he would venture out to the grounds for a walk, of course he did have some books in his bag. The Yule Ball was coming up, Daniel felt an obligation to go but due to his lack of recent social interaction he didn't have a date. Daniel's suit was all ready and hanging in his dorm just waiting to be worn. He always enjoyed wearing a suit, but in the wizards world wearing them wasn't a common practice.

He wasn't on his feet long before he found a place in the courtyard to sit down, leaning against the cold stone wall. He took a book from his bag and began to read. It was a fair few minutes before he looked up from his book to take in his surroundings and to see if anyone was around him. It was then he saw a beautiful face he had not seen for a long time. His glee club captain and the only person he felt a rivalry with on the Quidditch pitch. "Sara?" The word had escaped him before he even knew he had spoken.
Sara's concentration was focussed on a cloud at the moment. In her mind's eye it was Saphira, Glaedr, or Thorn, soaring through the sky. She smiled to herself, if anyone knew what was going on in her head right now they'd probably think she was crazy. She didn't mind it, to an onlooker, she probably just looked like she was contemplating something. The meaning of life, her future, maybe even her homework. She closed her eyes, and could see that other world in her head. She really should've been revising, or something, but she just could'nt motivate herself to do anything at the moment.

It was then that she heard a familiar voice. She opened her eyes, and her head whipped over and her hair fell into her face. There he was, her friend. She hadn't seen Daniel in a long time. "Daniel!" she exclaimed, and running over to hug him. "I haven't seen you in so long!" she beamed, pulling back from him. "How are you?" she asked, sitting down beside him, her book clasped in one hand.
Daniel hadn't seen Sara for a long time, he had missed his last few glee club meetings which put their last meeting last year. He was amazed that she still remembered him, he always thought he hadn't made much of an impression on her. "Its been too long," He said as he released his book and it folded shut before hitting the ground with a thud as he stood up to hug her. "I've been good, practicing hard for Quidditch you know, how about you, I haven't seen you in months how are you?" He asked as they sat back down, Daniel picked up his book and rested it on his lap, he listened to her talk without a care in the world with no desire to fold open the cover.
Sara's smile just broadened when Daniel hugged her back. It had been far too long since they'd seen each other. "Yup, practice, study, practice. I'll be glad of a break!" she laughed, then remembering that she'd been chaser last year she added. "I'm seeker again, so you'll be hitting even more bludgers my way this year!" she joked, then answering his second question she said. "I'm fine, how about you?" she asked, she was fine, everything was going really well at the moment. "The glee Club is going to perform at the yule ball-which is great!" she enthused, since Daniel hadn't been at meetings he wouldn't know. "But keep it quiet, it's all very hush-hush." she added, grinning. It didn't bother her at all that he hadn't been there. It was perfectly understandable, he was in OWL year, he'd have enough going on. Speaking of OWLs... "So, are you freaking out about the OWLs yet?" she asked, the corners of her lips curving as she tried not to laugh. "I mean, normal exams are bad enough, but you guys have added pressure." she commented, sympathetically.
Daniel grinned, he didn't like the idea of hitting bludgers at Sara very much but it was all in the name of competition. "Yeah we'll see won't we," His grin widened, this was a common side effect of being in Sara's company. "I'm sorry I haven't been to any of the Glee club meetings but its OWL year I've been going out of my mind studying, the exams aren't until the end of next semester but that doesn't seem to matter to me, I'm going stir crazy starring at books every night, it's nice to get out. Even semester break won't provide much of a break as I'll be spending that studying no doubt, if you want my advice. Just skip fifth year its not worth it, if I can get E's across the board I'll be a happy man," Daniel looked down at the book on his lap and sighed he was already sick of studying and he had a semester to go.
Sara laughed at his response. "Ohh, I'm sooo scared!" she joked, punching him lightly on the arm. She'd forgotten how fun Daniel was. They hadn't seen each other in around a year. It was good to see him again. "Hey, don't worry about it, we all know fifth and seventh year are hard, we don't expect people to try and juggle everything." she sympathised as he apologied. He really had nothing to apologise for. She picked up his fallen book, and looked at the cover. "What's this?" she asked, waving it from side to side. She had now met up with all of her friends. Sara smiled at him. "So, what have you been up to? Aside from studying." she asked, smiling. She could never motivate herself to study properly, she was good in school, but studying was her Mount Everest.
Daniel smiled as Sara teased him. He had forgotten how much fun she was to be around, in fact he had forgotten how much fun it was to be in someone else's company other than the school librarian. "I'm just looking forward to the summer holidays, usually I look forward to being at Hogwarts but the idea of having some time off not dedicated to OWLs just sounds like heaven right about now. Just think, you have all this to look forward to. I don't envy you at all at least I'm half way through it," He grinned. The idea of having to do all this again was enough to make his skin crawl. "Still I'm sure you'll love your fifth year, it's just a bundle of joy," He smiled at her as she picked up his book and waved it around. "It's nothing special, it's just a textbook that you'll one day soon have to read, and as far as me doing anything aside from study well being out here talking to you is about the only thing I've done other than study since I started the year," He smiled thinking of what a boring year he had had so far.
"I suppose, no one really looks forward to the exams." she agreed. "All our Christmas Exams are over, so we have a break for a while." she added, smiling. She'd done well in her exams, which she was very happy about. "Oh, you know me, workaholic." she replied, trying to keep a straight face. When it came to schoolwork, she was hazy at the best of times, she usually did well, but that was due to listening in class, not studying. "Really? Tell me you're at least going to the Yule Ball, we can't have you becoming a recluse now can we?" she grinned, Daniel was a nice guy, she decided she'd make an effort to get him away from his books a bit every now and then. Too much studying wasn't good for anyone. "I can't wait for the yule ball, it's going to be really fun!" she grinned, thinking about her plans for the ball.
Daniel couldn't help but smile, the truth was he had already become a recluse and although he already had a suit ready for the Ball he hadn't decided if he was attending or not. "Dances aren't fun without a date," He said looking over her shoulder and across the courtyard. Daniel had to get past the topic of the ball without looking at Sara because it only made him think of one image, her looking stunning in whatever beautiful dress she choice and himself walking into the Great Hall. "I suppose you have a date?" He asked notice her grin as she mentioned the ball. Daniel was already preparing for the sinking of his stomach when she answered his question in the only was she could.
Sara smiled at Daniel's response. "They can be, I've never went with a date before and I've always had fun!" she enthused, she'd always gone with friend, and had a great time. She fet bad answering his question. Daniel didn't have a date, and she didn't thin he was intrested in anyone, not that she knew of. She had hoped that he'd asked someone, because she didn't like to have to say that she did when the person who was asking didn't. She was incredibly excited though, and he couldn't believe that Jake had asked her. "Yeah, I'm going with a boy from my year-Jake Simpson." she replied, a small smile gracing her lips. She was so looking forward to her and Jake's first real ate, she'd never really gone on a date before, and she was so excited, and kind of worried. She hoped she didn't do something stupid, or embarass herself. Deciding to try and steer the conversation in a different direction she asked; "So, what are you doing for he holidays?"
Daniel just smiled and nodded along as Sara informed him about her date and how excited she was. The less information on the subject he sunk in the less it would affect him. When it came Daniel was glad of a change of subject, his holiday plans were something he would gladly discuss. "Ah well I should have an interesting holiday, my mum's been working in Washington D.C consulting with the American Ministry of Magic so I'm going over to spend the holidays with her and while I'm their I'll be interning with one of the Department heads so it should be an interesting break, how about you what are your plans?," He asked curiously.
Sara was glad to hear Daniel had plans for the holidays, she was probably going to be in London and maybe visit Ireland, with her family. she missed Ireland, it would always mean a lot to her, but she felt like she belonged in Hogwarts now, and even the manor seemed a bit like home. "That's so cool, you're getting to intern! It should be really intresting." she enthused. She wanted to be an auror when she was older, and she knew she sounded like a typical ravenclaw when she said this, but she wanted to get good OWLs, and so far she was on track, she'd gotten all O's in her Christmas tests. "I'll be in the manor for a while, but we'll be heading on holidays to Ireland as some stage too." she replied, she was also possibly going to meeting up with Jake, but se doubted Daniel wanted to hear about that.
"I've never been to Ireland," Daniel said returning his gaze to Sara. "I have heard it has beautiful countryside it's certainly somewhere I'd like to go, someday." He paused not really knowing what to say next. "I hope to get a look at a few different departments while I'm working in the Ministry although I still don't know where I'll end up I haven't decided between the States, New Zealand or England just yet. I guess I just can't make up my mind but lucky for me is I have a few years," He smiled. Whilst in the safety of education he hadn't had to consider his future but now that he was in his OWL year and the results that he would get would effect what he could do with his life so the pressure to decide what he wanted to was mounting with every passing day. "What is it that you want to do post-Hogwarts, assuming you've decided," He asked.
"I love Ireland, it's where I lived before England." she replied, Ireland was a part of her, of who she was. She couldn't stay away for too long, though, when she was in New York, she felt differently. She liked New York, she felt like the city was alive. She'd gone there with her Dad last Summer. She listened as he said he hadn't decided where he was going to end up. she#d probably be based in either New Zealand, or New York. She knew what sshe wanted to do already. "Yeah, you have plenty of time to decide." she agreed, nodding her head. When he asked his next question, she coloured a bit. She knew her choice of career seemed a bit dangerous, especially for someone like her. Someone who was considered tiny, weak. "I want to be an auror." she blurted out, hiding behind her hair.

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