Adult Relationship

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Aphrodite Fox

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
12" Ebony Wand with Kelpie Hair core
Aphrodite is looking for a boyfriend/husband, someone who she can have a child with. She is 27 years old, and a Death Eater. She's a flirt, slightly evil, conniving, cunning, persuasive, sly, but protective, and cares deeply for what she has. Her mother left her at a young age, and her (muggle) father is in jail. She's been a Death Eater for many years now, and doesn't plan on leaving any time soon.

I don't really care how old her lover is, as long as he's not in school. :)
And I thought I was in with a chance :lawlz:
If you don't mind someone who is 18 then I have Dominicus Olaf :p
Ooh.. I have Andros Carter and Davmorn Sedgwick (Although Davmorn is really my brother's) But yeah. I have them two.
Let me know on Larissa Sedgwick if you're interested :)
I have this character and Anthony Warlock hes a :deatheater:

but the title still needs to be changed >->
Thanks, but I already have something arranged.
Sorry. :(
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