Admiring the veiw.

Austin laughed, "Wow, that had to be awkward. I'm sorry you had to go through that, alone." He pointed out, "Then again, he might have felt the same way when we were like that around him."
Austin chuckled, "So, they were all over each all over each other?" Austin shrugged.
Austin shook his head, "You introduced them...and now that happens? Wow, you are a matchmaker." He teased her a bit.
Austin smiled, "Hm, like we did? No one had to introduce us." His eyes danced a little with happiness, remembering their first ever meeting.
Austin thought for a moment, and shrugged, "Um, I thought that you might be around here, so I had to see for myself. I wouldn't stick around here alone." Austin gave her an innocent, but truthful smile.
Austin laughed, and pointed at the flowers, "No boy should be hanging around flowers, babe. Especially one like me." He smirked slightly, and embraced her in a gentle hug.
Austin nodded, trying his best to look convincing, which failed with the smile painted on his face, "Very much so. You will never know with what goes on in this school." He winked at her, his hands still placed around her waist.
((lurks around the corner))

aww how cute. are you guys worried that me and Arisa will get couple of the year title? lol jk I don't mind the double date but that would be hard for all of us. Different time zone thingy. oh and im flattered that you spoke of me and her. I thought it was funny. you actually made me laugh =)
((Derrik, don't make me give you a black eye next time. ;) :p ))

Austin smirked, and laughed, seeing that she got the picture of him being protective over her. "Not while I'm around. You will never be harmed, and there will be no risk, At least, when I can prevent it."
Austin shrugged, "I'm no knight in shining armor. I don't think I could walk around in that suit." He imagined himself clattering all around the school, and chuckled. "How many times have you fallen around here?"
Austin laughed, and shook his head, "Good thing I won't be doing that, and neither will you be walking on a tightrope." Austin cocked his eyebrow up slightly. "That many times? Maybe you should be covered in rubber so when you fall, you'll just bounce back up."
"Ha-ha-ha," She said stressing the syllables, "Very funny." She poked at him. "Maybe you should just walk with me so if I fall you go down too." She said laughing. "Well, you've done it before, except you tackled me, and took me down." She said recalling that.
Austin smirked, his green eyes sparkling with amusement. "I am sure that I am able to hold you up easily." Austin glanced down at his body, and frowned slightly. "Okay, maybe next year or the year after that. Then I'll be able to hold you up easily." Austin smiled, recalling when he tackled her. "Well, I am able to take you down without effort."
Austin chuckled, "You couldn't fight me off. You know how strong I can be. Or well, will know." Austin beamed. He was able to come out clean when he and his sister got into it. Well, she was quite small for her age too.

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