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Sasha Hayden

Well-Known Member
So, a couple of my characters need more activity! Each spoiler has info on the character and what they need. Okey-dokey artichokey?
Sasha has had a bit of family issues. She also got teased and felt like her whole country hated her. So she ran away to live with her cousin. That is where she goes on holiday, but she stays at HNZ for most of the time. She was teased for a lot of stuff, including loving to read. So she hides that and lies. She says she loves fashion.
She needs:

[ul][li]Friends - People who know the real Sasha. They accept who she is, and they don't tell the "cool" people that she's going to hang out with about the real Sasha. They should be true friends.</COLOR></LI>

[li]Pretend Enemies - People who are teased a lot. Sasha will tease them to not get teased herself. She will become friends with them later, and explain why she did it. They would understand and pretend to dislike her when the "cool" crowd teases them.</COLOR>

<LI>[li]<COLOR color="green"><COLOR color="green">Love Interest - A boy who likes people for who they are. They don't like Sasha at all because she is the person in the "cool" crowd. When she reveals who she really is with convincing from her cousin, they date each other.

Vanessa is a very nice girl. She loves to sing and is very friendly. I mean very friendly. She has a boyfriend and a few friends, but I'm looking for more friends, enemies, mentees, mentors, everything! Just suggest it. :)

Please post!

I'm serious.

No escaping!

One of my other characters, Hillary Crespo, is supposed to have an American pen-pal who is a muggle. They used to be friends but Hillary moved to New Zealand, so now they write to each other, call each other, and all of that stuff. They were friends until 3rd grade. You can choose the name, but they have to be a girl and Hillary's age. Not the exact same birthday, I mean just like they would be a first year if they went to Hogwarts.

I can offer Elle White as an enemy to Sasha? Or a false friend.

Elle appears very nice, she has a sweet smile and appears very innocent, but she's mean and cold. She doesn't care about people, only the others in the Dark Elites. She loves fashion, but doesn't have much of a style yet. She's great at pretending her dark side, while she's secretly trying to get something that she could use against the person. She also has the muggle condition CIPA, which affects how she can act amongst others.

I'm up for anything.
Okay. Is the library okay? She goes on secret reading trips so she won't get teased. Maybe Elle could leak the secret to people and make Sasha's life horrible. I'm so nice to her. I'm giving her family issues, people issues, and everything! =))
Can Lexi and Vanessa be enemies? ... I'm just on the mood ...

Lexi is a spoiled, selfish and evil 5th year slytherin girl. She will ruin your life as you piss her off, by now she hates her mom and doesn't talk to her. She might be getting the soft touch personality when you said her sister's name.

Not a very good info but its fine to me ...
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