Open Acting Tough

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Julia Black

Loud 💣 "Jules" 💣 Daring
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (Bi)
Sexual Orientation
Jules wanted to go to the dances with her little brother, she usually wasn't the one to really attend Valentine's Dances but she decided that she wasn't going to leave her brother alone since he loved all these events. And even if he wasn't going ask her to go with him, she made him go and chose the best outfit for him. Together they approached the beverage table, she grabbed his hand and turned him around to her. "Stop moving around all the time, bubba. You're gonna get all the punch on you and if you're gonna ruin your shirt, then I'm gonna bury you," she said when correcting his neck side of the shirt and the turtleneck sweater under shirt too.
This time Tim wasn't planning to go there with Molly, he was made to come with JJ. He had no choice, she just told him that they were going there together. She even chose his outfit and especially corrected it all the time. When they finally came to the hall together and Tim excitedly went to take a drink for him, Julia moved forward to make sure that his shirt was all fine and he stood still and just rolled his eyes. "Leave me alone, boss, I'm gonna be fine!" He just complained, stamped his leg a bit and remained still knowing that she was gonna get mad if he didn't. "Please tell me you don't have any plans for the night, Jules, no, we can't do that," Tim noticed a frog spawn soap in sister's pocket and then put his hands together as begging. He loved making pranks but he was a bit scared to do that while the headmistress was in the hall. Especially knowing that there was no way that she had only the soap.
Celia had decided that anyone who tried to claim that girls were more confusing than boys was dead wrong. Despite inviting her to the Yule Ball and sending her a pink rose asking to hang out, Louis hadn't asked her to the Valentine's dance. She wasn't particularly bothered by it — just confused. Did he like her or not? In the end, Celia decided it didn't matter. She'd gotten what she wanted — a date to the Yule Ball and hopefully an associated boost in popularity.

Even though she didn't have a date, there was no way Celia was going to miss the Valentine's dance. It was a chance to mine for gossip, and she was looking forward to an evening spent people-watching (and judging) with her friends. She spotted one of them right away. "Julia!" she exclaimed, quickly making her way over to the Gryffindor. "I love your outfit." Noticing that she wasn't alone, Celia forced a smile. "Hey Tim." She had always found Julia's little brother to be a bit irritating, but she tried not to show it out of respect for her friend. Hopefully he would leave soon. "What can't you do?" Celia asked curiously, noting what Tim had said.
Julia just ignored that Tim complained, it was a thing she was used to, she just put the neckline tighter for a second and then opened it again, so he could breath normally. However, when he noticed the soap in her pocket, she pushed her hand to his mouth once he finished and then she heard her name being called. She kept her hand on his mouth while smiling at Celia and checking her outfit, enjoying how it looked on her friend. "Celia! God, your outfit is just outstanding! Red is totally your color," Jules gave her an approving nod. Then she fastly took her hand of brother's mouth. "Ewww, Tim," JJ grabbed the closest blanket to clean her hand after her brother literally licked her hand. "Oh, nothing, he's just being dramatic," she pushed him a bit aside, not exactly being interested in her brother anymore, while cleaning the hand of his saliva, it wasn't the first time they experienced it, so she didn't get too dramatic about it. "Shoo, come back later, bye!" Jules easily pushed him even more away, absolutely paying attention to Celia.
Tim just waited for JJ to be over but when she closed his eyes, he tried to protest but the sound was silenced since he had the hand over his mouth. While his sister talked, Tim just stuck out his tongue and licked sister's hand for her to take it over, winningly smiling when she did take off her hand. "Hey Celia," he gave her an excited smile. Even Tim knew that the girl was really pretty, so ignoring her welcoming wouldn't work. "Your dress is cute," he complimented her before he got shooed away but before leaving, he answered her question. "She has a frog spawning soap in her pocket, she can't prank, our parents are mad at us already anyway," Tim said and got ready to leave. "Byeee, see you later, Celia!" He said it only to Celia, he found her better in any way than Julia.
Celia grinned at Julia's comment, putting a hand on her hip and posing a little. "You think?" It was a rhetorical question since she already knew she looked good in red. "Look, it even has pockets," she said, demonstrating. Unfortunately, the presence of Tim and his antics meant they couldn't continue admiring her dress, and she tried not to make a face when she realized that he had licked Julia's hand. His compliment did mollify her somewhat, and she smiled. "Thanks!"

She raised her eyebrows at the mention of frog spawning soap and looked back at Julia, ignoring Tim's goodbye. "Are you planning on using that here?" Celia's gaze flickered toward the other girl's pocket, and she thought she could make out the outline of the soap. She wasn't sure what Tim had meant about Julia not being able to prank, but Celia knew that she definitely couldn't get caught near the soap, not when she was already on Professor Alicastell's and Professor Castillo's bad sides.
Julia just nodded eagerly to Celia's question. "No way! Pockets? Good, it's a dream dress now," Jules sighed hardly wishing that she had more dresses with pockets, tho, her costume that she had now had pockets itself. When Tim complimented Celia, Jules just didn't really care, it was Tim, he was just a sweetheart.

"I was kinda thinking about that but if I have better things to do that I have now, then probably no," Jules just shrugged with a light chuckle. Since Celia was around, JJ already knew that yeah, no, she couldn't use the soap, even if Jules didn't usually really care about other people problems, she counted Celia as her friend and it just made sense that she didn't want to mess up the friendship, so she decided against getting Celia in problems. "So, since the little chipmunk is away, wanna dance?" She eagerly asked, Jules was an energetic person herself and she wanted to dance with her friend.
"Better things like hang out with me?" Celia asked with a smirk. She did like to think that her presence was much more interesting than a bunch of frogs. "But if you were going to use it, who would you be trying to prank?" she asked curiously. Celia had always found Julia's love of practical jokes a bit immature. It was a trait that Celia only just tolerated in her friend. But it occurred to her that maybe she should embrace Julia's mischievousness. Use it. Celia had a long list of people she disliked at this school — people who she wouldn't mind seeing covered in frogs tonight.

Celia laughed lightly at Julia's comment about Tim and nodded. "Of course. Let's go!" She moved to the dance floor, glad that the slow ballad that had previously been playing had been replaced with a song that was a lot more upbeat and danceable. Smiling, she started to dance.
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