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Marcus Malonie set out walking down the streets of Christchurch, he had spent a long time walking and his feet where getting sore by the time he made it to the bad part of town, it was a muggle community, and there was never any one around so it was all good. No one ever paid any one any piece of mind, and if they did they usually ended up dead. So it was not a good place for a sticky beak to be. It was good that Marcus had developed a sense of fair play among people and he never got involved in peoples business unless they asked him to, and yet it still came at a price. As he walked further into the depths of the streets, his hoody flicked up so no one would be able to see his face, or his dread locks that he had grown over the years, since he had left Hogwarts Scotland. He couldn't help but think of his previous girlfriend Bella Rina, it was weird seeing as she had turned him into a vampire, but then he had been cured by some potion that the potions teacher had made, which was good for him.