Abandoned streets of Christchurch

Marcus Malonie

Active Member
Marcus Malonie set out walking down the streets of Christchurch, he had spent a long time walking and his feet where getting sore by the time he made it to the bad part of town, it was a muggle community, and there was never any one around so it was all good. No one ever paid any one any piece of mind, and if they did they usually ended up dead. So it was not a good place for a sticky beak to be. It was good that Marcus had developed a sense of fair play among people and he never got involved in peoples business unless they asked him to, and yet it still came at a price. As he walked further into the depths of the streets, his hoody flicked up so no one would be able to see his face, or his dread locks that he had grown over the years, since he had left Hogwarts Scotland. He couldn't help but think of his previous girlfriend Bella Rina, it was weird seeing as she had turned him into a vampire, but then he had been cured by some potion that the potions teacher had made, which was good for him.
Ylva now considered this the most boring night of her entire life. She had not been outside of Axel Zhefarovich's home in almost a month, and in desperation for fresh air and a taste of freedom, she had taken off on this warm night to explore the area. Apparating was possibly the most horrible thing she had had to do so far during her pregnancy. Even with her stomach so round and heavy it was easier to walk than to feel that horrible sucking and squeezing feeling on every inch of one's pregnant body. Ylva would be sure to never, ever make the mistake of falling pregnant again. Killing the child would have been far more useful and entertaining, but she and Axel would never agree on that point. So she must suffer in her state and pass the time cursing the man's existence.

The gown she wore to night was of fine quality like the rest of her clothing, but this particular dress was not enchanted because of its proximity to the baby. Generally her clothes were imbibed with horrific spells to repel attackers, but now she felt naked in the silken cloth without the entrail-expelling charm. As Ylva walked, she happened upon a man walking on exactly the same path as she, only walking much slower. Always on her hormonal edge these days, Ylva simply removed her wand and waved it lazily, knocking the man to the side with an easy spell as she glided past him.

Muggle or not, no-one stood in her way.
Marcus quickly pulled out his wand, with out even thinking as the person glided past him. " Impedimetia." He muttered as he suspended her in the air. Wondering if it would be bad for her. As he walked towards her his footsteps echoes and he got closer. Realizing she was pregnant." Sorry." He said lifting the curse and helping her back onto her feet so she didn't just drop onto the ground. gazing at her with his blue eyes, he knew she was way older then him, maybe she was in a Death Eater family. Here I go. He thought to himself.
Strangely enough, Ylva suspected that something unexpected was coming, and she turned immediately to face he whom she had passed, but it was too late. It seemed that the man had indulged in a knee-jerk reaction that she hadn't been fast enough to catch when her back was turned, and she found herself frozen in place. Sikke et fjols, cursed Ylva inwardly as she waited for the jinx to be lifted, and removed herself immediately from the hooded man's hands as he attempted to help her. It seemed that she had stumbled upon a wizard in this dark muggle street.

Her wand was out faster than the eye could see, but she held is aloft lazily, as though about to tease a cat. Ylva eyed the hooded man with contempt, and her dress rippled around her. "Not so careful are we, tonight." she said in her heavy accent that was still impossible to define. Though she held her wand lazily, the tip was steadily pointing directly to the man's throat, in a manner similar to holding a sword or gun. "I think you need to control your urges."

(( Danish to English
Sikke et fjols: What a fool. ))
Marcus cackled at the thought of her trying to kill him with a curse to the neck, it was completely stupid, he is very quick and very dangerous.Plus he had killed people before, leaving people without faces, and dismembered. " I need to control my urges you seriously think Iam affected by you holding you wand there, It has no affect on me." He said looking into her eyes with his deep blues. it was like she was trying to scare him, which wasn't working very well, it was kind of amusing to him.
Just as this man thought that she was amusing, so too did her urge to laugh increase. But along with her amusement rose her irritation, yet her face remained impassively blank with the hint of a sneer. Her eyes were dancing with the merriment of the situation, purposely showing him how much contempt she felt for his show. "Ah, min lille skovsnegl," she told him patronisingly in her native tongue. Her chocolate brown eyes seemed the only warm thing about her face in the moonlight, a deceiving effect. "Controlling your urges also means controlling your tongue. This time I am thankful for your obvious and amusing slip ups, for they have revealed what a child you are. However, as they say... one wrong word..." Ylva 'chuckled' at him, and the sound was hollow as though false.

"Consider your position. Those without fear in situations where fear is necessary to survive, are fools." she told him, scanning his form carefully. "And consider this. You cannot be more than what, twenty, twenty-three? I am twice your age, irritated, disrupted, cold...better dressed," she added with a smirk, "-more experienced, and supremely more pregnant than you are. I also have a wand pointed at your throat." There was a heavy pause in which they stared at each other for a long time. "So shall I have my little game, or will you walk with me? I do believe I have some things to teach you."

Why she was being so accommodating tonight, Ylva had no idea. A duel, though it may be exhilarating, would endanger the baby. If she lost the child, Axel would most likely hunt her down and slaughter her, and she was too tired for that sort of cat and mouse. So either this man would think wisely about his next actions, or she would have to kill him now and be done with it to continue her walk.

(( My Death Eater application has just been accepted, hurrah! The update should happen soon, but in the meantime Marcus is barking up the wrong tree xD. Remember that spells can only be sent at someone, and are not valid unless the person roleplays their effect. That way it is fair.

Danish to English
Min lille skovsnegl: My little slug. ))
The light in Marcus's eyes flickered, he didn't really care what she had to say, nothing she does or could do would really affect him, he knew if he was to die he would, but he knew he wouldn't die tonight seeing as that was not what was planned for him just yet. " You seem confident in yourself, which is a good thing, but being pregnant and pointing you wand isn't a really smart choice, judging by the looks of you your a Death eater.Something I long to become." He hissed at her, smiling at the fact that she might have it over him, but he didn't care because it was irrelevant, the situation hadn't arrived at the present time.

" You think Fear in necessary in this situation."
Marcus said with a sadistic smile on his face, which darkened his features just a little more." It doesn't matter about how experienced you are, its about how quick you can think when you are casting your spells, for one I don't really care that you pregnant, would you like a medal? Talking to you I see he have the same motive, we both want to destroy the Ministry." He said winking at her as he raised his hand and lowered her wand until it was pointing at the ground. " Let walk then."
I think he's missed the point about my being pregnant, thought Ylva dryly as she gazed at him vaguely. She couldn't be bothered explaining via sarcasm, and if it wasn't obvious that she was dangerous because she was pregnant, then she may as well leave him unenlightened. Ylva couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at the man. Pregnant female Death Eaters were hard to come by, so why did this man come to that conclusion for very fast? "You really are a fool," She said, more to herself than him. Her voice had a hint of puzzlement in it, as though saying How could anyone make such an assumption and not be either idiotic or insane? Somehow, she was offended. "I cannot think of a single thing that would make you think I was a Death Eater. Some would kill you for that." In fact, I probably will. But not now. This man is strange, she thought, her face still serene as though she was thinking about the weather.

"Destroying the ministry. A petty aim," said Ylva with a hint of derisiveness. Yet suddenly, she changed tact. "What do they call you," she asked him, and her wand disappeared like a muggle magic trick into a hidden pocket of her dress. Lightly she rested a hand on her stomach, just for the sake of comfort.
Smiling he looked at her as she spoke to him saying how he was a fool about jumping to conclusions about her. Looking around the area they where in he looking into her. " Im Marcus Malonie, who may you be?" He asked knowing she would probably be someone noted for being a complete B!tch, but didn't mind seeing as most of the people he associated with where mean arrogant people.
"Ylva Zhefarovich," she informed the man. There was not a trace of falsehood in her face, for technically she was not lying at all. She was married to Axel Zhefarovich currently, and though she always kept her maiden name, Ylva saw no reason to inform this man of it. Marcus, then. she thought, thinking of using his first name with distaste. Frankly, the use of her actually last name would not have inspired the adjective 'b*tch', but more likely the verb 'run'. Thankfully she was basically non-existent in pureblooded society, due to the family tradition of marrying rich men and murdering them for profit. The Kvalheim's husbands simply disappeared, and so too did the women when the need arose. yet even though her name would not be dangerous to Malonie, Ylva would not give it away so freely. Axel had been the exception.

"So what have I stumbled upon, but a lost street urchin with the hopes of causing chaos to the order of our world. Or is there more than meets the eye," she said, her voice like water on rock. "I should hope so," added Ylva as she eyed his dreadlocks.
" There is a little bit more to eye." Marcus said as he remembered hearing the name Zhefarovich, but where had he heard it before. It sounded like the principle at Hogwarts, she was married to a very head honcho Death Eater and now he met Ylva. " So I was right about you being a death eater. Pleasure to meet you." He said dipping his head to her, she was like royalty to him, the whole family was. The way they had brought apart everything that had stood against them, was just amazing.
I am seriously doubting the brain capacity of this man, Ylva told herself disdainfully as she glared at him. Yes, she was in fact a Death Eater, but her husband was not and neither was the Headmistress's husband as far she she knew. Ylva had little to do with Cecily Zhefarovich, but she knew that she was married to prodan Zhefarovich, a man with little to no Death Eater tendencies, according to Axel. Most likely Mr. Malonie was thinking of the infamous Asparuh and Arnost Zhefarovich, or perhaps Thorine Dolohov etc. How he could go from a) to b) to quickly during their 'conversation' was astoundingly stupid on his part, for if she was a Death Eater, then what would she think of killing him for 'finding her out'? Luckily he had the wit not to offer his hand to her, or Ylva would have burnt it off.

"On the contrary, I am only married to one who may or may not share the same last name as someone you might perceive as being a Death Eater," Ylva told him in one smooth breath. And I cannot say the same for your company, she commented inwardly at his last remark. "I did ask you who are, which also includes what are you. What are you, Mr. Malonie?" she asked with a hint of a smile. Truly, she wasn't that terribly interested in his personal life, only his occupation. What does an aspiring Death Eater do in his spare time, apart from hexing unsuspecting pregnant women
" Im a Half blood, hate my father for even being with my mother, I always had. It is the worst thing he could do, ruin the blood line by sleeping with a muggle." Marcus said as he stared into the eyes of the women, he wondered if she was going to attack him, which he would laugh at, it had been a while since he had been in a fight, win or lose it never counts, as long as you figth back and show you have heart.
It was only now that Ylva became truly dumbfounded. If this man was actually wanting to be a Death Eater, he would need to ask the stork for a few braincells back. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes at him. With such tainted blood and forward aims, he was likely to get killed rather soon. Although it was a nice night to exercise her wand arm, Axel had warned her. She was not going to risk even the slightest injury to her child, if only for Axel's sake. "Perhaps you could tell me your lobotomy." she commented with a completely straight and mirth-free face.

If Marcus was to trying to pick a fight with her, he was going exactly the right way about it. He could laugh all he pleased if it meant he died happy, Ylva would give him that. Her comment poked the most fun at his intelligence, but it also carried a sly warning to not reveal too much about himself, especially if he believed that he was speaking to a Death Eater. "You need to be taught a few things, boy,"
What is with this women. Marcus thought to himself, she come here thinking she is running everything, well she was surely mistaken. " I need to be taught a few things, what would that be?" He asked curiously he wanted to know what he needed to be taught, he didn't want people being able to do things he couldn't, he liked to be well informed on anything and everything.
I’m no Professor, thought Ylva as she adjusted the swirling sleeves of her gown. Slowly she folded her arms into a more comfortable position, both sides of her forearms resting on her pregnant belly. She found this extremely comfortable, and relaxed a quarter of an inch. Despite the man’s glaring imbecility, he was daring enough to ask what he needed to be taught. Apparently not humility, she observed as she regarded him with a calculating stare. Nor is his curiosity wanting.

“I’ve no doubt that you have complete confidence in your dueling and fighting abilities,” said Ylva to Malonie, For that is the kind of arrogant man you seem, she added in her mind. “But you lack subtlety and perception. And, I might add,” she told him without a hint of a smile, though she was laughing inwardly. “A certain amount of class. However these things are correctable, with patience.”
Marcus kind of tilted his head as she spoke, he had been in plenty of duel's in the short part of his life, a few resulted in the death of the others, but that was not much of a struggle for him. ( Back on another harry potter rp sight, Marcus Malonie was my character.) " I'm confident in the way that I duel, and my hand to hand combat is beyond exceptional." He said with a slight smile on his face.
Ylva waved her hand in the air, irritated. “This is exactly what I mean. You pay attention to the unimportant parts of my words and focus on those that sound best for you.” They walked together, and at this moment o she turned to fix him with a harder stare than ever. Her look was colder than ever before, unforgiving and unwelcoming. “You will not survive here if this is the way you go about executing your plans, or what have you.” She said firmly.

Rather than zap this annoyance into oblivion, Ylva had the strangest urge to show him the proper way of behaviour. Teaching someone a lesson was pointless if they did not want to be taught, it was true, and this man was stubborn. Yet he held such eagerness and curiosity in his eyes, and she deemed it a waste not to take advantage of this situation. "Det er latterligt," breathed Ylva to herself, and brushed her hair from her shoulder. 'Well, you seem intent on vexing me. What is it that you seek here, exactly?" she asked, not necessarily thinking the answer might be important but determined to conclude exactly what his angle was.

(( Danish to English
Det er latterligt: This is ridiculous. ))
Marcus felt puzzled at her question, he looked at Ylva and thought about the answer to her question it was easy to answer it kind of just flowed to him. " I came here, I was given a tip on a Ministry member who was responsible for the false imprisonment of my father, it resulted in his death. " He said feeling his blood boil as he spoke, he wish he could get his hand on all the ministry members and bring them to their knee's before him and be away with them.
Well that wasn't half as interesting as I'd hoped, thought Ylva, even the voice in her head sounding deadpan. She could quite understand his motive for anarchy, but it irritated her to no end that the only reason that he wanted to be a Death Eater was that they agreed with the method of his selfish aims. There was so much more to their lifestyle that this man was apparently not fulfilling, and once again the urge to curse him came close to overwhelming her. Tired of giving him irritated looks, Ylva turned her head away to look out across the dark lanes. It seemed that they had reached a point where the streets and lanes met into a central square, and immediately she angle towards a corner.

"I do not know which mindset to correct first, so let me just sum it all up by saying that taking down the Ministry is probably the most useless goal to have, and probably the worst I have ever heard of."
she said flatly. There was so much to explain, but she was not going out of her way to outline every reason why it was a ridiculous thought. Not that it couldn't be done, oh no. That fact had been proved almost twenty and a half years earlier. In fact, she could not even be bothered to go through the list in her head, so she refrained from doing so. "Revenge should be a hobby, not a reason for being, for every action," Ylva told him, her eyes piercing through him.
" It's not something I at first wanted to do, but the anger and rage washed over me and I just wanted to do it, I could change what I want to do at any time. Why are you lecturing me about it?" Marcus snapped hoping she would attack him now, he would like to have a little bit more confrontation, it was something he had always loved even as a kid, he liked to make people feel pain, and he loved to watch them squirm even thought it was very sadistic he liked his way of life.
Ylva's self control was waning as the pregnancy hormones flooded through her system. Even in her normal state she would have killed this Malonie man a long time ago if she wasn't completely untrusting of her feelings at the present time. How could she be sure that she was making wise decisions if she had such overly powerful emotions? In the meantime she would do nothing, even if it made her sick to her stomach to refrain. "Because you irritate me, and I seek to make you less irritating." There was no other way that she could put it without mentioning that she could not attack him under any circumstances. It would give him the impression that she cared about what other people thought, which she certainly did not.

She did not consider this man dangerous in the slightest, but she remembered her mother's words; Den sødeste mennesker kan være den mest dødbringende. 'The sweetest people may be the most deadly.' Not that she placed Marcus in the category of 'sweet', but she regarded him as a harmless fool. No-one was harmless, and this Marcus Malonie was on a mission for revenge, and it would be foolish to simply let such a silly man power off to goodness-knows where in search of blood. "You say you could change it, but that is not the issue. Do you want to go about this in the right way, or do you want to let the rage consume you?" she asked him, not a hint of anger in her gaze.

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