A Warm Hello

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon was excited to be back at work for yet another school year. It was exciting planning his lessons and meeting new students everyday and that was what made his job the most wonderful of all. Children had always made the man happy and he wanted nothing more than to make them happy too and teach them things they didn't know. However, the man needed to make some more friends amongst his colleagues and so he thought the perfect thing to do would be to buy them presents. He had prepared a gift basket filled with all sorts of good things for each of the professors including both wizard and muggle candy, small keyrings, muggle stationery and small potted plants which came in different shapes and sizes. He figured he didn't mind spending so much money on his colleagues and they definitely deserved something for a wonderful year prior.

Landon smiled as he walked along the first floor corridor before locating the office of the younger years History of Magic professor. He hadn't really spoken to the man before and mostly just saw him around. He hoped that his gift would make him happy and knocked on the door of his office three times, holding the gift basket eagerly in his left hand. If anything, he hoped to make a friend out of this most of all.
As much as Matt missed Kyle while at Hogwarts, he was glad to be back at Hogwarts. He enjoyed teaching very much, and loved the atmosphere around the school. It was definitely a perk that he could keep an eye on April this way too, even though she was pretty good at staying out of his line of sight when she wanted to. He was organizing his things in his office, trying to make order in the slight chaos. He had never been the most organized of people, but he tried his best for the sake of his students.

He was surprised to hear a knock on his door. It couldn't be April, as she tended not to bother with knocking and when she did she certainly didn't limit herself to only three. He opened the door, smiling when he saw his colleague with a basket. He wasn't quite sure what to make of that, but was glad to see him. Landon had always seemed nice to him, and he had meant to talk to him before. "Afternoon Landon, what can I do for you?"
Matt was quick to answer his door and Landon beamed when he saw him, hoping that he wasn't distracting him from anything important. After all, it was the beginning of the new school year and he probably had plenty to do. Luckily, Landon was not going to waste his time. He held up the gift basket and smiled. "I have come to give you a gift!" he exclaimed. "It's not much but I thought I would just give you something in appreciation for... well... being you!" Landon stood there proudly, wishing he knew what Matt was thinking. Sometimes it was hard to read others and all Landon wanted was for his colleague to be happy.
For some reason, Matt hadn't expected the gift basket to be for him. He had assumed Landon was just stopping on the way to deliver it to someone else. After all, what had he done to deserve a gift from Landon of all people? It seemed like it was just an act of kindness, and Matt grinned as he accepted it."Wow, thank you." He said as he looked at the basket. "You shouldn't have. I'm now scrambling to think if I have anything in my office I could pretend was a gift for you. Would you like a slightly used coffee mug?" He joked, grinning. "I kid, but I insist you have some tea or coffee or whatever you like with me, at least if you want to. It's the least I can do."

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