A Very Merry Christmas

Jessica nodded appreciatively when he said for her to pick the choice that felt the most natural to her. Right now she couldn't decide between the two but she still had about two years to finish school and get better before the scouts came to look for potential players. Jess threw her head back and laughed openly when Asaiah said he was the best Beater. She didn't mean to laugh at him but she found his confidence very charming, and cute. "Hmmm maybe you're the best Beater in New Zealand, but definitely not the best overall, because that's obviously me," she teased. She smiled brightly when he assured her that he would show her the Pitch and that they would be playing as much as they could. She bit her lip and chuckled when he told her not to apologize and tried not to blush at the fact that he sort of called her cute. She sighed playfully and said, "You know instead of playing against each other we can always play with each other. There are two beaters on a team after all," she leaned in to him, nudging him playfully. When she realized how close she was to him she bit her lip and quickly leaned back a little. "That is, if I don't decide on the Holyhead Harpies after all," she added, laughing nervously.
Asaiah squinted his eyes when she began to laugh out loud, and then laughed with her. "You wish." he told her. He had yet to see the girl play, but from what his sister had told him, Jessica was pretty damn good. "I guess the only way to see who is the best is to test our aiming skills on our Pitch soon." Asaiah said, grinning at her. He blushed slightly when Jessica leaned in. He would never play for another team but the Macaws, but for some reason the teen was consindering playing his favourite position at another team with her as the other Beater. "Yeah, we could.. I like that idea." Because Asaiah could still feel his cheeks burning he looked out of the bedroom window for a moment. Now he wished that instead of Jessica maybe deciding to play for the Holyhead Harpies, she would choose the Charmers.
Sica laughed along with Asaiah because she knew she wasn't the best Beater ever, but she knew she was still rather good. Whether or not she was better than Asaiah still remained to be seen, but she was pretty confident in herself. "Guess we'll see pretty soon. Get ready to eat your words," she smirked at him. She beamed when Asaiah said he liked the idea of them playing on a team together. She felt butterflies in her stomach as he said it, but then he looked away so Sica couldn't tell if he meant anything more by it. Who cares, you can't like him anyway! she reminded herself sternly. She shook the thoughts out of her head and said, "Maybe I'll consider the Macaws and then with both of us on the team they'll actually be a worthy team," she said, laughing a little. The Macaws actually weren't bad as a team and didn't rank too terribly, but she liked teasing Asaiah about it especially after seeing his room. "I'm just kidding!" she added afterward, laughing and throwing her hands up innocently in surrender.
Asaiah turned his attention back to Jessica when she teased him back and snickered. He was excited to play with the girl and his family, and had been looking forward to it ever since she agreed on playing with them. He then remembered that he wasn't allowed to leave the castle to visit the village for the remaining of the year. "I almost forgot." the Slytherin began. "I'm not allowed to go to Brightstone anymore this year. Asaiah hated that Cliffeton had taken away the weekends from them, it was the only way he was able to meet up with Jessica during the school year. And now he was probably disappointing her too. "But promise me you'll continue to write, okay? Those letters will most likely be the only good thing happening to me." Asaiah said, looking at the other Beater, hoping that she would.
Jess turned her attention to Asaiah when it looked like he suddenly remembered something he wanted to tell her. She was hoping it would be something good but as soon as she heard it her face fell. "Oh no!" she said sadly. She didn't realize how much she had been looking forward to being able to see Asaiah throughout the year and now she was really upset at not being able to do that. "Wow, so they really took away everything from you," she said sympathetically. "Any other punishments? A curfew? No wand? No meals?" she said sarcastically, annoyed on his behalf. She tried to lighten the mood, but she was still rather bummed about the news. Still, she didn't want to make Asaiah feel bad so she smiled at him softly. "Of course I'll write to you," she reassured him, placing a hand on his own hand and caressing it softly in sympathy for what he had to deal with, before she blushed and placed her hand back on her lap. Writing to him had already been a given but she liked the idea of him thinking of it as one of the only good things for him. It wasn't much to feel excited for, but it made Jess's heart flutter either way. "Should I send pictures of the outside world so you don't forget what it looks like?" she joked lightly, "Or would that make it worse?" she added suddenly, not having thought of that possibility until now.
Asaiah realised that by the way she was looking at him after he told her about the other punishmeny he'd something that she didn't like to hear, and like he was thinking earlier, it almosy seemed as if he had let Jessica down. "I'm only allowed to leave the Slytherin common room for meals and classes." he said, angry at himself for letting it go this far. When Marisol and he came up with the idea of breaking into the other commen rooms in their first year it had been out of curiosity, but that curiosity changed into taking revenge after a while. However, a smile was appearing on the teen's face when she reassured him that she'd write to him. He turned red again, this time because her hand was softly caressing his. The Slytherin looked up at Jessica whilst she was doing it, and smiled. He was happy to know that at least he had one thing to look forward to next semester. "Do that, i'll probably forget what it is like to be outside at some point. It'd be nice to have a reminder." he said with a grin.
Jessica shook her head in disbelief when he revealed that he had yet more punishments of not being able to go anywhere except meals or lessons. "Did you guys set the place on fire or something?" she asked incredulously, wondering why the punishment was so strict. "No offense but your school sucks," she chuckled weakly. She looked at him when he encouraged her to send pictures in her letters and laughed again, her smile stretching from ear to ear so her eyes crinkled like they did when she was happy. "Okay I will!" she assured him. "I'm surprised they're even letting you have contact with the outside world, though I suppose even prisoners get to receive mail," she joked lightly. "How long does your punishment last? Do you get out of it earlier for good behavior?" she asked hopefully, giggling a little. She just wished she could be able to see Asaiah throughout the year but it was probably impossible. "I'll be the best pen pal ever!" she said brightly in her accent, trying to cheer him up so he had something to look forward to.
Asaiah chuckled when she asked if they had tried to set the Ravenclaw common room on fire. "No, just glues their textbooks together, threw eggs at the ceiling so there would be egg dripping everywhere, put the manure on pillows, and threw some dungbombs in the common room right before we left." Normally he would have defended Hogwarts but with the situation he and his friend were currently in Asaiah couldn't agree more with her. His school did ineed suck. "I don't know to be honest." he told her truthfully, because he really did not know for how long it would last. "The Deputy told us that our punishments would be reviewed at the beginning of next year, so I guess that if we behave well the rest of the year, my friends and I will be good to do everything again next year." Asaiah was already looking forward to the day that he could reclaim his position. It was his, and no alternate would be better suited for that role. He smiled when Jessica told him that she'd be the best pen pal, and couldn't help to think that the accent she was speaking in sounded kind of cute. "I am looking forward to receiving your first letter already" the Slytherin commented.
Jessica put a hand over her face and shook her head as she began laughing at everything Asaiah said they did. "I feel bad for laughing," she began, lifting her head again to look at him, "but that is both the most hilarious yet reckless thing I've ever heard," she finished, still laughing. Still, it wasn't like they burned the place down, or magic couldn't fix it right up again but she supposed she was just biased because she wanted to be able to see Asaiah throughout the year. "They must be some really shitty people if you thought getting revenge that way was worth it," she chuckled, now even more curious about them. She looked at him with a small frown on her face as he said their punishments were indefinite, but she didn't think Asaiah would get in any more trouble so she hoped it would be over by the next year. She smiled at him when he said he was already looking forward to her first letter but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm not, because then it means I won't get to see you - I mean visit New Zealand - for a long time!" she quickly corrected herself, her cheeks going the same bright shade as her hair.
Asaiah grinned from ear to ear when Jessica began to laugh. ''You should feel bad for the students that woke up that morning only to find their common room ruined.'' Asaiah said. ''Hearing what happened from them in the first few days was kinda funny.'' It had been indeed, especially the filthy looks shot their way by Maxwell every time the three of them passed by the girl. He nodded his head slighty and agreed with what she was saying because the girls were indeed some really shitty people, who deserved every bit of manure that got on their face or hair. ''Oh, you've got no idea.'' he commented. Asaiah looked up when she corrected herself, feeling himself burning up again. He smiled and noticed that the colour of her cheeks and changed as well. ''I could send you photos of me.'' he said jokingly. The Slytherin appreciated that Jessica listened to his story ever since she arrived at his house, but they had been talking about him, his school, and problems, for long enough now . ''How is it going in France? Still having fun at school?'' he asked genuinely curious what was going on there.
Jessica chuckled as Asaiah talked about the incident and who they had targeted. She was more curious than ever to find out why he and his friends had decided to retaliate in this way, but he wanted to change the subject. She figured he was probably tired of talking about it because as funny as it was, it still ended in a punishment that sucked. She was at least glad he didn't seem to have made fun of her for her slip up. She saw that he was blushing too but she couldn't tell if that meant he felt the same or not, but she chuckled at his suggestion of sending her pictures as well. "I mean, it'd only be fair, since I'll be sending you pictures," she said playfully, still feeling the heat on her cheeks. She shrugged casually when he asked how things were going in France. "Not as exciting as things at your school," she chuckled, "but things are good." She suddenly felt as if none of her stories were as grand as his but she decided to share them anyway. "Since this is my OWL year I didn't have exams at the end of the year, so that was nice, but now I just have to make sure I remember all that information at the end of the semester next year," she chuckled. "And our yule ball this year was so pretty. One of my friends transfigured our shoes into ice skates so we could go ice skating on the lake at midnight, it was so cool," she said brightly, smiling at him shyly.
The teen chuckled at Jessica's comment and said "Expect to receive pictures too then." smiling brightly at the girl. Asaiah nodded when she mentioned this year was her OWL year. He could only imagine how busy she would be with studying for the exams later this year, and was glad that he wasn't in his OWL year just yet. His siblings had told him how much stuyding and paying attention was required to pass the year so could say that he was not looking forward to next year at all, except for him maybe playing for the team again, which made him wish his fourth year would soon be over. "You think you'll have time to write me back because of how busy you probably will be?" he asked teasingly, smirking. Although Asaiah was only joking he quickly added. "Don't worry, take as long as you need." so that she wouldn't waste precious study time on him. He listened attentively as she talked about her Yule Ball and smiled at hearing that they went ice skating later that evening. "That is really cool, I wish we could do that here too." Asaiah said.
Jess smiled triumphantly when Asaiah told her to expect pictures with the letters he'd send. "Good," she said happily, sticking her tongue out at him. Already, the fact that they would only have letters to rely on instead of being able to see each other didn't seem so terrible anymore. She laughed when he joked about her being busy but replied, "I'm sure I can find time to squeeze you into my busy schedule." She laughed once more and then couldn't help herself when she said, "Just kidding, I'll always make time for you." Then, she immediately added, "But you have no excuse not to write back since you'll have lots of free time!" She winced and then said, "Sorry, too soon?" chuckling nervously. She smiled when he said it was cool that they got to ice skate during the winter and she nodded. It was interesting visiting New Zealand in December when it was freezing where she lived and then coming here where it was summer. "I bet it's nice to be able to have a ball during warm weather though!" she said wistfully. "You'd get to wear spring dresses and not have to worry about wearing heels in the snow and freezing your toes! I would know from experience" she chuckled lightly. "You guys have a Yule ball as well right? Are they fun?" she wondered curiously.
With the amount of letters the two would send one another Asaiah hoped that his owl wouldn't mind going back and forth from New Zeland to France and back again. Even though the teen had promised his friend so send her pictures of himself attached to the letters, he had yet to figure out how he was going to take them, as he did not have a camera to take pictures with. Perhaps one of his best friends owned one he could borrow for awhile, of course he wouldn't tell them why he needed as he was sure that they would think that it was weird to send pictures to your friend who was living on the other side of the world. Asaiah sucked air through his teeth and grabbed his heart. ''Still hurts.'' he said with a smirk on his face. He felt another rush of happiness flow through him when she told him that she'd always make time for him and smiled shyly, biting his lip while doing so. He listened while the girl said that it would be nice to have a warmer Yule Ball for a change and smiled because he wished the exact opposite to happen. ''Don't get me wrong, I love not having to worry about the cold in December, but it would be kind of awesome to have it snow and freeze here for stuff like the Yule Ball, or Christmas even.'' he told Jessica truthfully. ''They're alright.'' There wasn't really anything special about the ball, or at least in his opinion there wasn't, it was just spending time with your friends and having fun before going away for the holidays.
Jess laughed lightly when Asaiah reacted to her dig at him but she was glad he didn't take too much offense to it as she was just joking. She nodded in understanding when he explained that having snow during events like the Yule Ball or Christmas would be nice. "Yeah it still seems a little weird not to have snow during a time like Christmas,"" she giggled, "but I guess the grass is always greener on the other side," she shrugged in acceptance. "Maybe you can come to France to visit me instead one of these days," she said before she could stop herself. Her heart beat faster after she said it but she smiled brightly at him anyway, trying not to be embarrassed by it and letting herself flirt with him anyway.
He chuckled slightly at Jessica's comment. He wondered for a moment what it would be like to see Hogwarts covered in snow but for some reason it just seemed wrong to have the castle and its surroundings covered in white flakes. ''I suppose it is, yeah.'' Then she invited him to come to France and visit her sometime. Asaiah smiled widely. ''I'd love to visit you next time we're meeting up!'' he said, hoping that by the time he could visit Jessica his parents would've lifted the house arrest because they weren't going to let him leave the house without one of them being there with him. Asaiah shifted his position on the bed and was now leaning backwards with his feet on the bed. ''Don't do anything stupid though, otherwise we won't be seeing each other for a longer time.'' Asaiah said with a grin.
Jessica grinned and clapped her hands when Asaiah said he'd love to go visit her next time. "Awesome! Have you ever been to France before?" she wondered, since his sister had gone to school there. She laughed at his warning and scoffed as she said, "Oh please, I'm an angel!" and posed with her hands under her chin to look more innocent before busting out to laugh. Through her laughs she said, "I should be telling you that! Don't get into any more trouble!! I want to be able to see you again!" she bit her lip and smiled shyly. "Seriously though, you should try befriending a prefect, you'd be surprised what you can get away with," she said with a guilty laugh but she raised her eyebrows at him anyway to suggest the idea.
He shook his head. ''I have never been to France before, so it'll be my first time when I come to visit you.'' he told her excitedly. He just hoped that if his punishment would be lifted at the end of the year his parents would lift the house arrest too. Asaiah smiled when Jessica told him that she wanted to be able to see him again. ''Okay.'' the boy nodded. ''I will try to not get into any more trouble.'' he promised her. He really wanted to see Jessica again soon so if staying out of trouble would mean that he would get to just that, as well as reclaim his position on the team, then he would stay out of trouble for the remainder of the semester.
"You've really never been?" she asked, chuckling a little at the idea of him not visiting his sister, but she understood how siblings were, especially sibling rivalry like she had with her younger sisters. "Okay awesome, that means I can show you all the cool things!" she said excitedly, already thinking about where she could take him. She looked over at him when he told her he'd try not to get in trouble anymore. "Asaiah, you can't just 'try' not to get in trouble," she said, shaking her head with a small laugh at the boy. She looked at him seriously with wide pleading eyes. "Promise me you won't get in any more trouble?" she said, holding her pinky up for him to link with. She wanted to be able to see him again but also for him to be able to play Quidditch again.

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