Old School Week A Very First School Dance

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Louis smiled. "It was. Shame you weren't here yet." He said with a grin. He paused. "What school did you transfer from? Did you have more parties there?"
Brevity shook her head, "I was homeschooled," she replied. "So strictly no parties,"
Louis grimaced at the girl's words. "And you were hopeful for Hogwarts parties and got disappointed?" He asked. "Bummer."
"Muggle media makes schools look like a riot, imagine my surprise when I get here and people just study," She replied with a little laugh.
Louis grinned. "Some of us don't study." He admitted as he danced with her. "But we don't really party either."
"The worst of both worlds, then," she joked.
Louis smiled a bit. "Not studying is more fun than studying." He said with a shrug.
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