Open A Trip To The Forest

Lauren Carter

Healing | Me time | Traveling around the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Lauren was in the mood for an adventure. It was around dinner time, so everyone would be inside. The lessons were so boring and she didn't even cared to make her homework. The only lesson she had liked was flying and she was gonna try out for the Quidditch team next year. Her father didn't had to know. And her mother especially, since it was no thing for a girl she thought. Lauren didn't cared to become dirty or have bruises on her knee. She was so clumsy and fell often on the ground or tripped by something. Lauren made her way outside, she was gonna do this adventure. The blonde had visited the forest once but shortly. Now she wanted to go deeper and deeper and explore. The year was almost over and it went so fast! Lauren hated the fact she had to go home again for some time. Her parents would sure ask her anything about the grades and they would see how bad they were. She could lie but they would find out eventually. They could just contact the school and than she would be in more trouble. Lauren tried to shake those thoughts and tried to focus on her adventure. She would wait here for Aonghas, she had convinced him to come along. He was not so excited at first as Lauren has been, but she had brought some snacks and if they shared something it was their love for food. And she wanted to show Aonghas the forest, he had to see it! Ofcourse you had too. The blonde waited behind a tree and looked if someone would spot her, and so she could see if Aonghas would be the person to join her or someone else. Styx for a fact would not be pleasant to see right now.
Aonghas didn’t know what had convinced him to agree to go to the forest, but here he found himself heading there for Lauren. He wanted to protect her a little, the forest was dangerous, but Aonghas hated breaking the rules. He hated the idea of getting into trouble especially as a first year, but she had been adamant, and assured him there would be snacks, so Aonghas found himself desiring to eat the snacks she’d have and also to protect her. He knew that Lauren was good at taking care of herself, sure, but the forest was dangerous and knowing that she was going in, would mean if anything went wrong that he would’ve maybe been able to help, he’d feel bad for Lauren, they were friends after all. So that was why he found himself making his way to the forest. He had put on a thick dark coloured jumper to keep out the cold and hopefully make him less difficult to find in the forest. As aonghas approached he was a little worried when he didn’t immediately spot her. What if this was a bit of a prank to get him into trouble? What if she’d already headed in with his snacks? ”Lauren?” he called out, nervousness clear in his voice as he did so. He didn’t want to go into the forest alone and he would not linger around any longer than he needed to. He was doing this for her and for the snacks so without either he’d just leave. ”Lauren, ye there?” he asked, thinking he best make it obvious before walking away.
Lauren was waiting and waiting. And it seem to last forever. How long did it take for Aonghas to come here? Was there something wrong? Did someone get him? Lauren saw all the things that could go wrong. Would he say that is was her plan and betray her? But Lauren believed in Aonghas. He seemed not so excited to search for adventure as she was, and he didn't really liked breaking rules he told her but she wanted to let him enjoy his life a bit. And they were only first years, so really innocent and no idea what to do and not right? She could play innocent? Lauren waited behind the tree and than heard some footsteps in the grass. She saw a boy coming and when she looked more closer she noticed Aonghas. Or at least he looked like it. She waited until she was sure, but than heard his voice calling her name. Lauren thought this would be the right moment to prank him. She kept silent and after a while he called her name again. '' Aren't you supposed to have dinner in the Great Hall?!'' The blonde than said and tried to copy a Professor's voice. And than she jumped from the tree and looked at her friend. '' I'm hereee.'' she than said and grinned. It really seemed like Aonghas was more afraid than she was for this trip. '' Shall we go? Did no one follow you? Really this is gonna be amazing!'' Lauren took her wand and made her end of the wand lighten up with Lumos. Perhaps she scared some amazing creatures away, but she was sure otherwise she would fall over a tree or something. And they could put out the light if neccesary.
Aonghas felt himself freeze a little when a voice that sounded like Laurens spoke as if a professor. He was half tempted to leave, but she jumped out at him, causing him to startle a little and swear a little under his breath, ”Merlin,” he spoke softly shaking his head at him. He didn’t want to go into the forest, it seemed like a dumb and reckless thing for any person to do, and it was just odd that they would be doing it anyway. It was forbidden and Aonghas didn’t want to get into trouble. He shrugged at her, ”Aye if ye insist,” the hufflepuff said to her taking out his wand and with careful practice said the spell and the wand lit up. He held it out in front of him and rolled his eyes a little at her, ”Ye promised me snacks Lauren,” Aonghas told her as he followed her into the forest with his wand out in front of him, looking half where they were heading, but almost entirely towards Lauren, with his other hand held out looking to get a snack for his hard work. She had promised him that after all, so who was he to not want her to deliver on it, especially as they were exploring a place that Aonghas hadn’t been too convinced of. Not a place he particularly wanted to visit, but here he was anyway, out of the obligation to Lauren and also for the snacks she had promised.
Lauren already hoped Aonghas would react the way as he did. Lauren was not the best influence for others, and Aonghas seemed more innocent than she was. But there was something that she liked and Aonghas was kind to her and just let her do her thing. And he also made her think more before she did anything. Not that, that really helped so far. Since they were here at the beginning of the forbidden forest right now. The blonde grinned as she heard Aonghas and knew that her joke worked. Anytime!! '' No It's Lauren.'' She than said and sticked her tong out for a moment. Lauren was glad Aonghas still came. '' I actually do.'' She than said with a grin. But she didn't want to make Aonghas feel bad. Lauren could play bossy sometimes, but she didn't want to be like her father. Who actually thought he was the boss always. She hated that! Lauren looked back if Aonghas followed her and she set foot in the forest and lightend up a bit with her wand. She had been saying she would bring snacks, and ofcourse she had. Lauren stopped for a moment all of sudden and turned her head to Aonghas.
'' Ofcourse I have. And here is it! Are you hungry already?'' Lauren had brought a lot of stuff in her bag. In case they would get lost. But she didn't mentioned that to Aonghas. Otherwise he would never come along she figured. And Lauren didn't thought that would happen.
'' I'm so curious. What do you think we are gonna find?'' The blonde than asked Aonghas.
Aonghas rolled his eyes at her when she joked from him saying Merlin. There was no time for her to be acting like that, they needed to get into the forest and get started on what they needed to. Searching for whatever was in this forest. He gladly took the food that she handed to him, and quickly bit into it. This was the thing that would keep on going during this forest trip with her. He followed beside her as they headed into the forest, ”Ah’m always hungry,” the boy replied with a little smile and shrug to her. It was true, mostly, he wasn’t always hungry, but he’d be unlikely to ever turn down a snack. The boy shrugged at what she said, ”Ma da swears doon, that when he wis at school, at the other hogwarts that he seen a massive spider in the forest, but ah dinnae believe it,” the boy replied with a little shrug, he wasn’t necessarily afraid of the forest, he just didn’t want to get into trouble, ”Ah ‘hink theres centaurs and maybe the occasional unicorn, but nae mare than that, forests just seem scary cause they’re dark,” the boy had lived next to many a forest, there had never been anything scary about them, they had been dangerous in the way that any forest could be, but he didn’t think there was ever anything specifically in them that was too out of the ordinary, as far as he knew New Zealand didn’t have any wolves or bears. They might see some deer, but that was about it. ”Whit dae ye ‘hink we’ll find?”

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