A Slytherin gang

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Firstly - Woop! Kaede got into Slytherin!

But back to the point: Kaede is going to start her own gang. It is a gang for Slytherins only and they must all be KIND. However, they are going to be mean to any gangs that are BAD :)

Please put your name down to join! We can discuss a gang title afterwards. This gang will consist of 5 or less first years.

Can my other Slytherin Jonas be in ?
He's a pretty friendly boy, and actually very spontaneous and fun. He's enthusiastic, and he cherish his friends. He's too good to be in Slytherin xD

(( Haha. My Terry in Dark Elites for the mean Slytherins, and Jonas in the good Slytherin gang. Such irony. Lol ))

-- Bryan :)
A nice gang of Slytherins? Alright, I'm up for it.
Sign Helene Vanetta up for it :D Although she will be going insane in the future :lol:
Gladly :)

So far we have:

Kaede Alohilani,
Helene Vanetta,
Jonas something.

Any suggestions for a gang name?
Green Angels? As in- Green-slytherin, Angels-good.
Or silver angels (the other slytherin colour) I have no idea. But I will make a banner once you decide we have all the members :)
I like Green Angels too :)

Then that is what we shall be called. We have three members so far, that's ok but I hope to get at least one more :D

What do you all think? Is three enough?
Three is fine. Goth gang only has three permanent members :p
Could you either PM Helene or reply here with who your play-bys are so I can start on the sig? :)
Hehehe okay xD -sends in little brother- he'll join with you later. he needs to sort out his play-by/siggy lol... you know we should rp then..
Yeah, I don't know anyone's PB's really yet, And I've forgotten Kaede's so I may change it.
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