Closed A Slow Waltz

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Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie was rather looking forward to this valentines day dance. She had spent most of her week working a lot so that she would be able to go along to the valentine's day dance. She knew that she probably didn’t need to, but part of her had wanted to make sure that she didn’t have to worry about catching up or having more work to do. Mostly Minnie was viewing this as the last night off until she finished her exams, there would be no choice in the matter she would have to focus and be sure that she wasn’t distracted, just after this night. Minnie was looking at herself in the mirror, running her hands over the seams of the dress, flattening things down that didn’t need to be flattened. She eventually felt content and then went to the great hall. She was walking slowly trying to make the most of it. Eventually getting to the hall and just waiting for Eric, knowing he’d be there soon enough.
After the different decorations for the yule ball, seeing the same old hideous Valentine's decorations was almost comforting. Eric was feeling strange about this night. He had never been all that interested in the school events, but with this being his final one he felt weirdly nostalgic about them. He wondered if Minnie was feeling the same. It didn't take long for Eric to find her, and he couldn't help grinning at the sight of her. "Hi." He said, moving closer and taking her hand. "You look beautiful." He said, hoping she didn't mind that he was wearing the same suit as he had at the last dance.
Minnie gave Eric a little smile as she spotted Eric, she took his hand happily and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "So do you," she had never minded someone wearing the same outfit, and knew that if she hadn't been working she would've worn one outfit to both too. Minnie looked back to the hall and at the decorations. "You know back when we first met, I don't think I'd have ever thought I'd be spending my last Hogwarts celebration with the guy who threw my book," Minnie said, she had a warm tone, and she was looking at him, her gaze seemingly mapping his face, trying to take it all in. "I love you Eric,"
Eric kept staring at Minnie as she spoke, taking her in. He knew he would remember this dance for a long time, the final one with Minnie. Hopefully, he would remember it with her many years from now, but he knew the future wasn't so certain. He blinked when she spoke about their first meeting and laughed softy in surprise. "I had forgotten about that." He admitted. "If it helps, I would never have thought I would even attend this dance, or made it through all these years at Hogwarts without getting kicked out, or dropping out." He said softly. "I'm glad I did." He added. "I... I love you too." He whispered, leaning in slightly to make sure she would hear it.
It wasn't particularly surprising that he might not remember their first meeting when she did. She remembered what she'd thought of him then, what her opinion of him had been for years. But he wasn't that sort of person, at least not to her. They had changed, grown and she knew a younger version of herself would've never believed that of all people Eric Holland was the one who understood her the most. "I'm glad too," she told him and felt warmed as he said he loved her back. She hadn't really expected him to say it back but she was glad he did. She reached up and lightly kissed his cheek, "Shall we get drinks?"
Eric wondered if he had brought down the mood by mentioning the possibility of him being kicked out or dropping out. Thankfully, she didn't linger on it. She simply said she was glad he was here, which was something that made him feel warm inside. He leaned in and kissed her softly after Minnie kissed his cheek. Then he shook his head. "Let's dance first." He said, knowing Minnie enjoyed dancing at these events. It was their final one, and Eric was determined to dance with her as much as she wanted. "Then we can get some drinks."
Minnie had a warm expression on her features, unable to stop herself from feeling joyful over Eric's words, this dance. "Okay," she agreed, she never want Eric to feel like he had to dance, but she'd always accept it when he offered, even if it did just end up being one dance. She began moving towards the dance floor, keeping herself close to Eric and eventually reaching a point where they could start dancing. She wanted to thank him for coming to this, but it felt redundant, instead she just put her hands on his shoulders and moved to the music with him.
Eric took Minnie's hand and led her to the dance floor, glancing at her with a fond smile on his face. Once they were there, he pulled her close as they started to dance, putting his hands on her waist. He wanted to remember the sight of her like this, with the rose petals falling down. Eric leaned in and kissed her gently. "I love you." He said softly. "I... I want to be with you, even after we graduate." He said, voicing a fear he hadn't voiced yet. "Do you want that too?" He didn't know Minnie's plans after graduation, not exactly. It was a scary topic he hadn't brought up much. "Whatever you want to do, I'll be there for you."
Minnie's gaze didn't move from Eric, she kissed him back, enjoying this simple feeling of just being able to dance with him. She knew she was going to become unpleasant to be around as she did her last semester before she could graduate. The words he said to her, filled her with love. She gave a little confused frown but nodded. "I want that, so much," she assured him, she placed a hand gently on his cheek. "I'm not sure what I'll do, but we can figure it all out together," She wasn't sure if they'd immediately move out, or if she would move out first and he would join her, but she knew she wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.
Eric hadn't brought up his lack of post-graduation plans mostly because he had figured Minnie would have something planned for herself. So hearing her say that she wasn't sure what she would do either made him blink in surprise. "You... don't know?" He asked her hesitantly. "I figured you had something planned." He said, shaking his head slightly. "Sorry. That's not bad or anything. I just... haven't really wanted to talk about all that stuff. I don't even like Hogwarts but graduating kind of sucks too." He said, frowning.
Minnie gave a little shrug, "My parents had everything planned out," she admited softly, and much like a lot in her life, that shift in her path had opened doors and if she passed all her exams would open avenues pretty closed off to her, but she didn't know what she wanted to do and she didn't know if she was supposed do something proper or not. She gave a little smile and then just moved to stand closer to him, wrapped her arms around him in a hug as they still mostly swayed. She found it almost odd that she probably wanted to graduate more than he did. "I think once we graduate I'll finally be able to breathe again,"
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