Closed A Simple Study Session

Oscar Davies

Sarcastic Prick | Herbologist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Acacia Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
7/2040 (17)
Oscar could often be found in the Hogwarts library if he wasn’t roaming the grounds or the greenhouses and today was no different. He liked the library, he also liked the smell of books and how silent it could get at times, especially at times when he really needed to focus on his studies. If the school had become his second home over the years, then the library had become his third. Which was why it was no surprise that he could often be found here. And with every professor telling the fifth years that this year would be their hardest because of the OWLs exams they’d be taking at the end of the year, Oscar had decided to start studying for them early on so that he would have a bit more free time later. It also helped him to understand most of the topics talked about in class beforehand, which was always a good thing. With books on Ancient Runes as well as Herbology sprawled out on the table, the Ravenclaw was trying his best to take in everything he was reading. It was probably going to take all afternoon, though, because he found it difficult to continue to concentrate on the task at hand - he had been in the library for most of the day after all.
Harper had never really been one to dwell on her worries, especially when it came to school. For one, it was unproductive. But also, she hadn't really needed to worry about her grades up until now. A decent amount of smarts and good study habits had allowed her to get through most of her classes without much trouble — until now. Harper had spent the past couple weeks trying to teach herself third- and fourth-year Herbology, and the more she learned, the more she realized just how far behind she was. But she was not about to give up. She needed that Herbology OWL. She only wished she'd had the foresight not to drop the class back in third year.

She couldn't change the past, so she had resigned herself to a semester of intensive studying. Today, Harper was in the library, gathering supplementary reading material. Once she had accumulated a large stack of books, she scanned the tables for an empty spot. Noticing one in front of Oscar, she made her way over and set her books down with a heavy thump. "Hey, mind if I join you? Everywhere else is taken," she said with an apologetic smile.
Oscar didn’t often struggle to keep his focus on something but he could definitely tell that his brain had had enough for the moment. He could barely concentrate on finishing the sentences in front of him and completely stopped taking notes so that at some point he didn’t even know where he had stopped and where he needed to continue from. Perhaps it would be for the best if he took a small break from studying for now and focus on something else entirely for a couple of minutes. The opportunity to do so presented itself when one of his classmates joined him at the table with a large stack of books of her own. ‘’Of course not! Please, go ahead,’’ he said with a smile and quickly gathered his books together to make room for Harper at the table. ‘’I see that you are starting early as well, then?’’ he asked, looking at the stack of books she’d just put down on the table.
Harper was relieved when Oscar didn't seem too upset about her joining him. Most of the other tables were already occupied, and she really didn't want to carry the heavy stack of books elsewhere. Shooting him a grateful smile, she took a seat and started to pull out a notebook and some pens. At his question, Harper glanced at her stack of books in surprise. "Kind of?" She supposed it did look like she was getting a head start on OWL studying. Harper shook her head. "It's probably more accurate to say I'm starting late. For some reason, I decided it'd be a good idea to get an OWL in Herbology even though I haven't taken the class in two years," she said with a little laugh. It was annoying, yes, but there wasn't much she could do about it. She needed that OWL if she wanted to be an auror. "Gotta cram everything in before next semester." Harper glanced at the Ancient Runes and Herbology texts sprawled across the table. "I'm guessing you're actually starting early?"

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