A Serious Discussion

Larissa Sedgwick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beth / Bethy
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Larissa entered the Great Hall, her hands still holding her necklace.
She made her way to the Slytherin table and waited for Libby.
She didn't touch her food.
Libby followed Laris to the great hall and sat down next to her. !What was it you wanted to say?" she still definatly wasn't in a chatty mood, and had no idea when she would be, but kept polite.
Larissa noticed the tone in Libby's voice but still said "I got asked by Rician and I didn't know what else to say so I said yes but I really wanted to go with Robert but he never asked me and I don't know if you can say no to someone when you've already said yes." Larissa was panting by the end of her sentence. She poured two glasses of pumpkin juice and handed one to Libby.
Libby turned her nose up to the pumpkin juice and pushed it away. "Well does Robert like you in that way?"

(lol!!! hahahaha, u and urself xD soz :p )
"No idea." Larissa sighed. "But I really don't want to go with Rician.."
She really couldn't be bothered to talk about relationships right now so said, "So dump Ric and ask Robert yourself" before walking out to find a nice empty corridor to sulk in.
((Lol.. So him Ric?))

Larissa stared after Libby.
She had really caused more trouble than necessary.
Larissa sighed and began to munch on some bread.

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