Open A Rose with a side of history

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
when Selene had received her roses her heart had sank. out of all of the people in the school she had to deliver to she had @Tyler Lee. the boy who had upset her at the yule ball. well, at least it would be an easy delivery. she had a class with him this morning. as she had sat in the class she had hardly focused on what Professor Sword was talking about as she had been so nervous about having to give him a rose. once the class was over she stood up and walked over to him. she could at least get this over and done with now so she wasn't worrying about it all day. "Tyler" she said. stopping next to the desk he was at. what would helia do she asked herself. but wasn't quite sure. "It's rose day and someone sent you a rose" she said before looking in the basket for the one with his name on it.
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Much like last year, Tyler had sent only one rose. An anonymous pink one to Sierra. He had debated signing his name, but it felt like a bad idea. He had no idea if she liked him too, and he didn't want to risk humiliation. That didn't mean he didn't hope for a rose in return, and he looked around for rose delivery people whenever he entered a new room or corridor. After History of Magic, Tyler wanted to stop by the common room in case anyone went to look for him there. But as he was still packing up his things, Selene suddenly stopped at his desk. He frowned at her, about to ask what she wanted. But then she revealed she had a rose for him. "Alright." He said, still annoyed about their encounter at the yule ball, but also intrigued by this. "Well, give it to me." He added, a tad impatient.
Selene realised that unlike the yule ball she was the one who held the cards, or rather roses. she sat down at the empty desk next to him. "do you mind if I sit here while i look for it" she said. putting the basket on the table it was filled with five roses, of which four were yellow one was pink and one special one was red. there was also a cat and several notes.
Tyler made a show of sighing at her words, leaning back in his chair. "Fine, if that will make you find it faster." He said, rolling his eyes. "You don't seem very prepared." He commented as he glanced at the basket. "Why do you even sign up for this?" He asked, genuinely curious why anyone would.
a thought came into her mind. something that she could see helia saying she smiled at the idea of it. "I wasn't actually going to look for it. I was just hoping it would appear if i waited" she said scratching asteria behind the ears to help her keep a straight face. it wasn't something she would have usually said. but the thought of it had been too tempting 'It is fun. you get to surprise people and make them happy. most people like getting flowers" she said.
Tyler scowled at Selene as she suddenly got sarcastic with him. "You're the one who signed up for this, it's not my fault you're slow." He told her. "And if I have to wait here while you develop a sense of humor, I'll be waiting even longer." He shrugged when she explained why she did it, he didn't see how it was worth it. "Right, whatever." He muttered.
Selene felt like she wanted to get out again. but this time she was the one with the control. the thought about tres who had saved her last time what had she said. something about her being outside kissing a different boy. if only she had had the forethought to leave the note outside. though she was starting to regret doing this at all. "I am not being slow. I am waiting for the note to arrive. did you ever find sierra at the ball?" she asked changing the topic. she wanted to be out of this room, but she had dug herself into this situation and now she had to keep it up.

OOCOut of Character:
i promise i will actually post the note next post.
Tyler was losing his patience, getting to his feet as he got up from his desk. "If you're not going to give me that rose and that note, I'll complain to whoever runs this." He told her, frustrated. "You'll be blocked from delivering roses again, and probably getting them too." He sneered. "Not that you're likely to get any of worth." He pointedly ignored her question, not wanting to get into Sierra with this girl.
Selene was a little taken aback by the boys' response. she had clearly hit a nerve with him if she was someone else, someone more cunning or more manipulative then she would have found a way to taunt him more. however, she wasn't. in fact her nerve was failing her fast. she heard a hiss come from the basket and saw asteria had her shackles up as if ready for a fight. "They wouldn't, I am too reliable in the delivering. and I have already received one today thank you for asking." she said. hoping that she had been able to hide the lie well enough she too stood up. "hey, I found your note" she said picking the top one off the pile and handing it to him along with a yellow rose. "It's a yellow one but it might be from sierra" she said as she passed it to him. she didn't know if it was, she wasn't the kind of person to read other peoples valentines she was no voyeur.

note said:

Happy Valentines

Tyler scowled. "Yeah they would, you're just some random person. I bet they even know who you are, there are tons of people delivering roses." He told her, not liking how important she was making herself seem. "And will you cut it out about Sierra? I tried to talk to her at one party, that's all. You're the one who keeps bringing her up." He snatched the yellow flower from her, as well as the note. "You can go now." He told her.
Selene shrugged one shoulder. they wouldn't really kick her off. he was the one being a pain to her. "whatever. have a good valentines day" she said forcing herself to smile though it may have come across as a little strained. when he said she could leave she suddenly got one more ounce of courage. she stood up. "Actually I wanted to talk to professor Sword about something. But you are welcome to leave. she said. making her way towards the professor's desk desperately trying to think about something she could ask her. her mind set on the holidays and walking around Salem with Thackery. yes the salem witch trials were as good of a topic as any.
Tyler rolled his eyes when Selene smiled at him, as if that made up for her making fun of him earlier. He scoffed when she said she needed to talk to Professor Sword. "Whatever, nerd." He sneered before turning and leaving the classroom quickly. He hated that she had caught on about his crush on Sierra. It was personal, and he hated having it shoved in his face by some loser. But hopefully he had convinced her to shut up about it now.

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