Closed A Romantic Picnic

Therese Fergusson

Woolongong Warriors Keeper | Sweetheart | Mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale
Therese had been planning this because she figured she should do something for her boyfriend. It was a beautiful day outside and she figured they should make use of it. The brunette took with her a basket with food and drinks that she had asked the house elves to make. She was really thankfull for that, they were sweet. And she got a blanket so that they could sit and have a picnic together. Therese walked through the grass and found a nice spot where they could sit together and enjoy life. The brunette was now together with Leif for some while. After Rory the brunette figured it would last long before she would find someone that she felt as happy with as with Rory, but Leif had always been a good friend and there was more than just friendship. Both from Scandinavian country's bonded them easily and they were both growing up so fast and Leif was one of the most handsome boys in their year, if not the best looking one. Therese dark from hair and Leif blonde a true Scandinavian. The brunette put down all the food and drinks and decided to get some flowers so that she could decorate a bit. She wanted to enjoy the last weeks before the break, because they would already go to their last year after the break. The brunette didn't want to think of that too soon. She enjoyed her time here too much. When all was ready and set, she went sitting on the blanket and waited until Leif would join her. She had send a note so he should be here soon, but it was a suprise what waited on him.
They had been together for a while now, but Leif honestly still could not believe that Therese had said yes to being his girlfriend. She had been his best friend, and when he had started noticing that his feelings for her might be more than that he had been scared more than ever. It had been a time in which his confidence had been at an all time low, and he had struggled with his feelings and whether or not he should act on them. Luckily, he hadn't been the only one feeling this way and he was now happily making his way towards the lawn to meet with Therese. The boy had no idea what she had planned, but she had sent him a note asking him to meet her there so he happily obliged. As Leif made his way across the lawn it didn't take him long to spot the face he enjoyed seeing more than any other. "Hi." He smiled, as he approached her and quietly took in everything that she had neatly put out onto the blanket. "Did I do something to deserve this?" He chuckled as he sat himself down next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Or did you just feel like having a picnic."
The moment Therese saw Leif walking towards her she was almost finished with making it how she wanted too. Leif was quickly or she was too late with laying it all down. But it was fine she figured. How it looked was not the most important thing. They both were. When she saw Leif walking towards her she smiled bright. A familliar blonde head came closer and closer. When he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek she smiled and put her hand at his cheek. She was so happy, and she wanted to enjoy this moment together. '' Hey '' She said later on and smiled towards Leif. It was a suprise for him and she was glad that he didn't knew something at all. '' Yes. You have! For being an very sweet boyfriend.'' Therese than said and touched his hand for a moment. She took a glass and than looked at Leif. '' And that also. '' She started smiling. '' But I just wanted to do something together, something special before the year is over.'' She thought about their last year next, and she didn't felt really happy about that.
Leif hadn't expected Therese to put up something like this, or at least he wouldn't expect her to go to so much trouble for him. That didn't mean that he didn't like it though, he honestly loved that she had set up a surprise like this for him. It just once again proved that she was an absolute sweetheart. "Well if this is what I get for being me, then I don't think I deserve you." He chuckled and took her hand, his fingers intertwining with her. For some reason he had always liked holding hands, still not sure why. Perhaps because it was such a small gesture, yet often held a lot of meaning. "It's unreal right?" Leif asked her when she mentioned the year almost coming to an end. "I can't believe we'll be entering our last year here." He lightly smiled, still not sure how he felt about his time at the school almost being over. At one side he was ready to leave the castle and step out into the world, yet on the other side he had difficulties figuring out what his path would be after graduation. All he could hope for right now was that Therese would still be by his side in a year's time.
Therese hoped that Leif was as happy with this as she was. And thought the same about them. But he seemed to be suprised of how much work she had put into it and Therese was just happy he was suprised. She liked to spoil people and make them happy. She smiled for a moment at his respond, he was such a sweetheart. She felt happy as he touched her hand too, she felt really happy. Was this really love? She figured it was. '' You being you is perfect. And you deserve this.'' Therese than said. She didn't knew why she felt like she had did not enough this year to show that, just like she wanted to prove something to herself? But she figured she wanted to make the best of the time still on Hogwarts. She than nodded again. '' Me neither.. I'm not trying to think too much about it, but I do.'' The brunette than said. And than looked to the food she had been getting from the house elves. '' Do you want something? Got food and drinks. Name it.'' She than explained and smiled sweet.
Leif smiled at Therese again, or perhaps he had started smiling when he arrived and just couldn't seem to stop. He didn't want to stop. He was happy and he wanted to make sure she knew. The boy didn't seem himself as anything near perfect, but he wasn't going to argue with her over something nice. "I know right?" He responded to her saying she didn't want to think about it being their last year next year, but still doing so. "Unfortunately, we're kind of forced to think about it, and about life after school as well." Leif tried not too sound to negative. As much as he had loved Hogwarts, part of him was ready to leave and to see what more the world had to offer. Even if he still didn't know what he wanted to do. "Well it all looks great, so I'm going to have a hard time choosing." He chuckled, looking at all the food on display in front of him.
Therese agreed with Leif, but on the other hand she found it really hard. She liked playing Quidditch and thought of making an carreer out of it, but she wasn't sure if she was good enough for that. But they were kind of forced thinking of it, a year went so fast and she just had to do something after school. '' Your right. I kind of do, but it seems hard to actually choose something. I'm kind of thinking of Quidditch but not sure.. I just have to do my best.'' Therese than said. Hufflepuff had to do better this year for sure. And she wanted to be a really good keeper. She liked doing it. '' What about you? Any idea's?'' Therese than asked her boyfriend. It was kind of important to know, since if they would stay together they had to bind their paths together. 'The brunette than smiled and took a strawberry. '' Than I will choose!'' She said while laughing and put it in his mouth, and started to grin.
Leif couldn't say he was surprised that Therese was thinking about continuing to play Quidditch after she had graduated. He know she liked the sport, and she wasn't bad at it either. "Well if you just keep working as hard as you do, I think any club would be foolish not to take you on." He smiled at her, trying his best to keep the smile on his face when she returned the question to him. He knew she was his girlfriend, but as confident as he always was he didn't want to admit how much he had been struggling with thinking about carreer paths he could take after graduation. "I'm not sure yet," He responded, "But I'll figure it out soon enough." Not only did he have to figure out what he wanted to do, but the boy also knew that if his path would take him in a completely different direction than Therese's path would take her, things could get tough for them. Leif chuckled when he couldn't decide what to eat and Therese had decided for him. Perhaps now was a good time to put his worries about the future to the side for a moment and just enjoy spending this time with his girlfriend.



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